Desiree's POV
Six Years Ago
I sat awaiting my friends to pick me up for a party that they just had to drag me to even though all I wanted to do was all in bed.
I mean its my birthday so I was out alot today and just wanted to relax.
This party was at somebody's house that I ain't even know. There was gonna be some bullshit that was gonna happen that I wasn't prepared for.
I was in a calm fit and since I didn't do my birthday post I just posted a pic of me in my outfit.
Caption: Another Year Wiser🤍
When my friends pulled up they all looked at me crazy because they were all in dresses and I was wearing cargos, a crew neck and sneakers.
"Fuck yall starin' for," I mean mugged them as I got into the car.
"Girl," Imani turned around and looked at me. "It is your big 16 and you came out looking at a stud."
"I didn't wanna come out," I crossed my arms leaning back into my seat. "Now hurry up and drive or I'm going back in."
She quickly pulled off from infront of my house.
All these girls were talking about who they wanted to see at the party while I was counting down the time til I'd be home.
When we arrived at the house, there were people scattered everywhere and the second we stepped from the car my friends were swept away.
I was left all alone so I just walked toward the drinks and grabbed some sprite because I was not in the mood to drink right now.
I stood against a wall and watched all of the people.
There were the girls with their tiny dresses on, not shaming because they had nice ass bodies but still.
Everyone was having a good time and I felt so weird just standing there.
I looked at my drink, my phone, the walls, the people. Anything to make time go faster but it seemed to be getting slower and slower by the minute.
As I stood there all alone a boy with brown curls walked up to me. He looked a little younger than I was and he was in a white tee and some grey sweats with a pair of 4s.
"Yo whats ya name?" He asked and I admired how straight forward he was.
"Desiree," I smiled at him. "And you are?"
"Ethan," He smiled back at me. "But everybody calls me Notti. Um ma brother over there thinks you're really cute amd wanted to know if he could get your number."
Ethan pointed over to the couch where a boy with the same deep brown curls and pearly white smile sat.
When he sww me looking he smiled and licked his lips before turning away.
"If he wants my number why doesn't he just come over and ask for it himself?" I asked with a sly smile before Ethan went back over to his brother.
Within 5 minutes the boy approached me with a huge smile.
His black tee and black sweats some how made him pop even more.
"Hi I'm Dd," He smiled at me and I smile back.
"Whats your real name?" I asked and he gave me a puzzled look. "I mean Dd is just your ulter ego right? Like how your brother, Ethan's, alter ego is this Notti character."
Dd laughed at my statement which I didn't find funny at all.
"It's David," He finally let up, pushing some of his hair from his face. "Now whats your name."
"Desiree," I looked him in his eyes and they were soft. Like they were at peace. "I don't have an alter ego because whats the point."
Throughout the rest of the party I was talking to David and he seemed really sweet.
"You don't have many friends do you?" He asked me and I laughed.
"I like to say im an aquired taste," I smiled. While most might take this as a insult I find it amusing. "I refuse to be anyone but myself around people and if someone doesn't like it oh well."
I shrugged and drunk the rest of my sprite. The party as dying down a little bit and my and David were sitting on the floor in a corner somewhere.
It was fun getting to know him. He's a nice guy. His smile is nice and everything.
He wasn't just trying to get in my pants rather than actually getting to know me.
"So pretty lady," He smiled at me causing me to smile back. "You come to a party, pn your birthday, wh aren't you dressed up?"
"I didn't actually wanna come but my friends convinced me," I looked up and saw Chanel standing against the wall. "Oh theres one of them right now."
I was going towave her over but she doubled over and threw up all one potted plant.
"Okay thats my que to leave," I got up and David helped my round up all of the girls anf get the into the car.
"I had alot of fun talking to you tonight," He told me leaning against the car door. His face was perfectly lit in the glow of the moon light.
Every thing was perfectly highlighted making me fall deeper into his gaze.
"I had fun too," I smiled at him. "You're not too bad."
We smiled at eachother. It was a smile that seemed to go on forever.
When I was ready to get into the car he quickly pulled me into a sweet kiss. It was very short but again, very sweet.
When he pulled away I smiled widely.
"I'll call you later Desiree," He smiled at me before returning to the party.
I watched in amazement and as I drove back to Imani's house I couldn't help but smile.
Who would have thought that this random ass party my friends forced me to go to would have a good outcome.
I met the sweetest boy in the world there. His smile was perfection. He knew his was with words and he even was really funny.
I could have stayed and talked all night. I also couldn't help but think that this meeting was fate and David would be a huge part in my life forever.
New chapter finally and ty sugarhillzay for the chapter idea. Zay is literally responsable for more than half of my novel mockingbird(go read it now) and will prob be a HUGE part in this novel as well.
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