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Giovanni Saccaro sips on his scotch in his parlour. His grey, wispy hair is combed back, his balding head glinting under the orange hues of the wall lights. His son sits beside him, twenty and full of life and excitement.

Bruno's always teased Giovanni for the lack of hair on his head, promised that when he becomes Capo of the Californian Famiglia, he wouldn't lose his looks and hair as his Father had.

Opposite them, across the dark oak desk, Stefano Dellucci leans back in his chair. He's a few years younger than Saccaro and his hair isn't balding just yet. Flown in from New York, he's got a proposition to secure power and strength in his Famiglia.

There's a glimmer of excitement in Dellucci's eyes as he clasps his hands over his middle and relaxes further into his chair.

He shouldn't be this relaxed in such a situation. He should be on his toes, ready for anything. His step-son sits beside him, dark brown locks ungodly waves on his head and his face is void of emotion, but there's a wicked hint of a smirk that tugs on the corners of his pink lips.

Harry Styles-Dellucci, twenty-two-years-old and soon to be Capo of the New York Famiglia. Clad in a black Armani suit, his thick legs are spread wide and a menacing glint flickers in his eyes as Giovanni begins to lean forward and speak.

"It's unexpected for me to receive a visit from the Dellucci's. I don't remember the last time New York and California met without there being a bloodbath," he sips his scotch, "Tell me why this shouldn't end the same way."

Stefano fights back the urge to scoff but Harry doesn't hide the way he rolls his eyes. Jeff stands by the door, warm brown eyes, that are anything but, drilling holes into Giovanni's head and his hand rests on his gun holster beneath his suit vest.

Giovanni's guard, Gomez, does the same from beside him. He reaches a hand to his side, a silent order to remain calm, to not cause a scene, and Gomez removes his hand from under the lapel of his suit blazer.

"There's no need for hostility, Giovanni. We come in peace, to form an alliance of sorts," Dellucci grins.

Giovanni sits back and squints, but waves his hand to continue. Harry has to bite back a scoff. The man acts as though he's doing Stefano a favour by hearing him out, but in reality, Harry is about to be the one to save both their asses.

"And what did you have in mind?" Giovanni asks, somewhat interested.

Stefano's lips twitch. "I understand you have a young daughter, almost of age to marry, but I hear you're also yet to find her a husband." Harry hates how disgusting Stefano sounds about the matter.

He isn't entirely innocent, though. When he found out he'd have a trial of taking over as Capo, he jumped at the chance to rule and finally be away from his stepfather. But becoming Capo also means holding larger responsibilities, and to keep up appearances, he needs a wife.

A young, unscathed wife.

"And what makes you think I'd want to marry her off to some traitor by blood," Giovanni seethes, his poisonous words doing nothing to phase Harry, even if it is direct disrespect toward his dead father.

Stefano raises a hand.

"Now, Saccaro, we all know what my son's relation to the English ensures us. People have come to terms with his blood heritage and it only secures our alliances with London, who are also allied with the Portuguese and Russians. Be wise with what you say next."

It's been no secret about Harry's background and family. That his biological father was of English heritage and a mobster in an arranged marriage with an Italian woman to form allies between London and Italy.

Many view Harry as the poster child for a traitor, though others view him as one of the most powerful and dangerous Made Men out there. Harry has connections to the Portuguese, the English, Russians and Italian, all of which are just from being born.

No other Famiglia has connections quite like him, and the Saccaro's should consider themselves honoured to be given this type of consideration.

Giovanni hums, a finger on his lips as though he's deep in thought. Bruno squints his eyes as though anything he says will have an impact on Giovanni's decision. Harry glances at his father, who looks like he might just burst if Saccaro turns him down.

He sinks back into his seat and smirks to himself. He knows the type of man Giovanni is, he's heard the rumours. Late nights at the whoreclubs while his wife sleeps, blissfully aware but thankful he isn't touching her instead.

Giovanni is a man that craves power and respect. And if he thinks this deal will give him that, there's no reason for him to turn it down.

"She's not even 18. I won't whore her off until she's of proper age," Giovanni speaks and if Harry didn't know better, he'd probably think he actually cared for his daughter, and not that the longer he waits, the more she'd be worth.

But he does know better. So much better.

"But she is of innocence, yes? There will be blood on the sheets," Stefano asks, as though asking of her virginity is the most appropriate question for a father.

Harry can't help but smirk at the idea. Having a woman completely bound to him, to respect him and please him only.

Harry has slept with enough women to know how to use his dick, but something about taking a woman's innocence and making her completely his has his cock twinging in his pants.

Giovanni scoffs, Bruno's grin thickening. Like father, like son. "Of course. She's never even spoken with a man outside of this family and her guard, Gomez. I raised a respectful young woman, not a dirty whore," he raises his head.

You mean your wife raised a respectful young woman, Harry thinks.

Stefano nods his head.

"Very well. We can turn her birthday into the engagement party two months from now, allow them to meet and that gives us time to plan the wedding and discuss further arrangements."

Giovanni nods. "Three years. When she's 21, she may be wed."

Harry sits back in his seat, cocky grin on his lips and he's eager to get a look at his fiancé. He watches as his father and Giovanni reach across the table, their hands meeting in a firm shake and just like that, it's sealed.

Y/N Saccaro will be his wife.

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