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Desiree's POV
I woke up feeling like shit.

Last night replayed in my mind over and over again. I was so fucking hurt.

I just wanna protect Delilah's feelings. We can't exactly coparent across the country let alone have a relationship.

I was also mad about the fact that my parents lied to him all these years. They couldn't even tell the truth about what they did.

I didn't want to see them so I stayed in bed. I cried occasionaly but I mostly sat there thinking about everything.

Delilah came in and gave me a kiss good-bye before Nai took her to the park.

My parents both left for work so I was alone. No one to tell me everything would be alright.

"Is anyone home?" I heard the sound of David's voice echoing through the hall.

I was so hurt I questioned nothing and ran to him. I went to cry in his arms and without a second thought he wrapped his arms around me.

I cried and cried in his arms talking about how this was all fucked and how this was the plan. How I just wanted the family we planned but I was too scared.

"Its all my fault David," I cried to him. My arms were wrapped around his waist and my face buried in his neck. "I kept you away all these years because I was scared of being hurt."

"No no," he kissed my head. "There is no reason you should feel bad for protecting the people you love."

I sat in is arms. His words rang through my mind repeatdly.

I didn't protect him all this time. I protected myself, everytime I was protecting myself.

I could say anything else.

Thoughts raced my mind and I just got up and walked to my bedroom. I was so mentally and physically drained I laided back in bed.

"Desiree," David walked into my room and looked at me on the bed. "I'm not letting you lay in bed all day."

I didn't move or blink or even look at him. Instead of trying to talk to me again he walked over to my suitcase which was still fully packed and found me an outfit to wear.

"Get up," He told me. I didn't react to the order I just laid still. "Desiree Montez get the hell up!"

He never yelled at me. He never called me by my full name so when I finally looked up at him, I saw the tears in his eyes.

"Together or not you mean the world to me and I am not gonna let you sit around like this."

He got me up and I saw him in the same light I did 5 years ago.

We first met at a block party where most of the kids our age were hanging out and the moment I met him sparks flew.

This was Fresman year and soon after we began dating.

It was a romance straight from the movies. I would spend holidays with his family, we danced our the kitchen with the fridge being our light, snow ball fights, late night walks.

And as I stood there, looking at the boy I fell in love with so so long ago, I couldn't help but lean in and kiss his soft lips.

His hands immediately grabbed my waist and his pulled his face in closer. I didn't know what to feel other than butterflys.

When he pulled back I realized how much I missed him and I also realized how much it would hurt our little family if we didn't work out.

"David I'm scared," I whole heartedly admitted. I started to tear up. "I want you so bad. But what if we don't work out. I mean I'm going back to LA at the end of the summer."

"But what if we do work out Ma. If anything I can move out to LA witchu. I wanna be in your life and Delilah's."

I smiled at him. All these years I just wanted him in our lives and now he was volunteering.

He would really move across the country for us.

"Now get dressed we're going shopping," He smiled at me.

I grabbed the clothes off my dresser and went into the bathroom to get ready.

*an hour later*

We walked around the mall holding hands and just laughing about pointless stuff.

He was making it a point to buy Delilah some sneakers and all types of clothes and toys.

"David where is all this shit gonna go?" I laughed at all the bags we were carrying.

"To LA in our house," He kissed my hand and laughed.

I just rolled my eyes as we continued walking around the mall.

We left about 3 hours later and on our way home he made me listen to some of his songs and they were all really good.

"So mama," He looked at me, the glow of the city lights highlighted all of his features so so perfectly. "whatchu say about giving us a chance."

I looked at him and in that moment I saw my 16 year old self crying on the plane to San Fransico. All I wanted in that moment was him and now that I finally had him, I knew I couldn't let him go.

I grabbed his face and planted my lips on his.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me over the console deepening the kiss. I felt so alive in this moment.

I hadn't felt this way in so so long.

The way his hands touched my body, the way he moved his lips with mines.

Everything was amazing and when we pulled away he was smiling at me.

His smile always lit up a room. He was the prettiest thing I'd ever seen.

"But if this is gonna work we need ground rules," I wanted it to be perfect. I couldn't let this effect Delilah in anyway shape or form.

"I'm down for anything, as long as I get to have my girls in my life."

We sat in his car for and hour and a half. Most of the time I was going on and on and on about different rules but David listened with a smile on his face.

I rambled on and on about what seemed like nothing. But when I would start to get quiet he'd edge me on, making me talk more.

Eventually I was finished and instead of rolling his eyes at my lecture, with a smile on his face he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

I couldn't help but think that all these years, all those miles apart. There was something tying us together.

We both knew our story was far from over.

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