Chapter One

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Her tears have dried, though they still threaten to spill from her eyes. Eighteen is supposed to mean a party and your first sip of alcohol for a woman of the mafia.

Not for Y/N.

It's an engagement party and her final social activity as a free woman. As if she could ever have been considered free. Women are never free. Only free for men to fuck and abuse whenever they please.

Y/N has never liked parties and she doesn't exactly like people, either. Well, the only parties she's ever attended are those of strict rules and professionalism and, maybe, being locked away your whole life does that to someone; makes you socially awkward and nervous in the presence of boys.

She shivers at the thought of a boy even noticing her, and now she's engaged to the most attractive Made Man she's ever heard of.

Her mother stands behind her, stern face and dressed in a tight lavender dress. She zips up Y/N's cream dress and admires it in the mirror for a moment.

It's form-fitting, small ruffles across the waist and it ends a few inches above her knees. It's the most daring and revealing dress Y/N has ever worn, and it bubbles nerves and excitement within her.

Gaia gazes at her through the mirror with a distant look in her eyes. She can remember when she was Y/N's age, married off to Giovanni. She can remember the fear and terror that consumed her body... that still does.

Y/N frowns. "Are you okay, Mother?"

It's meant to come out much louder than it does. She sounds like a frail child. She is. Gaia snaps out of her trance and plasters on a smile, but it's the same smile she uses after Giovanni finishes beating her. It doesn't sit well in her daughter's stomach.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, figlia," she tells her.

Y/N keeps her back to her and continues to admire the dress in the tall mirror. At least she'll look pretty. Gaia brushes the top of her shoulders and twirls her curled locks around her finger.

"Behave tonight. This is more than just an engagement party. We can't have Stefano changing his mind." She warns.

She isn't thinking about the heartache and pain Y/N will have to endure, she's thinking about the countless nights that Giovanni will abuse her if this wedding doesn't happen. Y/N nods her head, nerves bubbling in her stomach.

In thirty minutes, she'll be surrounded by strangers as they judge and prod her. In thirty minutes, she'll be meeting her future husband; one of the youngest, most dangerous Made Men in New York.

She's known for two months now, since she got home from school and Giovanni broke the news. She spent the night fighting, sobbing and kicking and begging him not to throw her away like that. Begged for him not to hand her over to a man of such power, who will beat and hurt and abuse her.

Though when she thinks about it, it's not much different from her current home life. She gave up fighting after he beat her bloody and blue. Her lip is still swollen from it and a soft bruise is hidden under her eye.

It's lucky Gaia knows how to apply makeup. Y/N supposes she's had enough bruises and scars of her own to hide over the years.

She thinks she should consider herself lucky, really. Most girls in Y/N's position never even meet their husbands before their wedding day. At least she will have an entire night to find out who her sick father has chosen and have three years to prepare herself. But it doesn't make it any easier.

Her eyes meet Gaia's in the mirror. She hopes to find a hint of sadness in them, a flicker of guilt that she's allowing her husband to do such a thing to their daughter. Y/N can't hate her, no matter how much she tries. Gaia doesn't have a choice in the matter. This is business between her father and the New York Famiglia. She'll only get a black eye and a bollocking if she tries to intervene.

"Where's Bruno?" Y/N asks softly, voice hoarse from the way she cried herself to sleep the night before.

She hasn't seen her brother in almost a week, and she's beginning to wonder if he's actually going to show up at the party tonight. She needs his support—not that he'll ever really offer any. He's too far up Giovanni's ass.

Bruno Saccaro is his father's son. Dirty, loyal and merciless. He's only three years older than Y/N, but every inch of his black heart serves for one thing only.


He was initiated at thirteen, just two days after his first kill, where he tortured and maimed a man twice his age before stabbing him in the side of the head with his beloved knife. He's sick, just like Giovanni.

Though when they were children, he was her protector, the second he took his first kill, he became blood-hungry and protecting his baby sister was at the bottom of his list of priorities. Y/N's sure she isn't even on the list anymore. The only thing Bruno cares about is pussy and the Famiglia. She wouldn't be surprised if Bruno was the one that suggested marrying her off in the first place.

