Chapter 6

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Evaluations were in. It was time to see the scores of the tributes and the current standings of the bets. The entirety of the District 12 team sat in the lounge, awaiting with trepidation for the results to come in. Music sounded on the television as Caesar Flickerman appeared. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, we have waited anxiously all week wondering how our dear tributes are, the intrigue on who has the skills to come out victorious. Well, we have to wait no further as the evaluations are here." The flamboyant man spoke with enthusiasm.

One by one, each of the tributes score was revealed, the lowest being 1 and the highest 12.

[ 10 ] District 1 M
[ 09 ] District 1 F
[ 11 ] District 2 M
[ 10 ] District 2 F
[ 04 ] District 3 M
[ 06 ] District 3 F
[ 09 ] District 4 M
[ 09 ] District 4 F
[ 07 ] District 5 M
[ 06 ] District 5 F
[ 09 ]  District 6 M
[ 04 ] District 6 F
[ 07 ] District 7 M
[ 06 ] District 7 F

[ 03 ] District 8 M
[ 04 ] District 8 F
[ 06 ] District 9 M
[ 10 ] District 9 F
[ 05 ] District 10 M
[ 07 ] District 10 F
[ 09 ] District 11 M
[ 04 ]  District 11 F
[ 10 ]  District 12 M
[ 11 ] District 12 F

The members of team 12 were shocked momentarily before a round of applause broke out. Both Helena and Cole got really high scores, Helena receiving one of the highest. "My goodness, we might actually get a victory this year." Effie exclaimed in her excitement. "Well done to the both of you." Ambrosia smiled.

"Well, you can see here, folks." Caesar spoke. "Unexpected scores across the board. A wide range of skills from our beloved tributes. And a few surprises." The screen shifted to the betting table, showing the different bets and sponsorships. Numbers were changing rapidly as the people of the Capitol submitted their votes and their sponsorship. You could see the names of the tributes rising and falling in the ranking table, a battle for who will come out on top. It soon slowed down, leaving one person on top. Helena. "The numbers this year are astronomical, Ladies and Gentlemen, and you can find out more about our noble fighters this evening." Ceaser reminded.

Helena felt dumb. She had completely forgotten about the tribute interviews that were to be held that evening. The worry about cramming enough training in and how she would do on the evaluations had caused the thought to slip her mind completely. Public speaking was a completely new concept to Helena. She did not bear well with crowds. To make matters worse, the interviews were only a few hours away.

"You both have an hour with Haymitch and I to rehearse for the interviews. After that, you shall be dolled up. Helena, you are with me first. Cole, you are with Haymitch." Ambrosia addressed the tributes. She led Helena to an annexe. "So Lena, we will be working on your posture and how you carry yourself." Sia spoke warmly. Helena nodded. "Haymitch and I decided it would be best to lean into the fact that you are a child. Present yourself in a youthful and innocent way." She said.

Their lesson wasn't too difficult. Helena was taught how to walk with a slight bounce in her step with her head held high and her back straight. Sia taught her how to make her smile more innocent as well as the right way to wave. She was taught how to walk in heels, the way to sit to the way to talk, Helena was taught it all. When the hour was up, she and Cole switched.

"We're leaning into a sibling bond between you and Cole for the publicity." Haymitch said. "But we're not related." Helena responded. "The both of you are close enough to be considered siblings, and so we're pushing into the concept the Capitol has imagined." The mentor explained. Helena nodded her head in understanding as they began to discuss strategy.

"Caesar, and the rest of the Capitol, will be intrigued due to your high score in the evaluations. It is almost guaranteed that he will ask you." Haymitch stated before continuing. "I want you to act innocent, downplay your abilities, and pretend you don't know how your score was one of the highest." The girl mentally took notes combining it with the stuff Ambrosia taught her. She kept revising the advice until it was cemented.

Haymitch continued to coach her on how to win over the Capitol until the hour was up. Helena was brought to her room where Rosier had set up station. "How are you feeling?" He asked the girl as she entered. "Anxious, numb, scared. As if I am being sent to my death tomorrow." Helena spoke honestly. "All natural feelings, Lena." The stylists reassured as he gestured for her to take a seat.

