Your P.O.V
I couldn't sit by Garroth at lunch. I couldn't decide if he was mad at me or not, or if I was mad at him. I mean, I was mad at him, but only for the minutes where he was yelling at me.
I opened my locker searching for my math book for next period. Sure my locker was a little messy but I use my math book every day so why wouldn't it be on top.
"Looking for this." My locker was grabbed and swung open to full capacity until it touched other lockers.
"What do you have my math book for?" I asked sighing and taking the book out of Gene's hands.
"You know you really shouldn't leave your notes in there." Gene said.
"Don't get into my locker." I said adding the book to the pile of things in my hands and shutting the locker door. Really it's my fault, I never lock my locker so anyone is capable of getting in. But most of the time it's my friends and I don't mind.
"So you broke up with prince charming huh." Gene asked even though he knew the answer. I turned and started to walk away but Gene grabbed my free hand and pulled my to turn around, I pulled my hand free.
"No I didn't, it was mutual what do you care." I said standing infront of him only because he would have pulled me back.
"Really because that seems pretty unbelievable to me. I doubt Garroth would willingly let go of one of the only two girls he's ever even shown affection towards. But hey, I'm not complaining." Gene stared at me and reached up to place his hand on the top of the lockers.
"It's none of your business." I said narrowing my eyes at him.
"So tell me, why'd you break up with him?" Gene asked.
"It has nothing to do with you." I said.
Gene looked at me like he was judging me. With his eyebrows narrowed and his eyes squinted. He looked at me for a while before he turned and walked down the hallway. I watched him walk down the hallway and for a second I was confused why he would just walk away, until I turned around and Garroth was three feet away from me.
"Jesus you couldn't have said my name." I asked taking a step back.
"What are you talking to him for?" Garroth asked motioning behind me towards where Gene was walking away.
"He came up to me. Why?" I asked. After having not talked to me all day this wasn't what I expected him to be saying to me. Or maybe it isnt what I want him to say to me.
"What'd he say?" Garroth asked.
"He asked about what's going on, with you. Why?" I asked again.
"Why do you just talk to him? You think you know him better than me. What'd you do while we were broken up?" Garroth raised his eyebrows and tilted his head down towards me. I stared at him, surprised, for what felt like several minutes.
"Are you joking?" I asked hoping that his answer was yes.
"What do you think I'm joking about?"
"Garroth I have known you for the same amount of time I've known Gene, and if you really wanna get specific I've known you for longer. I don't think we got together to early and I most definitely do not think that Gene is a better option. And you know what I did while we broke up, I cried, and I'm pretty sure becoming Gene's girlfriend didn't cross my mind once." I said. I had my empty hand held out and my voice had definitely gotten louder than I intended.
"I'm not trying to make you mad at me Y/N." Garroth said much quieter than I had.
"Well mission failed because you're pissing me off Garroth. What do you keep questioning me for? Why don't you trust me?" Garroth moved his shoulders and I stared at his face for a second trying to decide if my words had made him flinch.
"Because you're freaking me out. After what Aphmau said and now we're ignoring eachother. I don't want to, break up." He said the last part quietly and looked away from me.
"And I keep telling you we're not. Why don't you trust me." I asked my shoulders falling.
"Why would you tell me if you were going to break up with me." He asked. I was surprised and my face probably told him that I was. I wouldn't tell him if I were thinking of breaking up with him, I don't think I would tell anyone until it was done. "Exactly you wouldn't."
I didn't know what to say, I wanted to walk away. I wouldn't have if it weren't for the bell ringing.
"I need to get to class." I said softly walking around Garroth and making sure not to run through him.
I walked past multiple classes getting evil eyes from teachers who were looking out from their classroom. I had to open the door to the math class in order to get in, everyone turned and at that second I wished I had walked away from Garroth earlier.
"Are you back together?" Katelyn asked as I sat down in my seat next to her. I looked at her confused.
"No where were you?" I asked.
"Girls." Katelyn and I both turned towards our teacher and after a moment we both turned back to eachother.
"I saw where you were. In the hall, talking with Garroth. Did you get back together." Katelyn sounded eager and was again shushed by our teacher.
"What no. Did you miss the whole part of that conversation where we were yelling at eachother." I whispered as I leaned on my hand and raised my eyebrows at her.
"Why were you yelling at eachother?" Katelyn whisper asked.
"Gene came up and talked to me. Garroth told me not to talk to him." I answered.
"Oh." Katelyn said simply nodding her head.
"You're not going to question why Garroth told me that?" I questioned, which I admit probably wasn't the best thing to do.
"No makes sense to me. Garroth doesn't like any of us talking to Gene, not that we do it often. He says he prefers not to have to get in fist fights because of Gene."
"It took you long enough." Mom sounded annoyed but she had no reason to be. If it had taken long to pick me up from school then it was because Marcus left to early.
"That's because Y/N always takes forever." Marcus said striding towards the kitchen.
"I do not." I said glaring at Marcus even though he wasn't looking at me.
"Okay okay I've been waiting for this sence we got home. Give us the deeds, about your boyfriend." My mom lifted her hand and moved it in a circle for a reason I didn't really understand
"I thought you weren't going to say anything." I said through my teeth.
"Get on with it. Tell me about this boy." Dad said moving his hand in the same motion. He was hunched over the counter with a coffee cup, which didn't seem to be doing much good judging by how tired he looked.
"There isn't one. We broke up." I said my voice coming out like I was a robot. Marcus nearly spit out whatever he had just put in his mouth.
"Huh." He said just about as loud as he could with food in his mouth, "When did this happen. How many times are you gonna break up with him?" I internally thanked the fact that he had his mouth full and was only partially able to speak.
"What'd you break up with him for. And after you told me what a good person he is." Mom sighed almost sounding disappointed.
"He is a good person and I didn't break up with him. It was mutual, we're better friends." I said percing my lips together.
"Don't want to talk about it?" Mom asked even though I'm sure she already knew my answer. I was surprised she even asked. Dad hadn't said anything, I wasn't surprised about that.
"There's nothing to talk about." I said shrugging.
"Okay." Mom said, and then it was quiet for so long I turned to walk to the stairs, "Tomorrow Dad and I are going to go on a walk and check out the neighborhood. Have any suggestions of where to go?"
"No." I said honestly. Pheonix Drop was big, but not like a city. It was big enough to have a private school and multiple parks. But there were no large business's or landmarks that would attract lots of people, thats part of the reason my parents have to work out of town.
I sighed as I shut the door to my room behind me. That actually worked.
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