Pool of the Chained

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   Upon nearing the bottom of the stairs, you stopped short. Just a few more paces in front of you, you saw a square room. The candlelight was no longer needed, but the brothers kept it lit should the other light source go out. Glowing circular blue stones were embedded in the grey stone walls. These stones illuminated the pool of water that filled the base of the room. It was eerily still and covered the last steps of the stairwell.

The water itself wasn't unclean, but you couldn't see the bottom of the pool. It had a milky blue color that seemed to shimmer under the stones' light. Personally, you didn't want to go into the pool, but you needed to. You didn't know what you were supposed to look for, or if you would even be able to see once in the body of water. These factors only made the situation worse. On the other hand, you kept telling yourself that if something were in there the water would have some movement to it.

Combing your left fingers through your hair, you sat down on one of the steps and began to take off your shoes. There was no way to get around this situation. You could always walk away, but then you would forever be stuck with a nagging feeling in the back of your mind. Besides, you had just escaped murdering clowns to get to this point. After that, you weren't going to go back empty handed.

"My dear lady, what do you think you're doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm going into the water," you replied, setting your shoes to the side and now pulling off your socks.

"And you think we're going to allow you to that, Miss _____?"

"I've come this far and I'm going to keep pushing forward. You two will stay here. I'll ask for your assistance if I need it, otherwise don't come into the water unless I'm underwater for an extensive amount of time."

You displayed no signs of backing down and now with your socks off, you took off the vest and set it on the stairs as well. With the vest off, you rested your hands on your hips and kept your gaze on the brothers. They glanced at each other before each lightly sighed.

"Well I suppose we'll follow along with your plan," Heart voiced, shaking his head slightly and indicating his overall disapproval of you going into the water.

"Thank you, however could you both turn the other way? As much as I would like to keep my pants on, they will weigh me down in the water," you half-mumbled with a slight blush on your face.

For just a moment, a small tint of pink decorated the brothers' cheeks. Soon though Heart smirked and Diamond smiled before they bowed lightly and turned the other way. Rolling your eyes, you made sure that they weren't looking before removing your pants and setting them next to your other clothes; you kept your dagger belt on though. Pushing the sleeves up on your shirt, you stared at the still water.

Taking a step into the water, a shiver ran up your spine at how cold it was. Rubbing your arms a bit, you proceeded further into the pool. When you felt that you were on the last step, you took a deep breath and dove into the water. Submerged, you opened your eyes that you had closed. Thankfully, you could see in the water, but you were surprised to find the water beneath the surface quite clear. You were able to see the stone floor and the rest of the walls, though part of you wished that you hadn't seen the bottom part of the walls.

Resting up against the walls were stone figures, which had the appearance of a lizard and fish. The upper half had the body of a lizard while the lower half had a fishtail like that of a mermaid. Disturbingly, they looked a little too life-like for your tastes. Besides the troubling statues, you saw a metal chain running the length of the ground. Your eyes followed the chain until you saw something small attached to the end of it.

Swimming over to the object, you found out that it was a ring. Getting closer, you noticed that it was a rose-gold ring. Emeralds, amethysts, orange and light orange topazes resided in the ring. It bore a pattern of teardrop and circular cuts. Overall, it was a beautiful ring, but you were reluctant to touch it. Just resting your fingers upon it may make those statues come to life. It honestly wouldn't surprise you.

Thus you swam up to the surface and filled your lungs with air again. Both brothers bore relieved expressions and you told them to summon a piece of paper and a pen. They gave you a strange look, but you just motioned them to hurry up. Once they had the required tools for the task, you went back under and made sure that you got the details of the ring right.

On your second trip underwater, you spotted writing on the inside of the ring. You couldn't make it out though from where you were though. Thus you swam even closer to the piece of jewelry. Now just able to make out the writing without touching the ring, you read: M. Inler, Village of Valinquinia. Confused by the fact that it said village rather than city, you wondered how old this ring was. Swimming to the surface, you narrated the details to the twins. They seemed just as puzzled when you told them what was written on the ring. At least you now knew where to search next. Frankly, you weren't going to travel there yourself, but see if Rollta could do a favor for you. Despite the fact that Umelius was no longer trying to kill the other kings and queens, you still had no desire to venture back into that city.

Just as you had reached the stairs, you felt something tug on your right leg. It felt metallic, as it tightened its hold on your limb. Eyes widening, you looked underwater to see the chain and ring wrapped around your leg. Not understanding why it was suddenly around your leg, you stuck your head back out of the water. You were about to call for the brothers' help, but the thing tugged once more and pulled you under.

Struggling against the thing, you tried to get the chain off of you, but were failing immensely. Unsheathing one of your daggers, you slashed at the chain, yet that did nothing. The chain kept dragging you further to the stone floor. Taking out your other dagger, you formed your queen's weapon and struck the chain again. Still it didn't work and you were now wondering what you could do.

Loud splashes sounded behind you and looking over your shoulder, you saw the brothers swimming towards you. The moment they entered the water though, a cracking sound resonated in the water. Your eyes darted to one of the statues and your fear became a reality. They were breaking, revealing the reptilian skin and scales underneath. All of you needed to get out of the water now, or you might not make it out.

Diamond seeing the stone break off the statues, unsheathed the saber at his side and readied himself for battle. Heart went towards your right legs and attempted to get the chain off you. He wasn't having any more success than you and thus he took out his own king's weapon. Bringing it down on the chain, it surprisingly slashed right through it. Falling off your leg, you noticed the red marks covering your skin. No doubt bruises would form.

Not waiting another second, Heart wrapped his right arm around your waist and pulled you to the surface while Diamond fought off the first of the lizard-fishes. The blue-headed male continued to swim the both of you to the steps, yet the chain caught your right ankle. Feeling the resistance, Heart stopped and swung the blade once more. Like before the chain broke. Now knowing that the chain wasn't going to give up easily, Heart swam faster and soon the both of you were at the steps. Quickly, you climbed onto the stairs out of the water and caught your breath.

Heart seeing that you were safely on the stone steps went back under and aided his brother. Shivering from the cold water, you rubbed your arms furiously. At least the cold was numbing the pain from the chain grabbing you. Swiftly, you took off the purple long-sleeve v-neck before the brothers resurfaced. Grabbing your pants, you put them back on and afterwards put on your vest. Zipping it up, you stuck your hands in the pockets, glad to have dry clothes on. Your dry socks and shoes soon covered your feet as well.

As you were warming yourself back up, you tried not to think of how long the brothers were underwater. Luckily, they had resurfaced a couple of times. Frankly, you wanted to go back in and help, but that chain would attack you again; you would only become a burden to them. What befuddled you was that the chain hadn't made any move to attack, once you rested on the steps. This meant that it could probably only reside in the water, yet you didn't understand why it had attacked you in the first place. Why didn't it strike earlier? Moreover, why had the statues come alive when the brothers entered the water? It really didn't make any sense.

Bringing your knees closer to your chest, you presumed that maybe the statues activated if someone other than an ace came into contact with the water. You applied this same reasoning to the fact that Heart's king's weapon worked on the chain and not your queen's weapon. It was the only thing you could think of, but the chain still left you bewildered. Was it just spelled to activate after a certain time? Perhaps, it would've been better to just bring the ring out of the water after all. Surely, that way it couldn't strike at you. The chain was indeed long enough for you to bring the ring above the surface.

Focusing back on the water, you saw it move around quite fiercely. Hopefully, that meant the brothers were winning the fight, though you hadn't seen them resurface in awhile. Concern sinking in, you slowly rocked back and forth. They couldn't die on you just like that.  

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