"What happens if everything goes wrong, Rosier?" She asked the man apprehensively as he brushed her hair. "Then you abandon all you preplanned ideas and run. Put as much distance between you and your fellow tributes as possible, and hope for sponsors." Rosier stated. He began to put her hair into a half French twist, leaving most of Helena's hair flowing down her back. He decorated her hair with a large silk bow at the back with little white feathers poking from the clip. Then he moved onto makeup.

"You have to close your eyes until I say you can open them, okay?" The stylist said. Helena nodded, closing her eyes. She felt the makeup as it was applied to her skin, from the cold sensation of the primer and foundation to the tickle of the brushes on her skin. The pressure on her eyelids was subtle as Rosier applied eyeshadow. Once finished, the man led her behind a divider and passed her some undergarments. "You can open your eyes whilst you put them on, but close them once you're finished." He told her.

After she put on the undergarments, Helena closed her eyes once more and stepped out from behind the divider. Rosier led her onto a pedestal and made her stand in a t-pose. She felt as the fabric slid onto her skin. It was lightweight, a stark contrast to her chariot outfit, and felt rather flowy. Apart from the top squeezing her as it was tightened, it was very comfortable. Helena felt something being tied around her waist before her feet were lifted. White, frilly socks were slid onto each foot shortly followed by a pair of white, chuncky heeled Mary Jane's. A necklace was secured around her neck, and then she felt Rosier step away.

"You can open your eyes now, Lena." The stylist told her. The lights in the room were like a flashbang as Helena opened her eyes. After she blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the light, the girl saw her reflection in the mirror and was blown away by the angelic vision before her. She wore a white, flowy, tiered, highlow dress with a corseted bodice and pirate sleeves. A large bow was tied at the back, matching the one in her hair. And the makeup was beautiful, subtle with a hind of Capitol glam. Crystals and feathers were skillfully placed on her face, highlighted by the shimmer of the eyeshadow. Bows, feathers, and frills seemed to be the idea.

"Wow, Rosier, I look -" Helena was speechless. "Like the girl you were meant to be. Let me see a twirl." Rosier finished. Helena smiled as she twirled, the fabric flowing free behind her. "Oh, Lena..." Rosier smiled, admiring his work and how happy it made the girl. "I hope the Sponsors really see you tonight. Like this. The real you." He said. "Not just another tribute?" Helena asked. "No, like a child. Innocent and pure, carefree without a worry in the world. How it should be." The stylist spoke with passion. Helena looked slightly saddened by his last words.

"Once those cameras are on, try to pretend you're talking to a best friend back home. Do you have someone like that?" Rosier asked, trying to brighten the mood once more. "Not really, but I have my Papa, and he hates the Games." Helena responded with a sad smile. "Well then," Rosier chuckled. "When you see me sitting in that
audience, pretend I'm him. Can you do
that?" He asked. Helena nodded with a smile. "Let them love you out there. It might just save you." He told her before offering out his arm. She took it graciously, and Rosier escorted her into the lounge.

"Well, look at you!" Cole exclaimed with enthusiasm. Helena blushed slightly when all the attention went to her. "Oh my goodness, you are simply adorable." Effie squeeled. Helena gave them all a twirl and even saw a faint smile of amusement on Haymitch's face. "What do you think, Haymitch?" She asked her mentor. "Angelic, sweetheart." Her replied.

Ambrosia entered the room, looking at her watch before looking at the scene before her. "Look at you both. The people of the Capitol are sure to love it." She smiled, looking at the children before her. Cole was dressed semi formally, with a dark blue suit jacket and pants along with a white t-shirt. His hair was gelled back, and he wore a slight bit of eyeliner to make his eyes pop. "Is everyone ready because we have half an hour to get to the amphitheatre?" Sia asked. The group nodded as they made their way downstairs where a limousine was waiting.

Outfit inspo

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