"Business," Gaia responds. "He'll be at the party later, don't worry." She must sense her discomfort, but even her words don't soothe her.

Y/N can't imagine what her brother will be like at the party. Will no doubt have his cock buried in some girl within the first ten minutes. The thought makes her heave. He's not the brother she used to have. He's just like their father now.

A soft tap on the door breaks Y/N from her daze and Maria pops her head through the crack in the door. Short pink hair is the first thing she sees and a relieved smile breaks onto her face.

Maria Saccaro. Y/N's first and only cousin, barely three weeks younger than her and the only descendent of Romero Saccaro, Giovanni's younger brother and Y/N's Uncle.

"Auntie Gaia, can I have a moment with Y/N, please?" She asks softly, like butter wouldn't melt on that pierced tongue of hers.

Y/N almost rolls her eyes at the girl. Her bright pink hair gives away everything anyone needs to know. Maria doesn't obey rules, she breaks them and finds loopholes just to piss her father off.

Y/N remembers one night when they were ten, when Maria told her she purposely did stupid shit in hopes of giving her father a heart attack so he'd finally die. Six years later and she's still unsuccessful. Though, Y/N did hear that her Uncle Romero has to watch his cholesterol. Maybe her cousin's insolence is finally paying off.

Gaia hums and leaves the room, not sparing a second glance at her niece, keeping the door ajar and Maria rolls her eyes, flouncing down onto the chaise lounge.

"God, your Mom is such a drip," she scoffs.

Y/N stifles a laugh and stares at her reflection in the mirror. Her mother may be good at makeup but nothing will ever cover up the insecurity in her eyes and three weeks of sleep deprivation under them.

Y/N shakes her head and turns to her cousin. "What did Uncle Romero say about your hair?" she asks, concern swimming in her eyes and Maria lifts her bangs from her face.

There's a thick purple bruise across her temple and an angry line of stitching down the centre of it. Y/N gasps, hand covering her mouth with wide eyes. Maria shakes her hand in dismissal.

"He clubbed me with his fucking ashtray," she sighs. "The look on his face was totally worth it, though," she tries to break out in a grin but Y/N sees right through it.

Maria may act like she doesn't give a shit, but really, she's just as scared of her father as Y/N is of hers.

Romero Saccaro, Consigliere to his older brother, Giovanni, and widowed father to Maria. He's been married twice already in his lifetime. His first wife was killed by his own hands and his second by suicide.

Maria could never blame her Mother for taking the easy way out. She often contemplates it herself. It's a surprise that he hasn't tried to marry Maria off yet to form an alliance. Though perhaps it's for the best that no one has tried. She's too temperamental, too disobedient. Her husband would get tired of her and give her back.

When an arranged marriage occurs, the husband is promised a beautiful, unscathed wife. While Maria is incredibly beautiful and just as much of a virgin as Y/N, she's also gobby and dominant. She fights back, and that kind of attitude will get her killed. Maybe Romero does care for his daughter after all. Or maybe his ego is too big for his daughter to ruin.

"Can't believe you're meeting your future husband today. Happy fucking birthday," she mutters out, words laced with venom.

Y/N sighs, shoulders sagging as the nerves come back with full force. "He's worse than Father. Harry Dellucci kills for fun. At least Father waits until he has good reason to murder somebody... not that it makes it any better," she mumbles.

Maria stares at her cousin with an incredulous look. "Uncle Giovanni is a fifty-year-old fuck-tard with bigger tits than me," she begins, trying not to laugh at Y/N's grimace. "Harry Styles-Dellucci is a twenty-two-year-old God, with a body of a God, the voice of a God-"

"Okay, I get it. He's God-like," Y/N cuts her off through a burst of laughter, cheeks flushed and Maria howls that maniacal laugh with her.

"Who's God-like?" A thick, northern voice booms through their laughter and the room falls silent.

Y/N jumps in her skin out of fear, shrivels into herself as she turns on her feet. A tall, brown-haired man stands before them, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips in a cynical yet playful manner and Y/N's heart plummets to her knees.

In all of his 6 foot glory, Harry Styles-Dellucci stands tall, thick body clad in a typical oxford suit and Y/N gulps at the hard sight of him.

