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Desiree's POV
I stood in the isles of the deli panicing. What was he gonna say about Delilah? Would he say anything at all?

"Des what the fuck was that all about?" Nai asked covering Delilah's ears.

"Nai, David was right there," I raked my fingers through my hair in disbeleif.

"Mami can I get a snack?" Delilah asked looking around. I just nodded as she ran off into the isle.

"Calm down," Nai grabbed my hands and kissed them gently. "Mi amor you're gonna need to talk to him eventually."

I couldn't consintrate and then I saw him. I saw David walk in and he stopped.

He saw me too.

He ran over and grabbed me, kissing me passionately.

Or atleast thats what I was imagining.

In reality he stood there, stuck. He looked like he was trying to walk over but couldn't and before I could move Delilah came running back.

"Mami! Mami!" She jumped into my arms and hugged my neck. "That guy over there said that hes my uncle, is that true?"

I looked over where she was and I saw Ethan. I gave him the warmest smile.

"Yes baby," I saw the looks David shot me. He didn't know about Delilah. I was planning on holding that information off for a while. "How about you go take to him mija."

Delilah ran towards him and started telling him everything he needed to know about her.

Now it was time for me to do the same with David but before I could move he was infront of me.

His eyes still shined but his face was painted in confusion. "Can we talk?"

I could only nod my head then he led me outside.

Everyone cleared off of the step he was sitting on before and as we sat the cool breeze brushed against my skin.

"so how you been?" He asked after a minute of silence. He was messing with his ring, a sign he was stressed.

"I've been good," I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and took a deep breath. Inhala, Exhala. "How about you? Did your music career ever take off?"

"I've been good and it did actually," He smiled and allowed himself to let his hands relax. "So you have a daughter?"

I almost flinched but I knew that it would come up soon enough. I knew he would want to hear about her soon enough.

And soon enough I knew i'd have to say, "Yes actually," With a deep exhale i finished the statement. "Shes our daughter."

His face didn't show anger or confusion or sadness. It showed happiness and relief.

"Oh my god," He stated with tears falling down his face. "Oh my god. I really have a daughter."

"Her name is Delilah," I started to tell him. I wanted him to know all about his baby girl. "She loves gymnastics and sour candy. Shes really hyper active. And she has the corniest jokes."

He smiled at every detail I gave him. I didn't realize that I was doing so much harm, keeping him from her.

"All these years Des," He ran his hands over his face. "Your parents tried telling me that you ran away. That you wanted nothing to do with me and that you moved on."

I laid my head on his shoulder.

I knew this boy like the back of my hand.

This moment felt right. It felt like the moment I first held Delilah. Now I got to hold the person who gave me her.

"Desiree," He started and I felt like the next words would be bad news. "Now that you're back. I wanna give us another try."

I felt my heart sinkking and glowing all in a second.

"David," I started crying softly. The gods knew how bad I wanted to be with him. "Things are different now. We have a daughter."

"So? Don't you want her to have her father in her life Desiree?" He looked like his heart was breaking all over again. "I want to have her in my life. I wanna have you in my life Des."

"Shit is complicated. I don't want something to happen between us because that effect her. And David that little girl is my whole entire world, she was the only piece of you I had left."

I couldn't help sobbing in his arms. Thinking about all the countless nights during my pregancey were I just wanted to hold him.

All the nights that Delilah was the only thing keeping me together because holding her felt like having him back with me.

"Mami?! why are you crying!" I heard Delilah say and she saw David and got mad. "Did you hurt my mami!?"

She wanted to attack him but I made her sit on my lap so I could talk to her.

"Baby I have somebody I need you to meet okay," She nodded her head slowly. "This is your papi, Delilah."

When I told her that she was over the moon. Every picture she has ever drawn she drew her papi in it.

Every christmas list had him at the top. Every bedtime story she wanted to hear was about him. And after a while I was wishing she could finally meet him.

She jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. He kissed her forehead and I just smiled at the union.

I let the two talk amongst themselves while I walked back in the store for a snack. I literally hadn't eaten since this morning and all I had was half a Starbucks pastry and coffee.

When I walked into the deli to find Nai and Ethan chatting. Nai looked like she was enjoying herself and Ethan had the biggest smile plastered on his face.

"Desiree!" Ethan said when he finally noticed me and gave me the biggest hug.

I had no sibling and when David and I started dating, Ethan became like my baby brother.

We would all have family movie nights, I would help give him with his homework, we baked cookies together on christmas eve and even opened presents together in the morning.

He was the only one who I could tell everything to over the years and I couldn't wait for Delilah to get to know her uncle.


David and Ethan walked us back to my parents house. It felt just like we were teenagers again.

When we reached the house Nai and Delilah went in but I stood outside with Ethan and David.

"Thanks for walking us home," I smiled. Ethan leaned in and gave me a warm hug before starting his journey home.

"I meant what I said about giving us another try Desiree," David said looking at the ground.

I knew he did but I meant what I said too and thats exactly what I said to him.

"Desiree," He looked up at me and I could see his tears. "I lost you you once and had to wait all this time to find you. I don't plan on loosing you again."

When he said that I wanted to run into his arms and give him the biggest hug but I had a daughter to protect.

I was not gonna let my feelings make me do something that could effect her in the long run.

"I'll see you tomorrow David," I walked into the house.

I held myself together long enough not to cry infront of Delilah.

I was letting him go again.

Or atleast thats what it felt like.

Maybe I was pushing him away because I was scared.

Am I scared?

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