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Ace of Spades

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

Sayoni nods her head along to the music as it blasts in the big club. She's walking side by side with Neveah.

It loud, as expected. You wouldn't go to a party in the club and expect it to be quiet, that would be irrational.

Sayoni and Neveah got their own section with some more of their friends.

Sayoni and her best friend enter the section. Neveah had to use the bathroom but Sayoni didn't want her to go alone. People be creeps.

Sayoni feels her phone buzzing in the palm of her hand. She looks at the screen seeing that Dayvon is FaceTiming her.

She answers and puts the phone to her ear.

"I just saw you. Whea you go?" Dayvon questions and Sayoni sits down. "I went back to my section with my friends" Since she's in this crowd place, Sayoni doesn't want to go anywhere alone.

She's not like one of those people who think people are out to get her. But some people just do stupid stuff for no reason.

"Ight come over here so I can see you" Dayvon says and Sayoni squints her eyes confused. "Dayvon I don't even know where you at" She quickly scans the club.

"I'm about to come to you" He says before hanging up.

A few minutes later Sayoni see's Dayvon coming her way. She stood to her feet and met him halfway.

"Heyy" She shyly says and Dayvon lets out a simple chuckle. "Don't be shy now. C'mon" he tilts his head before grabbing her hand.

Sayoni just walks behind him, managing to stay close to him as they walked to his section.

They made it there and Dayvon puts his hands on the girls waist, making her tense up at his touch. "Chill out, I'm just finna sit you next to me" he softly says.

He makes her take a seat before sitting next to her.

Sayoni looks over seeing him looking at her making her giggle and cover her face. "Why you staring at me, look over there" she points and Dayvon laughs.

"Damn I can't look? it's cool. Just don't look my way" He shakes his head and Sayoni laughs "please be for real, I ain't wanna look at you anyway" she jokingly waves him off and he grabs her hand.

"Nah you need to 'be for real'" He tightens his grip and she winces.

He loosens his grip before kissing her hand "my bad" he says rubbing her hand with his thumb.

Dayvon gets into a conversation with his friends and Sayoni just sits there as they get louder and louder and it's other girls there but they all just give her weird looks that she don't like.

She scans the section before getting on her phone. "You could at least speak, baby" Sayoni hears making her look up and she squints her eyes as the girl across from her is speaking.

"It goes both ways but hey" Sayoni says and another girl laughs "oh period, Diamond she ate you up" The woman says and Diamond sucks her teeth cocking her head back.

"Girl that bitch ain't eat shit" Diamond says and Sayoni clicks her phone off eyeing the girl as if she could shoot lasers out her eyes.

"Fuck is you disrespecting me for? You didn't even have to speak to me babe" Sayoni chuckles and Diamond smirks. "Stop talking to me before I have to do that to you" she says and Sayoni stares at her.

The guy's conversation slowly come to an end as they listen to the two girls "Do what? Baby I'm with whatever... what you trying to do" Sayoni tilts her head to the side and Diamond scoffs.

"Bitches always want problems with me. Stay the fuck whea you at and finish wishing you can suck that Nigga beside you dick bitch" Sayoni points to Dayvon's friend Muwop who Diamond is sitting beside and he has payed her no mind since she been right there.

Laughs are heard, which makes Diamond heart clench as her anger grows more. "Who the fuck are you talking t- you bitch" Sayoni cuts her off and her and Diamond just start going back and forth.

"Aye chill out" Dayvon says and Diamond rolls her eyes. "Von stop talking to me, I don't care who the fuck you think you are" Dayvon immediately opens his mouth to speak.

"You can leave! Need to remind you where you at, you fucking air head" Sayoni says before he can even speak making Dayvon look at her.

Sayoni lays down in her bed, she's looking at her phone and she gets a call from Von.

"Hi Dayvon" She greets glancing at her tv which is playing YOU. It's currently 4 in the morning.

"What's up, ma? You still mad" he questions and Sayoni begins to laugh. "I was never mad" She shrugs and Dayvon sucks his teeth.

