Addison's P.O.V~
I was in my Calculus class on Monday as I tried not to fall asleep. Ever since Natalie informed me about Harry coming to town, I haven't been able to sleep very well. I always end up watching television until it's time for me to get ready for the day.
My teacher, Mr. Kleston, was explaining to us the concept of derivatives when I felt something hit my left shoulder. I decided to ignore it, it was probably some retard throwing paper around. I tried to pay attention to Mr. Kleston when I felt something hit my shoulder again. I groaned and slowly looked over my shoulder to see Natalie waving at me. I looked back up at Mr. Kleston before turning back to Nat.
"What?!" I whispered to her. This was a terrible time to try to start a conversation, especially one about Harry.
"Is your mum going to be home this week?" She asked.
My mom is a movie producer so she usually travels for long periods of time, so I was used to being home alone. Ever since my dad died, she seems to have started working even more. Probably to distract herself from all the memories that are held in our house. But she just got back from a job on Saturday so she would be home for the next couple of weeks.
"Yes. Why?" I whispered back to her so Mr. Kleston wouldn't hear us.
"So she'll be there when Harry comes?"
Oh my God. Natalie will not drop the Harry subject to save her life. Ever since Saturday, Harry is the only thing she talks to me about. "What's the English homework?" "Has Harry come yet?" "I heard he's coming Wednesday." "Wait, what's number fourteen?"
It annoyed the hell out of me and she knew it. The idea of Harry bugged me, so why would I want to talk about him?
"Not now Nat." I spat at her in a whisper. I promptly turned back around and started paying attention to what the lesson was about. It was honestly extremely easy, but I needed a reason to ignore Natalie. As soon as I turned back around, the bell rang indicating the day was over.
"Okay! Your homework is page 126 numbers 15-37 odd! Have a nice day!" Mr. Kleston called out at us as we walked out of his classroom.
I tried to gather my things as quickly as possible so I could avoid Natalie, but it was already too late.
"Why did you ignore me? I was just asking a simple question." She said, the hurt evident in her voice.
I didn't say anything and just grabbed my Anatomy book and threw my bag over my shoulder before heading out of the classroom. I heard Natalie follow me as I started walking to the parking lot to get to my car.
"Ad! What's your problem?" She asked as she grabbed my elbow and turned me to face her. I just looked at her to see if she would understand why, but by the look on her face, I knew she had no clue. I ran my fingers through my hair before looking back at her, tears starting to fill my eyes.
"Do you remember what kind of state I was in after Harry left?" Natalie's green eyes slowly widened as she remembered back to two years ago.
"Ad-" She started to say but I cut her off.
"I went days without eating. I skipped school and fell so behind I almost failed two classes. I called him everyday, hoping one day he'd pick up. And now look. I'm better now. I'm not perfect, but I'm better. And I don't give two shits why Harry's coming to Cheshire or what he plans on doing, but he had two years to attempt to make it up to me. He's two years too late Nat." By the time I finished I was crying. Natalie was frozen in place as she just stared at me, unaware of how much of an affect Harry had on me.
"Addison.. I'm so sorry. I-I should have known." She said, tears filling her own eyes.
"It's fine." I said quickly and wiped away at the tears on my cheeks before starting to head to my car again. This time, I didn't hear Natalie following behind me.
"Addison! Time for dinner!" I heard my mum yell from downstairs.
It's been two days since my mini meltdown at school and two days since I last talked to Natalie. I'm not mad at her, she just knows that I need some space.
I started to walk downstairs to eat dinner with my mum and tried going as slow as possible. I love my mum and all, but dinner conversations are not her strong point. And knowing her she probably already knows about Harry supposably coming to town.
I rounded the corner to see my mum hovering over the stove and stirring the spaghetti that was in the pot. I grabbed a plate from the cupboard, having to get on my tippy toes in order to reach it. I used the spoon to scoop some spaghetti onto my plate before pouring some sauce over it.
"Do you want some garlic bread?" My mum asked me.
"Sure." I said with a small smile before she put a piece on the corner of my plate. I took a seat at the dinning table and started eating, hoping Mum wouldn't try to make small talk.
"So, what have I missed while I was away?" She asked as she sat down at the table as well. Great.
"Nothing really. Just the usual." I said, trying not to sound suspicious.
"Hm. Interesting." By the way she said 'interesting,' I knew she knew something. My mum is never at a loss for words, so her only commenting with one word was beyond odd.
"I heard something pretty intriguing while I was gone." She began to say. I kept twirling my spaghetti with my fork, hoping she would tell me something stupid.
"I heard that Harry is coming back to town."
And with that one statement, my appetite disappeared. I dropped my fork and it made a big clang as I sat back in my seat.
"Why would you bring that up right now?" I told her, my voice slightly raised.
"So you did know?" She asked. Wow, she would only get that part out of what I just said.
"Mum I really don't feel like talking about him right now."
"Why not? He was one of your best friends."
"Exactly. He 'was' my best friend. But he left." I said, almost yelling. I grabbed my plate and went over to the sink to clean it off. I heard my mom take a deep breath as I cleaned my plate.
"Addison, you need to forgive him eventually. It's been two years."
I dropped my plate in the sink before looking at my mum. We've had this conversation more times than I could count and they all ended the same. I would either lock myself in my room or we'd be stuck in a screaming match.
"I tried Mum. I tried to contact him but he never answered. I called him everyday for months until I finally gave up. He's had two years to come around. He can't just pop out of no where whenever he desires."
My mum's face was expressionless. We just stared at each other for a couple minutes before I shook my head and started heading up to my room. I ignored my mum's calls until I got to the top of the stairs when the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" I yelled as I turned around and jogged down the stairs.
I made it down the stairs and walked up to the front door. I didn't think to look through the peephole, even though I should have as soon as I turned that knob and opened the door.
I looked up to see who it was when I felt the blood run from my face. I felt my body freeze along with the world around me as I tried to make sure what was happening was actually real.
"Hey Ad." He said, his voice deeper than before. He had that stupid cheeky grin on his face like he usually did, making my skin crawl. His green eyes were hidden by a pair of Raybans and his usually curly hair was now in some weird push-back style that made him look like a major douchebag, more than he already was. It took every part of me to not punch him in the face and all I could say was one word. The one word that I've hated for the past two years.
Author's Note: Cliff hanger! What do you think will happen next? In the next chapters I will start dedicating chapters to people who leave meaningful comments! So keep commenting, reading & voting! Thank you!