Addison's P.O.V~
It was finally Friday and thankfully I haven't heard from or seen Harry since the awkward scene at my house earlier in the week. Natalie kept asking me millions of questions like how much he's changed and if it was really the same friendship bracelet he gave me that was dangling from his wrist. I tried not to get too pestered by her questions but at times I just wanted to talk about normal things like what we should do over the weekend.
"Did your mum say it was okay if you went to the movies tonight?" Natalie asked me on our way to English. I've been needing something to get my mind off of Harry, and it's even better that Nat can't ask anymore questions during it.
"Yeah. I just have to be home by midnight. What are we going to see?"
"I was thinking of seeing Spring Breakers. It looks pretty interesting."
"The one with Selena Gomez, right?" I asked. That was the only reason why I knew about the movie. I guess you can say I'm not the social networking type, I don't have a Twitter or an Instagram. I just don't feel the need to publicize my life to a bunch of people that don't even know me.
I wonder if Harry ever feels like that.. Wait, no Ad. Stop it. I kept repeating those words over and over again in an attempt to get the thought of Harry out of my head. I was so focused on that I completely forgot that Natalie was still with me.
"Hey, Earth to Addison?" She said, waving her hand in front of my face. That caused me to blink a couple times and snap back into reality.
"What?" I asked her.
"There's a show time at 8 tonight for Spring Breakers. Are you fine with that?" She asked as she tapped on her phone.
"Yeah, sure. Whatever." I mumbled as I adjusted my bag on my shoulder. "C'mon, we have to get to class." I told Natalie and I started walking faster towards our English class.
I got inside the classroom moments later just in time for the bell to ring as Natalie lagged behind me, still on her phone.
"Cell phone off Ms. Davis." Mrs. Jackson, our English teacher, directed at Natalie as she walked to her seat.
"Sorry." Natalie said with a warm smile before taking a seat directly behind me. I couldn't help but smile as I realized how different Natalie and I were, yet we were like sisters.
"Okay, turn to chapter 3 of your Great Gatsby book and let's discuss what we all noticed..."
The bell rang indicating the day was finally over and everyone shuffled out of Calculus.
"Have a nice weekend Mr. Kleston!" I yelled on my way out.
"You too Ms. Miller." He said with a smile. Mr. Kleston was probably my favorite teacher this year. He was young, probably around 30 or so, but he knew a lot about math. And the way he taught made Calculus not as bad as I thought it would be. He was also really funny and chill most of the time unless we weren't doing what we are supposed to.
"Are we still on for tonight?" Natalie asked me for the hundredth time. I rolled my eyes as I turned my phone on and shoved it in my pocket.
"Yes Nat. You can stop asking now." I said as I lightly elbowed her side.
"Alright. Text me if something comes up." She said before giving me a quick hug and heading to her car. I knew what she meant by something; Harry. I'm pretty sure I scared him off the other night with how rude I was being, but he shouldn't have been surprised. You can't just decide to suddenly pop up and try to make up for two years of not being there, especially when you had many chances to do it before.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket so I wouldn't look as lame walking by myself. As I walked to where I parked my car, I noticed people kept staring at me and towards where my car was. Weird. People usually never stared at me, I was plain looking. Dark brown hair, brown eyes, light skin. Nothing special. Then I realized why they were staring.
My car was gone. And in it's place was a black range rover with its owner leaning on the side of it as if he was waiting for someone. Where the hell did my car go? Was I in the wrong area? I checked around me to see if I was mistaken, but I was pretty sure I parked my car in this exact spot. It's where I park it everyday.
"Uhm, excuse me?" I asked the person leaning on the car. As soon as he turned around I wanted to scream to the heavens.
"For Christ's sake Harry! What the hell are you doing here? And where's my car?!" I yelled at him. Harry just smiled at me with that stupid grin of his as he walked closer to me.
"I took your mum out for lunch and she took your car home. I hope that's not a problem." He said so nonchalantly.
"It kind of is a problem. How am I going to get home without a car?" I asked in frustration. By now everyone was staring at us, especially the girls. They were probably wondering why the hell Harry Styles was hanging out with a girl like me, even though we weren't hanging out. It was more like a forced meeting.
Harry kept that smile plastered on his face as he backed away from his car and placed his hands out as if he was showing it off. Oh God.
"You're kidding, right?" I asked him with annoying in my voice.
"I don't kid Addison. Now c'mon, hop in." Harry said, patting his car before jumping into the driver's side. I can't believe this is happening. This had to be some sick joke. No way was I going to be in the same car as him. I looked around me and realized that was probably my only way out. Natalie already left and Mum was at work.
"Damn it." I said under my breath as I reluctantly made my way over to the passenger's side of Harry's car. I opened the car door and slowly got inside, making it clear that I wasn't happy about this.
"Buckled up?" He asked in such a happy tone that I wanted to smack him.
"Yeah." I groaned as I clicked the seat belt and set my bag on my lap. Harry started pulling out of the school parking lot and I pulled out my phone to make it look like I was doing something important. I opened my messages and sent a text to Natalie.
S.O.S. Harry's taking me home.
I pressed the blue send button and waited patiently for her reply. My phone quickly beeped and I opened her message.
OMG. Why?!
I was in the middle of messaging her back when I realized Harry wasn't taking me home. He already passed my street and it didn't look like it phased him.
"Where are you going?" I asked, almost yelling. I just wanted to go home and pretend this never happened.
"Just relax Ad."
"Don't call me that." I snapped. My response shocked him as his smile disappeared from his face and was replaced with a stern look.
"Fine. Relax Addison." He corrected with hurt in his voice. I went back to my phone and erased what I had previously typed and sent Natalie a different message.
No idea where he's taking me. HELP!!!
After a couple turns, I realized where he was taking me and an uneasy feeling came over me.
"Take me home Harry, I don't want to be here." Harry looked at me out of the corner of his eye and ignored me plead.
"I'm serious Harry. This isn't funny."
"Just five minutes, okay? That's all I'm asking for." He looked sincere, but I knew it was all an act to just get me alone. I didn't want to hear what he had to say. He had two years to say it to me and I sure as hell didn't want to hear it now, but I had no choice.
"Fine. Five minutes."
Hope you all liked this chapter! Keep voting & commenting on each chapter please!