It feels like déjà vu, standing in front of the same curved mirror with her mother standing behind her, pulling the same distasteful expression.
The flowers decorating the bride's suit are the same; beige carnation bouquets with baby's breath scattered sparsely between. The same, stupid classical music plays from the same scratched record, and the same golden cage is still wrapped tight around her ring finger.
The only thing that's changed is her.
She's grown a few inches taller and she's filled out nicely. Her hips have rounded well and her breasts are full and perky. The chubby cheeks left sometime six months ago and her facial structure is strong and defined.
Her eyes are different now, not the same as they were two years ago, and she's cut most of her hair. It sits just below her shoulders now, gappy bangs long across her forehead.
She got Maria to cut it on her birthday.
Gaia is struggling behind her daughter, lacing the back bodice of her wedding dress. It's pretty—gorgeous, actually; a long mesh train with embroidered roses and petals across the hem of it.
A perfect fit across the top, a generous amount of suitable cleavage and as it meets her hips, the embroidery fades and the dress gently puffs out, accentuating her curves just a little more.
She feels pretty, like a Princess, but she silently reminds herself this isn't a fairytale wedding, no matter how badly she wishes it was. Y/N watches herself in the mirror, short hair curled and pinned perfectly, wavy bangs framing her face and she looks ethereal.
She doesn't have a black eye beneath the makeup like last time, nor does she have a busted lip.
Gaia tugs at the back of the dress again.
"Succhialo, figlia," she scolds and Y/N rolls her eyes but she sucks her stomach in even more, nonetheless.
The last few months leading up to the wedding have been gruelling, to say the least. Y/N has been poked and prodded by several tailors and designers and she'll be happy once this whole thing is over with.
She's also had time to think. With Harry's insistent texts and sporadic calls, she's felt a little more at ease about the situation, like she was starting to get to know him a little better through the blank messages.
But as she stands in front of the mirror again, her nerves are ten times bigger than two years ago.
Giovanni only told her three months ago that the wedding was being moved forward—that she'll be a married woman before her both her 20th and 21st birthday.
She didn't question it, not when by the looks of his face, it definitely wasn't his idea and he didn't have much of a say in the matter.
When she found out, a part of her was thankful, like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders because Giovanni wouldn't be able to hurt her anymore. He hasn't laid a hand on her since the night he found the burner phone.
She stupidly left it on the bed while she showered and Harry had texted her. She didn't hear the message alert, nor her Father waiting for her in her room.
She did, however, know about the mistake she made when she left the bathroom in a towel and his fist kissed her cheek in a brisk greeting.
A lump rises in her throat at the memory. It didn't stop there, why would it. She cried herself to sleep that night and every night after for three weeks.
She was unrecognisable for twelve days, bloody and bruised and banned from leaving the house. She tried to end it all that night, after he left her sobbing on her floor, naked and vulnerable.
Maria had stopped her just in time, snuck into her bedroom through the window and held her until she passed out.
She hasn't looked her parents in the eye since. Gaia had stood by and watched it all, face stoic and void of emotion. Bruno ignored her screams of terror and begs of mercy.
And Gomez?
Gomez was shot in the foot for trying to intervene. She's only had one thing giving her the will to power through this, to marry a monster.
Fear has no place in a marriage.
Maybe this arrangement will be her escape.
Y/N zones out as Gaia finishes lacing the back of her dress, too busy trying to calm the erratic thumping in her chest and will the pooling tears away. She blindly follows her mother out of the suite and down the stairs, holding her dress gently bunched in her hands.
It's like everything moves in slow motion and all sounds are white noise. She can hear her heart thumping against her rib cage, can feel the sweat growing between her fingers, the lump forming in her throat as she notices Giovanni waiting for her outside of the chapel doors.
She stands behind him silently, not daring to make eye contact as Gaia takes a side entrance to join the rest of the guests.
They wait, Giovanni watching his daughter with cautious eyes. She's too busy staring at the dark oak doors, knowing her future is waiting on the other side, another ring to bind her angelic soul to his tainted one.
Y/N feels her eyes stinging with burning tears as Giovanni loops his arm around hers and the double doors slowly open.
