Desiree's POV
I walked in from my day with David to my parents on the couch.
"And where were you Desiree?" My mom asked me folding her arms across her chest.
I laughed in their faces until I saw that she was being completely serious. "I was out Ma," I took my sneakers off and put them aside.
"Well it's nearly 11pm," My dad added taking off his glasses. "Nailea came and put Delilah to bed instead of you."
"Dad I am 21 year old," I moved the hair from my face so I could get a better look at them. "Nailea has no problem putting Lilah down and shes done it plenty of times."
Before I new it I was arguing with my parents who seemed to still think I was 16. And speaking of being 16.
"You guys are so fucking childish," I screamed at them. "You lied to David all these years about my pregnancy when I was 16! You knew I wanted him there for it all!"
"He's no good for you Desiree!" My mom screamed at me. I knew how loud we were but it was hard not to be.
"What the hell woman!" I screamed at her begining to cry. "The man you we my back into his life and his fucking daughter with open arms is no good for me!"
"He reached out to me every day for the last year! He wanted nothing but to know I was simply alive Ma! This man is prepared to move his entire life to Los fucking Angelos to be in our lives while you shut me out!"
I was on the verge of bawling my eyes out at this moment. All the years of pint up anger was releasing itself.
"You guys shut him out of my life for five fucking years! Five years of me having to cry every time I didn't know how to parent my fucking daughter! That little girl never fucking met her dad but was obsessed with him!"
Some how I pulled myself together to say one ladt thing to them both. "Im getting the hell out of here. I'm taking my daughter and Nai with me. I promise you I am not coming back."
I walked into my room and put all of my stuff in the suitcases. I couldn't help but get angrier and I guess from all the noise Nai came rushing into the room.
"Whats happening?" She rubbed her eyes trying to wake herself.
"If getting out of this fucking house bro," I turned to her and sighed dramatically. "Im being treated like I'm not a fucking adult. I'm either getting a hotel room or staying with David."
Nai was automatically on my side and grabbed her things, helping me gather Delilah's stuff.
I called an uber and we all waited outside until it came. While we waited I asked David if we could stay over.
When the driver came I gave the adress and as we drove away from the house I saw my mom watching from the window.
I can't believe they think they can still treat me like a child. I'm 21 fucking years old.
I have raised a little girl all alone for 5 years. They were there for none of it.
"Desiree calm down a tiny bit," Nai said when she saw how worked up I was.
I could only nod my head and look back out the window. The street was slowly falling asleep.
The stores were closing up and their owners leaving to go home. People were walking home. There were fewer cars on the road.
When we got to the home and got out I was so amazed at how much his house hadn't changed.
When the door was opened I was first greeted by his mom. She was still the same little spainish woman I met all those years ago.
"Oh dios mio is that Desiree?" She ran up to me and hugged me so so tightly but I felt loved.
"Hola Mami," I smiled into the hug. She always greeted me like this, like I belonged here.
When she finally let go of me she noticed Delilah. "And I didn't know you had a little sister," she looked at me confused.
"Actually," I picked Delilah up and she quickly laid her head on my shoulder. "This is my daughter and your granddaughter."
David's mom never knew about Delilah, she never suspected I was preganant and she was not aware of why I left.
"You had a baby?" She said looking at us both.
"Yea and my parents moved me to San Fransico to have her," I laid Delilah on the couch because she was getting heavy. "I didn't know what would happen if I came back, so I didn't."
I talked to David's mom for 20 minutes until he finally came down stairs.
"Are you okay?" He ran over to me and hugged me.
"Yes I'm fine," I simply hugged him tighter, not wanting to let him go.
He was all I wanted in that moment. His embrace was enough for all of the yelling and fighting to evaporate.
We went upstairs and after I showered, I laid in David's bed which also hasn't changed since I was last here.
"Delilah is in the guest room sleep right now and I think Nai is sleeping with Notti," David climbed in the bed and laid close to me.
"Thank you for this," I said to him quietly. I still was upset.
I wasn't even here a week and my parents found a way to drive me away. I wanna wish I never came back but if I hadn't, it would have been like loosing David all over again.
"Desiree you seem upset whats wrong?" David asked. He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me in closer.
"I keep feeling like I'm destroying everything around me," I admited. "I mean Lilah just got to know my parents now I don't even want her to see them ever again. Then I had been hurting you for the last 5 years by simply not talking to you."
I felt him kiss my head, them my cheek and lastly my lips. "You did nothing wrong Des," I stroked my cheek gently with his thumb. "You always do what you think is right, what you believe will protect everyone around you."
With his words I slowly drifted off to sleep.
But no before I heard him whisper 3 words....
I love you.
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