Things I heard during the last weak.
Just to make things clear, we have our so called "christmas finals" (4 exams a week, 5 hours of sleep, one meal a day) rn and not only me, but the whole class is slowly loosing their marbels.
"I could just yeet this table if I had the motivation"
"Fifty shades of gray circles under my eyes"
"I'm married to sleep, I even got rings" *points to dark eyes*
"The bags under my eyes are from Target"
"Y'all want some coffee? Then go buy one you floatatious fucks!"
"Yehaw, mah name's Depression"
"We make no mistakes, just big, sad accidents"
"Sliiide to the left" *falls down the staris*
"I live in a constant state of fear of my own shoes..."
"Food is for Losers"
"Who needs happiness anyways? :,)"
"Miss Freygang, do you think I need this for the next five years of my life?"
"Bitch! Fuck me yourself, you coward!"
*Constantly singing Take me home contry roads*
"My skin is on fire"
"Yesterday, I tried to cook minute rice but then I remembered, I didn't know how. Good thing I learned how to cut open a pig heart"
"Maybe I have depression?"
"Bitch, Groot would fucking destroy Kirby in UNO"
*Screams, cries, cries even more because they hate to cry*
"The Queen is dead and Big Ben just fucking explodes"
"Bibbedy bobbedy BOOM!!" *Makes something explode*
"I am this close to give everyone some berries"
*Gasp* "just like Beyoncé"
*Brings a cat to school*
"He's possesed, I tell you."
"Where is Thanos, when you need him?"
"It's the mooost stressfull timeee of the yeeeaaar~"
"The only warmth I experience, is the burning rage inside of me"
*Humming the death note theme*
" I can comunicate with the grass"
"He swims like a caterpillar"
"C'mon Guys, only nine more hours to go..."
"I thought this was Jesus, biting intensely into a paper boat"
"Oh Boy, the demons under my bed probably wonder why I'm not home anymore."
"I found a turtle today, he's really polite. His name is Angelo"
*Cries laughing during the Lego Ninjago movie*
"Random question of the day: Why am I still alive?"
"Chemistry, more like cheMYSTERY, because I have no idea what the fuck is going on."
"I don't know where I get all these tears from."
"I have a talent for ropes. Especially for making special loops."
"You're so negative! Suck my Dick, I'm just realistic!"
*Looks into the camera like they're on the Office"
"I think I will commit a bathtub"
"I hate Christmas. It's always so happy and joyfull"
"Stop making holes in my ship!"
"No, earth and plants are not the same bending style, you uncultured swine!"
"I'm a disappointing shit lama."
"Yass gurrl, slay those inflatable ducklings"
"Lol, this Bitch looks like Luther"
Ah yes, the sweet braindamage of school.
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