AN: This chapter is dedicated to chloe_1drrrrrr for leaving a comment that was more than two words :) I will be doing this for the future chapters so please comment, read & vote! Enjoy! xx
Addison's P.O.V~
You had to be fucking kidding me, I thought to myself as Harry stood there in front of me with a stupid smirk on his face. Why was he smiling? Does he not know what he put me through the past two years? I just wanted to slap that smirk right off his face.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed at him, half because I was pissed and half because I didn't want my mum to come in.
"Well hello to you too." He said as he furrowed his eyebrows and leaned his shoulder on the doorway.
I didn't say anything and kept glaring at him. I couldn't believe he had the nerve to just show up out of no where after leaving like he did. I didn't notice how tight my jaw was clenched until I felt a surging pain go through my mouth causing me to slightly unclench it.
"Are you going to invite me inside or are we just going to stand here?" Harry asked with the same stupid smirk and his stupid dimple showing.
"No, I was actually planning on slamming the door in your face." I said with a fake smile as I was about to close the door when I heard my mum from the kitchen.
"Addie?! Who's at the door?" She yelled. Shit.
"No one Mum!" I yelled back as I gave Harry look to tell him to keep his mouth shut.
"Hello Mrs. Miller!" He yelled as he stuck his head in the house.
"Are you fucking serious?" I asked him with a harsh voice. Harry just chuckled as he saw my mum come out of the kitchen.
"Harry? Is that you? Oh my how you've grown!" She squealed as she made her way over to him before pulling him in for a hug.
"It's good to see you Mrs. Miller." Harry said before they pulled apart. I wanted to puke at how fake he was acting, like he did nothing wrong.
I rolled my eyes before shutting the front door. I leaned my back against it as I listened to my mum talk to Harry. She asked how being famous was and said how much she missed having him around. I had the urge to start banging my head against the door but refrained myself.
I couldn't help but notice how my mum was right, Harry had grown. He was definitely taller and he looked more mature. He had some acne on his forehead but it wasn't that noticeable. I could see a couple of his tattoos like the two birds on his chest and the obnoxious ship on his arm. My eyes traveled down to his legs to see his skin tight jeans. They were probably tighter than mine. But the one thing that really caught my eye was the green and blue bracelet that was dangling from his left wrist.
Our friendship bracelet.
"Addison?" My mum's voice snapped me out of my trance long enough for me to realize that I was staring way too long.
"Like the view?" Harry asked with a smirk.
I just rolled my eyes before shoving past him and walking up the stairs.
"Addison! Get down here. Harry traveled all this way to see you!" My mum said to me.
I moved my jaw to the right before clenching it again. I slowly turned around to face both her and Harry, who's green eyes were staring right at mine. I kept looking back and forth at them to see if one of them would leave me alone, but it didn't work.
"He had two years to come see me Mum. It's too late for that." I said, my voice barely audible since I was trying to hold back tears.
Harry's smirk quickly fell into a frown before he ran his fingers through his hair. My mum looked awkwardly between the two of us as if she waited for me to apologize. But there was no way in hell that was happening.
"I should leave." Harry mumbled to my mum as he started walking to the door.
"Yeah, you're good at that." I spat at him. Harry paused and I noticed his fists clench before he opened the front door and walked out, slamming it behind him.
"That was rude Addison." My mum said.
"Well it was rude for him to leave in the first place. So I guess we're even." I said and turned around to head to my room. I didn't hear my mum try to call after me so I made it to my room in peace.
I flopped down onto my bed and reached for my iPhone to call the first person I would think of, Natalie. I quickly dialed her number and waited patiently as it rang over and over again.
"Hello?" She answered with a surprised tone in her voice.
"Harry came over." I said, not even going to talk about what happened only a few days before.
"To your house?"
"My house. And my mum was home."
"What happened?!"
I told her every single thing that happened, including the bracelet that I saw on Harry's wrist.
"Oh wow.. Are you positive it's the same one?" Natalie asked.
"Hold on." I told her as I put my phone on my bed and went over to my dresser. I opened the top drawer and reached into the far back right corner of the drawer, feeling around for what I was looking for. As soon as I felt it, I held it in my grasp and went back to the bed.
"It's the same one." I said after I put the phone back up to my ear. I examined the bracelet in my hand and stayed silent for a moment.
I remember when Harry got us these bracelets. It was the summer of 2008 and Harry was 14 while I was 13. He would always make fun of how he was two months older than me, not like it mattered really. I had just come back from some camp my mum sent me to for a couple weeks and Harry invited me over to his house.
"Look what I got." He said as we were watching a movie in his room.
"What?" I asked with a puzzled look. He reached over onto his dresser and grabbed two bracelets. He promptly handed one to me.
"What's this?" I asked again.
"A friendship bracelet. It has our favorite colors so I got them. So no matter where we are, the other one is always there." Harry said sweetly.
"How cheesy." I said mockingly as I tied the bracelet around my small wrist.
"Ad?" Natalie asked, snapping me out of my daydream.
"Uh, yeah."
"How long is he going to be here?" She asked.
"No idea. We didn't really talk much." I said as I put the bracelet back in the drawer.
"Oh. Well keep me in the loop. Do you want to go to the movies Friday? We can see that new 21 & Over movie."
"I'll ask." I said, trying to sound excited.
"Hey, you'll be fine Addie."
"Thanks Nat. Bye." I said before hanging up and placing my phone on my side table.
I flopped down onto my back on my bed and took a deep breath. I kept thinking about why Harry still had that bracelet on. It was obvious we aren't friends anymore, we've both changed into different people. I just hope he doesn't pop up again because I don't know if I can see him without wanting him to disappear, the one thing he likes to do.
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