Harry eyes his future bride. Soft hair curled and twisted into an elegant updo, gentle makeup on her brazen features, but the look in her eyes screams terror. She's tiny. He knew she was only eighteen, but God, he hoped she'd be somewhat of a woman already. But she isn't, she's a child, and Harry struggles to keep that smirk on his lips.

She's a child.

Mike stands beside him, eyes focused on Maria and her bright pink hair. She catches his intense gaze, the flirtatious smirk on his lips that screams mischief and she blushes, returning the look with false confidence.

Though she may try, even Maria is a blushing mess in the presence of mafia men. No amount of hair dye and secret piercings in the world can ever change that.

"Does Uncle Giovanni know you're up here?" Maria quips and Harry turns to her, brows raised.

He knows who she is, who all of Y/N's family and her tiny group of socialites are. He did his homework. He takes in her pink hair, the attitude in her eyes and the way she pops her hip out with a hand resting on it. Definitely the troublemaker.

"Giovanni sent me up here. I want to be alone with my fiancée for a moment before the celebrations begin," he tells her.

God, his voice drips sex and the sound of it alone has both fear and comfort setting in Y/N's stomach, and an unrelenting pulsing between her legs. She knows that feeling all too well, though she'll never admit to it.

Y/N bites back a gasp and clears her throat. Harry watches her nervously twiddling her thumbs. "Is that even allowed? You're not married yet." Maria reminds him.

And thank God, Harry thinks to himself. She's just a child.

"Maria, it's okay. If Father sent him up, it's okay. I'll see you in a little while," she nods to her cousin but Maria doesn't want to leave her alone with the notorious Made Man and his right-hand man.

Harry notices her hesitancy.

"Mikey, why don't you escort Maria downstairs." His eyes never leave Y/N as he speaks in a slow, dulcet tone, but her eyes remain glued to the floor. Goosebumps break out onto her skin, but she isn't cold.

Mike silently escorts the young girl out and closes the door behind him, leaving the soon-to-be couple alone. Harry squints at her. She's curled into herself, fear dripping off her body in waves.

He takes a tentative step toward her, hands in his pockets and retrieves a small velvet box. Harry opens it and offers it to the girl.

"Happy birthday," he whispers.

With arms around her middle, Y/N finally looks up at him and his breath is lodged in his throat. She's beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. Bright eyes and soft, gentle skin that he wants nothing more than to caress. If she's this gorgeous now, Harry can't comprehend what she'll be like in three years time.

Being so up close, he sees her properly. The perfect slope of her nose, the sparkle in her distant eyes. He can see the sparse dotting of freckles across her nose and cheeks beneath the thin layer of makeup, the twitch in the arch of her shaped brows, the fullness of her painted lips.

Y/N takes the box from him slowly. The golden band stares right back at her, a thick diamond sitting in the centre and she lets out a shaky breath.

"It's beautiful," she forces herself to mutter out but Harry can see she's trying to bite back a sob.

It is beautiful... but it's plain, generic. A wedding ring should be personal, should mean something. Harry takes it from the box and gently reaches for her hand. Her skin is warm, even softer than it looks and his lips twitch. Y/N purses her lips. His fingers are rough and cold as he slides the ring onto her finger and just like that, she's his.

The ring hangs heavy on her hand. A golden cage. She bites back another cry.

"Thank you," she mumbles, hands close to her chest again and Harry tilts his head.

He can read her body like a book and he's only known her for a few moments. There's fear in the way she holds herself, but now her eyes are void of emotion, like she's suddenly completely coming to terms with what will happen. Like she's accepted it — like she's empty.

Y/N looks back down to her feet and a strand of beautifully curled hair falls into her face. Harry reaches to brush it back, wonders if it's also as soft as it looks, but she flinches back and he stills. Harry frowns. What has Giovanni done to the girl?

"Y/N," he speaks softly, regarding the girl with a tone he's only ever shown to his mother and sister.

The sound of her name slipping from his lips has her peering up at him, crystal eyes boring into his emerald ones and his heart leaps.

So fucking beautiful.

He reaches a hand against her face again and caresses her warm cheek. She flushes under his touch but doesn't flinch away.

"Are you scared of me?" He asks.

