Chapter 5

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1,000 reads is flippin insane. Thank you all so much who are reading, voting and commenting I love you all so much! I hope you enjoy this next chapter! And if this chapter recieves 10+ votes, I'll post the next chapter early! I also posted what Addison looks like on the sidebar of the introduction chapter and what Natalie looks like on the sidebar of Chapter 1!


Harry's P.O.V~

I stormed out of Addison's house wanting to punch a wall. She was acting like such a bitch, she didn't even have the decency to hear me out. All I wanted to do was explain to her why I left but she just wouldn't have it.

I slammed the front door behind me and walked to my car. I decided to let Louis tag along with me, mostly because he insisted on coming. He probably knew this would happen so he wanted to be there so I wouldn't punch something like I wanted to.

I quickly opened the driver's side door and slid in. I put the key in the ignition and started it up, trying not to look at Louis.

"So?" He asked me. I still didn't look at him as I pulled out of Addison's driveway.

"What do you think." I growled back at him. I started speeding down the streets, not even bothering to slow down at any point.

"Harry, slow down mate!" Louis yelled. I then promptly slammed on the break in the middle of the deserted road.

We were both silent for a moment until I leaned back in my chair and put my hands on my face.

"She hates me Lou. She really hates me." I choked out.

I felt Louis place his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to console me, but it was no use. The one girl that meant everything to me couldn't stand the sight of me. I can't really blame her, I would hate me too. I just left her with no explanation, not even a phone call. I deserved this.

"Harry, are you alright mate?" I heard Louis ask me. I just shook me head as I leaned forward so I could drive back to the hotel.

"Tell Liam to get us tickets to go back home." I said with almost no emotion in my voice.

I saw Louis look at me with a weird expression on his face out of the corner of my eye.

"So you're just going to give up? Not even try?" He asked me, his voice tinted with anger.

"What's the point Louis? She doesn't even want to talk to me!" I yelled back at him.

"This isn't like you Harry. Once you set your eyes on a girl, you don't give up. What's so different about Addison?"

I didn't answer him right away because I didn't know either. Addison was just different. She knows the real me. She knows me as Harry, the boy she grew up with. Not Harry Styles from One Direction. Maybe that's why I felt like giving up, because I knew Addison was the one person that made me feel vulnerable and I hated feeling like that.

"I don't know Lou. It's just not going to work, okay?" I told him.

Louis just shook his head and we sat in silence on our way to the hotel. The lads were right, this was a stupid idea. I should have never come here in the first place. I should have known Addison would react like this, but no I was stupid and thought otherwise. I saw Louis pull out his phone and start tapping away which was never a good sign.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Finding out where Ad goes to school."

"What?!" I yelled. I already told him I was done. Why couldn't he accept that?

"Harry I have never seen you like this over a girl. There's no way I or any of the lads are going to let you leave without a fight."

"And how is knowing where she goes to school going to help any of that?" I saw a small smirk form on Louis' face as he showed me his phone screen.

"Well that's just part of the plan Haz."


"Okay, so you're going to pick her up after school on Friday without drawing too much attention to yourself."

Louis and I were back at the hotel with the others and were coming up with a plan so Addison and I could talk. Louis and Zayn were making up most of it while I just sat back and tried to remember everything.

"But she'll just go to her car." I said. There was absolutely no way Addison would willingly come into my car when hers is there as well.

"That's why you're going to take her mum out for lunch. And after you do that, you'll take her with you to the school and she'll take Addison's car home, leaving Ad no choice but to go with you." Louis tried to explain.

"How is her mum going to get into Addison's car without the keys?" Niall asked. At least I wasn't the only one confused here.

"I'm sure she has a spare key somewhere. Just make sure you snatch it when you pick her mum up at the house."

"Lou, this is kind of insane." Liam piped in. He was right, this plan sounded more like a mission to capture someone rather than just a simple date. Louis just shrugged at Liam's comment and turned towards me for my approval.

"Well Harry, what do you think?"

I carefully looked around the room to see that all of their eyes were on me. This plan was insane, but it might be the only way to get Addison to talk to me.

"It won't hurt to try it." I said, trying to sound enthusiastic about it.

"Yeah!" Louis yelled in excitement as he ran to his room to grab his phone.

"Are you sure about this Harry?" Zayn asked me.

"I said I was sure about coming here and look where I am. It can't make things any worse."

"Right, because she won't be totally creeped out that you're basically kidnapping her from her school." Niall chuckled. I couldn't help but laugh along with him since that was what I was doing.

"I really hope this works. If not.. I don't know what I'll do." I said in a more serious tone.

Liam, Niall and Zayn just looked at me with sympathetic smiles as if to reassure me that everything was going to be alright. I really hope it would, because I can't imagine leaving here without Addison by my side.

"Harry?" I heard someone call my name causing me to snap out of my trance. I looked to the left to see that only Niall was in the room now.


"Why did you stop talking to Addison anyway? You never really told us."

I haven't told anyone really. I felt like such an arse about it that I just never brought it up.

"I'd rather not talk about it now Ni." I said, trying not to sound so defensive about it.

Niall just nodded with a small smile before getting up and joining wherever the others went. I turned my attention down to my wrist where I saw the blue and green bracelet dangling from it. I remember when I gave the same exact bracelet to Addison a few summers ago to represent our friendship.

When I was at her house earlier, I noticed that she wasn't wearing it any longer. I didn't blame her, but I don't think I had the strength to take it off. It meant so much more to me than just a bracelet. While I was away, it reminded me that Addison would always be there when I came back. Whether she hated me or not, she would be there.

I never thought that I would have to get my best friend to forgive me, or that I didn't realize I have fallen in love with her until I left. That's one of the reasons why I left. Hopefully Addison will understand once I explain to her why I have done all of this. Or maybe my worst fear will come true and she'll still hate me.

"Damn." I said to myself as I ran my fingers through my unruly hair and went to join the others so I could at least try to get Addison off my mind for a while.

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