"You look beautiful, figlia," he tells her through a strained whisper, like the words any normal father would shower his daughter with were burning his lungs.
The lump swells back in her throat. Of all her eighteen years of life, he's never once said something so fatherly.
She can feel her chest aching, the idea that maybe seeing his little girl marry a stranger is hurting his heart like it's hurting hers, but as she peers up at him for the first time in months, she sees a smile pulling on his lips.
His heart isn't hurting. He's just happy to get a power boost.
Y/N doesn't pay attention to the piano ballad that begins to play softly as her father guides her through the arch of the chapel. She doesn't acknowledge her family and his standing from their seats and cooing at the gorgeous young woman she's turned into.
She stares at her feet as they take their first step into purgatory, before her eyes find the devil.
Harry freezes from his view at the altar. Clad in a slick red suit with ungodly curls, his mouth runs dry and knees almost buckle.
She's fucking gorgeous.
He can feel his heart thumping in his chest as she gets closer, can feel the anger bubble in his blood at the sight of Giovanni's arm looped around hers.
His hands are tensed into tight fists in front of him, jaw ticking and teeth gritted. But then he glances back at his bride and his heart skips a pulse.
She doesn't have a veil over her head and he can see just how gorgeous she's become. He hasn't seen her in two years and now he feels speechless.
She dodges his gaze as her father kisses her cheek briskly, leaving her to walk the little step of the platform and stand before their families.
She turns to Harry, hands trembling as she picks at her nails. His gaze wavers from her face, drinking her in and as he eyes her generous chest, he notices the little green emerald that sits across her neck.
The emerald necklace he gifted her for her birthday two weeks ago.
Neither of them pay attention to the priest as she looks up at him through fluttering lashes. He's grown even more attractive in the past two years and it's intimidating.
She feels small under his soft gaze, but not unsafe. Maybe she just feels uncomfortable knowing what's to come between them, what will be expected of her as his new wife.
Over his shoulder, Bruno stands tall with a cocky smirk and shimmering eyes. He doesn't watch his baby sister be sold off to a killer. Instead, his eyes are on a blonde from Harry's family, a dirty smirk on his lips.
Mike stands behind him, stuck out like a sore thumb. The only redhead in the entire chapel yet he fits right in.
It's Mike behind them both that catches Y/N's attention. He's watching her closely, just like Gomez has for years but there's something off in the way he observes her; like he's memorising every tick and nerve in her body.
Her eyes land back on Harry but he's been watching her the entire time. He doesn't need to look over her shoulder to know his Mother is gleaming and sister picking her nails in boredom. He doesn't need to look to know how apprehensive Maria is.
Neither of them can focus on what the official says. Y/N doesn't dare look anywhere besides his face, trying to gauge his reaction, his mood.
He's stoic as ever but a hint of a smirk tugs at the deep corners of his pink lips and his eyes are twinkling with a thrill of the unknown.
Hers are swimming in tears.
She tries to master his same expression, to prove she feels emptiness––but while her heart thumps shallowly in her chest, her eyes sting with the realisation that this is the end.
"You may now say your vows."
The words drum through her ears and Harry nods, taking her hands in his open palms. Neither of them look away and Harry knows his Mother is trying to bite back a cry.
She always wanted her boy to marry for love, not for this.
Their official holds a small cream cushion, two pretty bands sitting on the velvet and Harry reaches for Y/N's, lining it with her ring finger.
"With this ring, I take thee to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise to love and care, and cherish every inch of your body and soul. I promise to protect and provide and stand by your side through light and dark. I promise my soul and heart to you, to our future children. I promise to love you until my final breath."
Y/N feels a piece of her heart break as he slides the ring down her finger, greeting the engagement and promising their unprecedented future.
Her facade doesn't falter and her mind draws blank.
She doesn't think about her childhood, when Bruno used to carry her around the house on his back, when she and Maria painted each other's nails, when Gaia taught her Italian for the first time, or when Giovanni taught her how to tie her shoes.
Y/N's mind rolls blank, like the person she was before is dead. Like she's just been rebirthed into another life.
