One minute went by, and then another, yet nothing attacked any of you. The cackling persisted though, filling the darkness with its awful sound. Among the rushing water, and the cackling, you could hear something moving quietly across the walls and presumably the ceiling. No doubt, it was the thing making the noise, but at the same time it sounded like there was more than one. With the echoing of the laughter, it was hard to tell. You desired to see how the brothers were taking this, but you couldn't make out their facial expressions. All you could see were the outlines of their faces.
The moment you turned your attention back to the darkness in front of you, you gripped the safety bar in the ride instantly, as the boat sped downwards into what seemed like the abyss. You had no idea how long the drop lasted. All you focused on was the bar and the weird carnival music that began playing. It resembled that of carousel music and perhaps it was, but it just made the environment all the more dreadful. In fact you could almost picture a kelpie jumping out of the water and attacking you.
When the boat finally crashed against the water at the bottom, you would've sighed in relief if it weren't for you now being soaked. You heard Heart coughing up water behind you and Diamond cursed quietly beside you. Your hands fell back to your daggers after you wiped the water from your face. With your eyes only closed for a moment, you weren't expecting what you saw when you reopened them. Having to shield your eyes from the bright lights, you glanced around to see pictures of dolphins lit up along with the bear cubs. Up ahead, you could see the pictures slowly transition into animatronics that moved slowly to the music. If they were once delightful to glance upon, they were no longer so. Due to the ride's abandonment, they were rusted and creaked when they moved back and forth while the pipe music coming from the bears' pipes sounded terrible against the ride's main music.
These slightly terrifying aspects weren't anything in comparison to what roamed on the ceiling and walls. Unsheathing your daggers, you prepared for an attack, but Diamond rested his left hand over your right one. He shook his head at you before drawing his hand back.
"Don't make any noticeable movement or sound. They may hear the boat's movement, but that's it. They can't see us and they most likely don't hear us, so remain quiet and still," whispered Diamond into your right ear.
Just giving a brief nod in response, you kept your hands on your daggers and kept a close eye on the creatures. The things, which had the body of a human, had no eyes, but just red Xs carved in their place. Thin-lipped mouths were painted red while their rainbow colored hair looked as though the creatures had stuck their fingers in an electrical socket. Bodies a deathly white were contrasted against their black overalls. Finger and toe nails were missing, since their twenty digits were curled into sharp claws. They were most likely the demented versions of the clowns that used to work in the carnival. In truth they made the manager seem dull in comparison, but maybe that was because there was well over a dozen in the ride with you.
While keeping a watch on them, you glanced around the ride for any signs that it contained the streams of Avaka. There were indeed pipers, but there were so many. The song only referenced one. Likewise, the main stream still hadn't split into multiple ones yet. Moreover, you didn't see any muses in the ride. Maybe the muses were supposed to be the dolphins, but you doubted it. Going over the lyrics again, you remembered that the first line stated that the individual picked their piper and muse. Did you just have to choose one of the bear cubs and dolphins? Something told you it wouldn't be that simple. Even if these were the streams, you wondered how they would help you reach the streets of Ganab. You regretted not thinking about that sooner. Regardless, you were here now and you only wanted to come here once.
All the creatures continued on with their movement and after looking at them for some time, it almost seemed like they were moving to the music. With one step to the side another would take its place, creating the image of a coordinated dance. This began to worry you when they started climbing off the walls and into the fake strands of grass that covered the sides of the ride. One would step next to a bear and then to a dolphin with another following in suit. Were they actually aware of your presence, but were just making their attack agonizingly slow?
Scooting a little closer to the middle of the seat, you pushed some of your wet bangs away from your face. You were now closer to Diamond, but you didn't mind in this situation. Honestly, having the company of another in this ride was somewhat reassuring. Turning your head ever so slightly to view Heart, you noticed that his back was facing the both of you. Even though you couldn't see his eyes, you knew his gaze was trained on something behind the boat.
