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Desiree's POV
I woke up to the sun shing in my face and David missing from the bed.

I tried looking all over for him but I couldn't find him anywhere. I got tired of looking so I went downstairs to find everyone in the living room, minus David and Delilah.

"Ew what the fuck is that thing?" Nai joked trynna be funny.

"Alright bitch pipe down," I said sitting on the couch next to her.

"Buenos dias mi amor," David's mom spoke from the kitchen. The smell of breakfast was becoming more extreme.

"Buenos dias Mami," I smiled at her and some boy who was sitting next to Ethan looked at me all crazy.

"Notti ian know you had a sister," He said and I looked at him crazy.

"Hi I'm Desiree," I stuck my hand out for him to shake. "I'm David's baby mother and his girlfriend."

When I say this kid looked at me like I had 10 heads.

"Oh you Dd's jawn," He said finally. "Yo I'm Ddot."

I looked at Ethan who sighed before telling me the boy's real name was Darrien.

"Des doesn't really do nicknames," Ethan explained. "I've known her for six years and she refuses to call me Notti."

"Six year? Then how come I'm meeting her just now?" Darrien asked.

"Long story short I live in LA and I'm8 spending this summer here in New York."

We all were talking when the door opened. In walked in David's three older siblings.

"Is that Lil Des?" Justin or as these idiots call him Jayklickin said and I ran over and hugged him.

"Wassup Jay," I let go of him before hugging Jstar, he knows i hate calling him that nonsense but he won't give up that government, and Melz.

"Well what brings you back to New York?" Jay asked sitting next to Darrien.

"Spending the summer here with my best friend and my-" Before I could mention Delilah she came running down.

"Daddy stop tickling me!" She ran down the stairs with David running close behind. "Mami save me!"

The little girl jumped in my arms and I kissed her all over her face.

"Good morning my love," I moved her curl from her face and she smiled at me. "Your Abuela is making breakfast you wanna go help?"

She ran into the kitchen with David's mom leaving the 3 older Reyes kids staring at me and their brother.

"How come we are just hearing about a daughter?!" Jay asked as David sat next to me, wrapping his arm around me.

"Because she lived in LA with me and David didn't even know about her til like 2 days ago," I shrugged.

"Well whats her name? How old is she?" Melz asked and I answered her millions of questions.

After breakfast we all got dressed and I was thinking about taking Delilah to time square and maybe the American Girl store.

I know I loved it when I was her age so I was hoping it would be fun.

I got us dress in matching fits. I slicked her long curls back into a high ponytail.

I curled my hair on David's floor whild he showered.

I was only half way done when he came in with his towel around his waist and his his curls dripping water.

"Damn Ma you look good as hell right now," He said trying off his hair and I smiled at him.

"Thank you," I said returning to my hair. "Not too bad yourself."

He got dressed as I finished my hair and by time I was done I noticed him sitting and watching me.

"What are you staring at David?" I unplugged my curling iron.

"My beautiful baby mama," He said as I stood up and he ushered me over to him.

When I walked over he grabbed my waist and smiled up at me. I slowly leaned in as he leaned up and as our lips touched the door swong open, forcing us apart.

"Mami I'm ready to go!" Delilah dramatically threw herself on the bed.

"Okay go give your Abuela a hug and kiss good bye," I told her and she ran out the room leaving us alone again.

"Theres my que to leave," I smiled at him trying to walk away but he grabbed my arm pulling me back towards him and kissed me.

"I'll see you later," He smiled at me before allowing me to walk away.

"I love you," I told him as I walked out the door and he paused before saying it back.

"I love you too," He smiled at me and I walked out the room with my purse, keys and phone in hand.

I rented a car for the time I was here in New York and it arrived this morning.

As me and Delilah drove to Time Square I decided to stop at Starbucks and we could sit in the parking lot for a bit.

While we wereing sitting there she decided to sit on my lap and I got some pics that I posted to Instagram.


Caption: Mini meπŸ’‹

When we finally arrived at Time Square Delilah was so excited to see all of the stores and the people.

She almost ran circles around me and we walked through the different stores.

She was allowed to get a lot of stuff during the shopping trip and to my suprise she was more happy being there rather than getting anything.

She got some candy and her American Girl doll that she named Dream. She even got Dream a couple of outfits and even a dog.

When we finally got back to David's house, it was almost empty besides David sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey where is everybody?" I asked closing the door behind me.

"They wanted to go to the mall," He said smiling at me. "I thought I'd wait here for my girls."

I smiled at his words and joined him on the couch.

"Daddy look what Mommy got me!" Delilah smiled as she showed off her new doll.

When we finally settled into bed I sat awake working on some paperwork.

"Hey Des I have something to ask you," David said and I looked up from the papers.  "So I have a concert in like a week or so and I was just wondering if you wanted to come and watch. You totally don't have to but-"

"Awe David I'd love to but as far as I can see my scheduale is pretty busy betweem looking for an apartment to rent while I'm in New York and all these brand deals."

I saw the expression on his face drop and it made me a little sad.

"It's fine maybe next time," he forced a smile and after a couple minutes we both laid back in bed attempting to fall asleep.

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