The Return of Prince Milagro

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Soon enough, Samira and Raul made it to the ancient civilization of Maru.

"There's the old Maruvian temple, where the statue is," Raul told his granddaughter.

Samira couldn't help but see how messy this place was. "¡Dios mío!" she gasped. "What happened?"

"The Maruvians vanished centuries ago, mija," Raul replied. "Nobody knows what happened to them or where they went. All that's left of the ancient civilization of Maru are ruins like this."

Raul and Samira flew into a temple, but there was no statue—just what looked like a little dark ocean.

"Where's the statue?" Samira asked.

"Legend has it that you need to swim across the enchanted waters for the magic to work," Raul declared. "Just climb down, and I'll turn you into a mermaid. The spell will wear off when you're out of the water."

"Okay, Abuelo," Samira nodded. She carefully climbed down and stood at the edge of the water.

When Samira was ready, Raul used his magic to turn his granddaughter into a mermaid. Samira then dove down into the water and swam around, looking for the statue. Finally, she found it.

"That must be it!" Samira gasped. She took the amulet off and wrapped it around the wand. "Okay, Hizzan, do your thing."

Samira then put the amulet and wand on the crown of the statue. Suddenly, there was cranking and whirring. Then the amulet started to glow pink. There was a pink flash of light that shot up, and then the statue started to rise out of the water. Once out of the water, Samira turned back into a human and slid down the backside of the statue. Then Raul and the horses flew down to Samira's side. Suddenly, the amulet glowed pink, unwrapped itself from the wand, and flew down in front of Samira and Raul. Once the amulet hit the ground, there was a bright pink flash of light—and right there in front of Samira and Raul was Prince Milagro. For the first time in 47 years, he was finally free from the Amulet of Miradero. Speaking of the amulet, it flew up to Samira, who noticed the change in its color.

"Abuelo, the amulet turned pink," Samira said.

"I can see that," Raul nodded.

Samira held the amulet in her hands and turned to the prince. "Prince Milagro?" she gasped.

Milagro opened and rubbed his eyes and saw that he was finally free from the amulet. "I'm free!" he gasped. "Oh, at last I'm free!" He was so happy that he twirled around—but he felt pretty stiff, and so he lost his balance and fell down.

"Are you okay?" Samira asked. She and Raul helped Milagro on his feet.

"Yes, I'm fine," Milagro chuckled. "I've been trapped in that amulet for so long that I think I've forgotten how my legs work." Then he turned to Samira and hugged her tightly. "Oh, I knew you'd get me out! Thank you!"

"No problem," Samira blushed. "I believe this is yours." She put the pink amulet on Milagro.

"Gracias," Milagro smiled.

"Prince Milagro, I believe you know my grandfather Raul—he was your royal wizard," Samira said.

Milagro turned to Raul and saw that he had changed. "Raul?" he gasped.

"Yes, long time no see," Raul smiled. "Welcome back to Miradero, Milagro."

"Gracias," Milagro grinned. "Wow, you've grown."

"You were stuck in that amulet for a long time, dear boy," Raul declared. "You may still be 17, but I grew up—and now I'm a grandfather."

"Wow, good for you," Milagro smiled. "Gosh, I've been trapped in the amulet for so long, and I thought nobody would ever get me out—but here I am." He was so happy to be free that he just had to sing.

It feels so weird having my feet on the ground

It's been a while since I've been walking around

With my own eyes, I can once again see

My dream has come true—I am free

Then Milagro started climbing up the statue to get Ursula's wand.

But now that I'm here, there's a mission at hand

To drive that witch out of our beautiful land

I'll banish the darkness and bring back the light

Because this time, I'm ready to fight

This is my time

My time to face my old foe

My time

To reclaim what was ours long ago

This is my time

To stand up with honor and pride

My time

I've come too far to be denied

A flying horse flew up to Milagro, and he climbed on. Then he, Samira, and Raul each flew on a horse and back to Miradero.

Now off I must fly to the palace once more

To win back the freedom we had long before

I've spent many years waiting just for this day

And nothing will get in my way

This is my time

I have a plan that can't fail

Yes! It's my time

And I won't stop until I prevail

Now is my time

To honor my family and friends

My time

This is my time once again

This is my time once again!

Milagro was very happy to be home where he belonged, and everyone heard his beautiful singing. They just had to come over.

"Wow, that's beautiful," a woman gasped.

"Yes, but Queen Ursula made music illegal in Miradero," a man declared.

"I don't care what Ursula says—this is my kingdom, not hers," Milagro scoffed.

"Folks, this is your long-lost prince Milagro," Samira announced. "He magically disappeared the day Ursula invaded Miradero. Now he's back and ready to take back what he lost. Therefore, nobody listens to Ursula's laws anymore—you have to listen to Milagro!"

Everyone cheered, happy that they no longer have to obey Ursula.

"This is a real miracle!" a girl cried.

"Well, we brought Milagro back to his kingdom, but how are we going to drive Ursula away?" Raul asked.

Samira had an idea how to overthrow Ursula. "You know, Milagro, that was a pretty good song you were singing on the way here," she noted. "I think everyone else deserves to sing it."

Milagro and Raul felt like they knew what Samira meant.

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