Y/N gulps and lets out a shaky breath. "You're a Made Man. You kill and you torture. Of course, I'm afraid of you," she breathes and it's the first proper sentence she's directly said to him... that she's afraid.

Harry remains quiet, letting himself revel in the sound of her voice. Silky soft, just like her skin and hair.

He dips his face down so he's level with her. Even with her four-inch heels, he still towers above her, Y/N's eyes level with his clavicle.

"I kill and torture those who deserve it, those who betray me," he tells her. "But you are going to be my wife, Y/N. And fear has no place in a marriage."

She dares to gaze up at him, his face stoic as she notices the sparse hairs that coat his chin and upper lip and she wishes she could read what he's thinking, like he can read her. Her eyes are dazzling up at him, thick and dark lashes fluttering beneath the thin coating of mascara on them.

Fuck, she's beautiful.

"I've never not been afraid," she admits and she isn't sure why she's telling him.

What if he uses the knowledge to prey on her? What if he laughs in her face? She doesn't know why she tells him, but the bubbling in the pit of her stomach stops when she does. The confession burns something in the pit of Harry's stomach and it's only now that he notices the subtle discolouration beneath her left eye.


His thumb brushes over the soft skin and she shudders, tries to shy away but he keeps her head in place.

"He won't hurt you anymore."

Harry's cocky smirk is gone as he peers down at her, a promising glint in his eyes and she's never heard anything so tender and honest. She wants to believe him, that he won't hurt her anymore. But she isn't Harry's wife yet, so Giovanni still has free reign over what he does to his daughter, no matter what Harry tries to promise.

Y/N nods her head and takes a step back. She avoids his gaze and Harry knows she doesn't believe him. The wedding isn't for another three years. Three years of being under Giovanni's hold and dreading the day they're bound for life.

He never asked for this marriage either, but that doesn't mean he's going to make his wife's life a living hell. He's seen the pain and torture Stefano inflicts on his Mother and in early years, on his sister too, and he'd rather be slaughtered than to inflict that same pain on another so undeserving.

He always promised himself that whether he marries for love or for the Famiglia, he'll never lay a hand on his wife. Never do anything to hurt her.

Harry wishes to change many things when he becomes Capo, but what men do to their wives can never be one of them. Once married, the woman becomes the man's possession, and not even a Capo dei Capi can decide what husbands do to their wives. Willing or not.

Y/N doesn't say anything on the matter though, she knows how it works and she's too couped up in her own thoughts. She doesn't want to argue back, so she bites her tongue and remains silent.

She doesn't want to be one of those submissive housewives that keeps a nice house and their husband's bed warm. She doesn't want to be silent like her Mother. But she has to be realistic, and in her unfortunate luck, she'll never be able to marry for love. She'll never have the freedom of going anywhere without a guard, or have a job or go to college. She'll never make friends with women her age, or go clubbing and sleep around a little.

She's his possession.

Her life was signed away the day she was born. Hell, Giovanni started seeking eligible husbands when she was still in the womb, it didn't matter that they were already in their 20's at the time. She's considering herself lucky that Harry is only four years older than her.

She's come to terms with it. Of never being able to make any decisions for herself. Of never having freedom. Of never feeling loved or safe. She's spent her whole life in denial, hoping, praying that a fairytale Prince would crash into her life and sweep her off her feet, take her away from the mafia and the pain. She's always known better, but maybe now it's only just sunk in.

She glances back down at the golden cage on her finger. A beautiful ring to bind her to a lifetime of misery.

"Our fathers think it's best if we arrive together." His rugged voice cuts through the silence again.

Y/N clears her throat and nods her head, patting down the soft material of her dress and it clings to her body even tighter than before. Harry stifles a groan at the sight of her round hips and straightens his back. The longer he watches her, the less childlike she looks.

He offers his hand to her, palm outstretched and Y/N gawks at it like it's from another planet. His fingers are adorned with intricately styled rings and he almost forgets she's probably never held a man's hand before.

He'll be her first everything and the thought alone makes him twitch in excitement. She takes his warm hand with a hidden blush on her cheeks.

When they arrive at the doors, all eyes are on him and her. Hushed whispers echo through the ballroom,

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