Glancing out at where you just came from, you noticed one of the terrifying things in the water. The water went up to their knees and it had its hands up like it was a ballerina of some sort. It turned slowly in the water, dancing to the disturbed tune. This sight sent a chill up your spine and you now understood that the creatures were advancing towards the boat. You now wished for the ride to go fast.
Looking back to the front of you, you noticed something different within the ride's scenery. On the side in the tall green grass, was a robotic man sitting on a plastic tree stump and playing a pipe. Next to him on a low branch of a plastic tree hung a simple dark pink dress that flared out at the bottom. Listening closely to the man, you realized that no music was coming from his pipe. It remained silent in contrast to the bear cubs' pipes. Upon closer inspection, you noticed that it wasn't metal, but made of wood. Not waiting another moment, you tugged on Diamond's left jacket sleeve. When he glanced down at you, you pointed at the sitting piper.
"We need to get off and go over there," you stated quietly, motioning for him to get off the ride.
He looked like he wanted to protest, but he remained quiet and wrapped his left arm around your waist. After quietly calling Heart, he stood up in the ride and swiftly jumped out and onto the nearby land. Heart followed after while Diamond released his grip on you. Your eyes quickly scanned the surrounding area to see where the creatures were. Thankfully, they were still some distance off, but they were still moving slowly in your direction.
Going over to the piper, you wrenched the pipe from his hand, asking, "Which one of you can play?"
Heart gave a questioning look to his brother before raising his hand. Before he even placed his hand back by his side, you shoved the pipe in his hand and threw the dress at Diamond. Right now, you couldn't afford an explanation. You needed to be quick before the creatures reached the three of you. Diamond held the dress awkwardly and you motioned for him to put the thing on. Were you not surrounded by potential life-threatening monsters, you would be chuckling at the sight of Diamond putting on a dress. In the back of your mind though, you could tell Diamond was formulating some plan in his mind to get back at you. Glancing back at Heart, you signaled him to begin playing. The moment he began, the monsters would know your location.
In all honesty you had no idea what you were going to accomplish with this, but you were going along with the song lyric:
I walked the streams of Avaka, picking a piper and making a muse. Technically, you had just chosen a piper and made a muse, so hopefully that would cause something to happen. You only hoped that you wouldn't have to literally walk the stream in the ride. Heart brought the pipe to his lips and started playing notes that went along with the ride's main music. As you suspected, the creatures instantly noticed the new sound, however it was frightening seeing all of their heads turn in your direction at once.
Diamond stood, clad in his dark pink dress that was more like a shirt, while resting his right hand over his saber. The creatures all moved in unison towards the three of you, but still at their slow pace. All hands moved at once, all feet did the same, as they performed a unified number. Panic starting to rise within you, you glanced between Heart and Diamond. Why wasn't anything happening? There was the possibility that this ride didn't contain the streams of Avaka, but something in your gut told you otherwise.
Taking a few steps back, your eyes caught hold of the slightest of movements. The piper on the stump moved his right foot just a little. Soon he moved it more before he began to stand up from the stump. You didn't know if you should attack him, or wait. He didn't look that threatening, but in this world you never knew. Walking to the side of the stump, he stood still, as the stump moved aside. This revealed a stairway leading downwards. Not wasting any time, you bolted down the stairs, as Heart set the pipe back in the piper's hand and Diamond took off the dress. Before the ride's scenery left your field of vision, you noticed that the creatures were just starting to crawl on and drop down onto the piece of land, as they filled the space with their awful cackling.
They trailed right behind you, as the stump closed a few moments later. You only hoped that this passage would lead out of the ride as well. Going back through the ride would not be a fun experience. Besides, those monsters may very well be guarding the area of the ride possessively now, waiting for some prey to walk into their grasp. Your pace had slowed tremendously due to the stairway being pitch black. Carefully, you took one step at a time until a light appeared in the stairwell from behind you. Heart held a box of matches and Diamond carried a courting candle holder with a candle inside. It was lit and permitted you to see the stairs in front of you. You were about to ask why they hadn't lit one at the beginning of the ride, but instantly remembered the water. The candle would've been extinguished the moment the boat crashed against the water. Just glad that you had some light, you continued to descend the steps.