She reaches for the cushion and takes the band between her fingers, crowning it over Harry's first knuckle as she looks back up at him.
An arranged marriage takes two, but she knows she's in this alone.
"With this ring, I take thee to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, to love and support. I promise to stand by your side through the dark and the light. I offer my heart and soul, my body and mind. I promise to be eternally yours, until my final breath."
And as she slides the ring past his second knuckle and the official pronounces them man and wife, the shaking begins.
Her body screams, igniting in a blazing fire, eyes frantic in terror and uncertainty.
But Harry gently cups his palms around her soft cheeks and with eyes on her, he kneels just enough to press his soft lips to her full ones and the uncomfortable burning eases into a welcoming warmth.
Her screams are silenced as his kiss offers a sense of comfort, like a mother and child's first touch.
Y/N Saccaro dies a coward, but Y/N Styles-Delluci is born a survivor.
When they stand outside the chapel, she doesn't have time to think about anything. She gripped his hand tightly as he led her down the aisle, ignoring the cheers of praise and excitement for the two.
They stand in the little entryway, side by side with Gomez a few steps to her side and Mike a few steps to Harry's.
Giovanni and Gaia are the first to follow the newlyweds into the entryway, shaking Harry's hand before moving along a few steps to shake Y/N's.
Her parents look at her like she's a stranger, no pained smiles or familiarity in their eyes. They move along as quickly as they came and Maria follows, her Father close behind.
She shakes Harry's hand timidly before moving to her cousin, eyes watering and chin trembling.
Y/N doesn't hesitate to pull her into a quick embrace, arms strong around one another and Y/N can feel her cousin's heart thumping against her chest.
Romero is who pulls them both apart, offering his niece a firm handshake before a tight clasp on Maria's shoulder pushes her away from the couple.
Y/N's eyes are glued to them, wild in fear of what will happen to her best friend now she won't be home to protect and comfort her.
Harry reaches for her hand, notices her worry and loops his pinky around hers, squeezing just enough to get her attention. When she turns back to him, she blinks back tears and her blurry vision settles on three bodies that stand by Harry's side.
Stefano stands in front of the two women, shaking his son's hand with a proud smirk before he moves along to his daughter-in-law, reaching for her hand and kissing her knuckles. There's a dirty smirk on his lips and Y/N squeezes Harry's finger.
"Welcome to the family, Y/N. You're a Delluci now," he grins.
She slips her hand from his hold and takes a tentative step closer to Harry's side.
"Styles-Delluci," Harry corrects him, jaw set and eyes gleaming a fire he's desperate to burn.
Stefano grits his teeth behind closed lips and walks on, allowing Y/N to take a brief breath of relief before she's quickly introduced to the rest of his immediate family.
Anne stands in front of the girl, eyes regarding her with concern and kindness. In a cream dress, she reaches for both of Y/N's hands and smiles kindly at the young woman.
"My name is Anne, I'm Harry's Mum," she introduces herself.
Y/N looks back to her mother-in-law; a beautiful woman with kind eyes and a welcoming smile. Every inch of her screams maternal natures, something she's lacked all her life.
"It's nice to meet you," she replies politely, allowing Anne to pull her into a cautious embrace, close enough to ensure warmth, but far enough to not warrant fear.
She squeezes her softly, lips finding her ear.
"You're safe with him, I promise," Anne swears and Y/N can do nothing but nod.
When they pull away, Gemma stands by her mother with a gleaming smile and she sticks her hand out for her sister-in-law to shake.
"I'm Gemma, Harry's little sister... and you're really pretty," Gemma grins through chubby cheeks, a silent squeal of excitement.
She doesn't understand the full extent of the marriage, Harry and Anne have always tried to shield the fifteen-year-old from the harsh truths of the world she was born into.
Y/N's eyes widen and a shy smile tugs at the corners of her pink painted lips. She can feel her heart flutter in her chest and she reaches to shake Gemma's hand softly.
Part of her nerves seems to falter around the Delluci women and Y/N misses the way Harry watches the exchange with thin lips but sparkling eyes.
