Meeting Ursula

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A week later, Samira was sleeping in the ship's cabin when she heard her grandfather saying, "Wake up, Samirita. We're almost in Miradero!"

Samira then woke up and yawned, "We are?"

"Yes, now we'd better eat up before we reach the kingdom," Raul told her.

"Okay," Samira said.

After Samira and Raul ate, she put on dark purple pants, a blue and indigo top, a sky blue belt around her waist, and black boots. Of course, she was also wearing Milagro's amulet. She and Raul saw that they were now in Miradero.

"Whoa, Miradero is a lot different than I remember," Raul gaped. "The colors in the kingdom were so vibrant."

"Well, I'm sure the kingdom will be better when we destroy Ursula's magic," Samira reassured her grandfather.

"We'll do that after we free Prince Milagro," Raul told her.

The galleon reached the harbor, and there were many people cheering for Samira and Raul as the latter two got down from the ship. Suddenly, a royal coach came up to meet the royals—and Ursula came out. Samira was very nervous.

"Don't worry, mijita—you'll be okay," Raul declared.

Samira nodded, wanting to stay strong for her grandfather and Milagro. Luckily, Ursula never met Raul, so she didn't recognize him.

"A pleasure to meet you—I'm Queen Ursula," Ursula smiled innocently.

"Good to meet you, Your Majesty," Raul bowed. "I am Raul, royal wizard of Namiquipa, and this is my granddaughter, Princess Samira."

"Mucho gusto, majestad," Samira smiled bravely. "My father, King Javier, has sent us to Miradero for a trading trip."

"Ah, very well," Ursula grinned. "Please, climb into my coach, and I shall take you to my palace."

Samira and Raul climbed into the coach, and it rolled away to the palace. With nobody looking, three of Samira's flying horses flew the palace, going along with her plan. Samira noticed how quiet it is here in Miradero, and not very many people were happy. As soon as the coach reached the palace, Raul noticed that the palace looked nothing like it did prior to Ursula's reign, but Samira took her grandfather's hand, which made him smile.

Soon enough Ursula led Raul and Samira inside the palace.

"My goodness—this palace is beautiful," Raul declared.

"Thank you," Ursula smiled. "Now shall we get started on the trading?"

Samira raised her hand and said, "Before we do that, Your Majesty, let me say I've heard it said that you are the best salsa dancer in all of Miradero!"

Ursula was shocked to hear that, but her royal advisor wouldn't let her say anything against what the princess said.

"My granddaughter has been hoping you'd teach her how to salsa dance," Raul chuckled, going along with the plan.

"Well, the thing is, we only dance on special occasions—like trade meetings," the royal advisor declared. "I'm sure the queen would love to teach you the salsa."

"Oh, thank you," Samira smiled.

The royal advisor fetched a guitar and played a tune. Ursula tried to teach Samira how to dance. However, when Samira spun around, she pretended to lose her balance—and she stomped on Ursula's foot so hard that the queen didn't notice the princess take the wand out of her pocket. Samira gave her grandfather a thumbs-up, and Raul returned it to her.

"So sorry, Your Majesty—I'm such a klutz," Samira said innocently.

"Pardon me, Queen Ursula, but I must have a serious talking-to with my granddaughter," Raul lied. He turned to Samira and pretended to scold her, "Young lady, you are in a lot of trouble."

Raul and Samira slipped away from Ursula. When the coast was clear, the duo ran into the throne room and met up with the flying horses.

"That was close," Samira sighed.

"Yes, but now we have Ursula's wand," Raul smiled.

"Okay, Abuelo, off to Hizzan," Samira smiled.

Samira and Raul each got on a horse, and they flew off to the temples of Maru.

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