"Shorty had you in thea turnt, you was ready to knock ha head off" He says and Sayoni chuckles. "I'm tired of H O E S" she spells out.

"Why you ain't slide to my slot with me" Dayvon asks and Sayoni shrugs.

When Sayoni defended Dayvon it turned him on to her even more. He likes that she was a nice girl until somebody pushed her buttons.

Dayvon wants Sayoni. Something about the Woman draws him to her and the same for her.

"Because why would I, I know what you want. Don't mean I'm finna give it to you" She grins and Dayvon let's out a slight laugh.

"You know I want you" He swipes his tongue over his lips and Sayoni smiles "yeah but you talk to, to many people" She fakes sighs and he just looks at her with his brown that appeared black when they are not in direct light.

"You want me to take you on a another date" He asks and Sayoni fake thinks "you want it that bad" She joking asks staring off.

"I want you! Not saying that I don't want your pu- Okay take me on a another date" She cuts him off not even wanting to here the rest of the freaky sentence that was about to escape his mind and roll of his tongue.

"Alright cool" he says and Sayoni is mentally screaming and kicking her feet.

She loves being in his presence, she just feels safe with him.


Andre is whistling while he has his hands stuffed in his pockets. He's standing outside of the apartment recently owned by him and Sayoni.

He looks at the front door before smirking. "Sweet, sweet Sayoni" He let's out a unstable laugh. "3 fucking years of my life" the laughter turns into anger.

He turns seeing a homeless woman staring at him making him mug her. "Fuck is yo ass looking at?" He questions and she fidgets.

"I know you got some on you, I do anything" she does a little dance and Andre squints his eyes. "Get yo ugly cluck ass my face" He shouts and she scratches her head and pushes her shopping cart away.

"It's fucking four in the morning talking bout some crack. Need to take you ass to sleep" He shouts after her before turning to the car he stole and getting in.

He's about to go to his family and try to gather everything he can and get revenge on Sayoni and end whatever Nigga she fucking with.

If she not happy with him, neither of them can be happy. Dead or alive.

-3 years ago-

Andre stares in the mirror looking at the blood dripping from his head onto his Carmel skin.

Andre is a handsome guy. He has Carmel skin tone, clear skin and light brown eyes, like pools of honey.

Sayoni and Andre have known eachother since high school. She loved how much he was focused on her. Swerving every girl to win her love.

Oh how everything has changed.

Andre looks at his low fade hair cut. He winces as he cleans the blood off the side of his head with peroxide.

Banging is heard at the door making him suck his teeth.

He steps over the mess to the front door.

"Who is it" he questions and he gets no answer so he groans before opening the door only to get shoved to the wall by police officers.

"Andre Green you are under arrest for the assault of Sayoni Carter. You have the right to remain silent and anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law" the officer says and Andre groans as he is pinned down and cuffed up.

"Fuck" He shouts as they harshly push him out of the apartment.

He is shirtless with jeans on and socks.

Andre looks around as the sun beams on his face and some people are watching. He locks eyes with Sayoni's best friend and she shakes her head with disappointment.

The officers are as harsh as ever as they shove him into the car. They wish they could bear his ass for what he did, they wish he would've caught back so they could apply 'necessary' force.

Sayoni sits in the passenger seat of Neveah car and Her and Andre lock eyes one last time before they could no longer see each other.

Sayoni stuffs her face into the hoodie given to her by one of the male police officers and a woman officer gave her some sweats and crocs.


Sayoni trembles as she pushes into the police station. "Woah ma'am" the male says confused as he stands to his feet.

"Help me, please" She cry's, drawing the attention of other officers.

"Ma'am what happened" the male officer removes his large jacket putting it over her and a lady helps her to her feet.

"He-h-he raped me" She says with tears streaming down her face and her voice breaking with every word she let out.

"Come this way" An officer directs her.

Sayoni had to go to the hospital so they could do a rape kit on her. After she left the hospital they went to pick up Andre and take him to the police station. And he would later that week be prosecuted.

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