"It's nice to meet you, Gemma. And you're very pretty, too," Y/N tells the young girl, a soft smile on her lips and the youngest Delluci blushes under her gaze, looping her arm around her mothers.
Harry reaches down slightly, bending to his mother's level and pressing a kiss to her temple before turning to his sister to set his lips to the top of her head.
"We'll see you both in there," he tells them.
Y/N watches with curious eyes, can't take her gaze off him as he stands by her side and their fingers brush again. This time, neither of them link their pinkies.
"They're nice," she finally speaks, gaze fluttering to the ground when Harry cranes his neck to look at her.
He hums with a small nod.
He doesn't say anything else as the rest of the hundreds of family and friends filter their way through the little entrance, shaking the hands of the couple and offering words of congratulations to Harry.
Between great uncles and underbosses, Dante greets the newlyweds again. This time, he isn't alone. There's a gorgeous blonde on his arm, tucked in his side with a loving smile as she stares up at The Boss.
"Harry, Y/N, congratulations," he shakes Harry's hand first then reaches for Y/N.
He clasps another hand over her knuckles and nods politely. The blonde hugs Harry as he thanks her for coming and she turns Y/N, a bright smile on her lips.
"You make such a beautiful bride!" she gushes. "My name's Daigle, I'm Dante's wife."
Y/N's eyes widen as she's pulled into a warm embrace and another bundle of relief is whispered in her ear.
"You got lucky with Harry."
When she pulls away, Y/N's eyes are swimming with tears of relief and gratitude. The couple congratulates them again as they make their way toward the banquet hall.
As Y/N's about to say something to her husband, to tell him she didn't know Dante had a wife, his hand sits at the bottom of her back and pulls her to his side, effectively cutting her off before she can even start.
"Congratulations my boy, what an impressive little bride you've got yourself," a dark voice rattles through her ears and Y/N feels herself coil into Harry's side.
The man is a little shorter than her husband, dark hair on his balding scalp and a slight podge to his lower stomach. He looks at the young bride with a sickening grin that awakens something in the pit of her stomach.
This is what she's used to.
The lingering looks from pervy uncles and passers-by. Being subjected to nothing but a pretty face, even since she was young.
"Uncle Salvatore," Harry greets through pursed lips and gritted teeth.
Salvatore's eyes are glued to Y/N's chest and Harry's blood is boiling, knows he's going red in the face and the vein in his neck is no doubt ready to pop.
Salvatore reaches for Y/N's hand and kisses her knuckles, gazing up at her with a creepy stare but it doesn't make her squirm in discomfort. This is the look she's grown accustomed to over the years.
She's mastered her poker face when old men hit on her, touch her. For Y/N, this is the norm. What she isn't used to and what does make her curl into Harry's side, is Salvatore's son.
"Nino Delluci..." he begins, eyes wonton as they reach the bride, "... And you are a sight for sore eyes. What in Hell are you doing with my cousin?"
She doesn't break eye contact when he smirks down at her with hungry eyes, gnawing on his bottom lip. She doesn't break eye contact when he reaches for her hand and kisses her knuckles.
She only breaks eye contact when he hums something incoherent along the lines of 'I'd love to make you bleed' under his breath, while taking her in.
Harry's grip on his wife's side tightens.
"Can we go inside now?" she asks softly, a hand reaching up to rest on his chest.
Harry squares his shoulders, eyes firm on his cousin which only encourages Nino's smug face. She doesn't notice the small boy that gazes up at her with a lovestruck smile from Nino's side, nor does she notice Salvatore smirking grimly by the door.
"So soon, baby? Don't you wanna get to know your new family a little better?" Nino taunts, taking a step toward her but Harry's quicker.
He gently nudges Y/N behind his towering frame and squares up to Nino, nostrils flared.
"Back the fuck off, Nino." Harry's jaw is locked in place, lips pursed.
His cousin chuckles to himself, hands up in surrender.
Gomez and Mike remain still in their positions. They know not to interfere unless it's completely necessary. Nino walks away, the young boy following as Salvatore holds the door open for them.
Harry doesn't let his posture fall as they walk through the door, and Y/N lets out a shaky breath, skin breaking out in goosebumps as she rolls her shoulders and twists her
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