Chapter 5

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As training progressed, Helena rotated through stations, learning all she could from the trainers. She and Cole also learnt a lot of valuable information from Haymitch and the rest of the 12 team. As evaluation day grew closer and closer, the youngest tribute continued working on her endurance, speed, and agility, sneaking down to the training centre at night to practice her weaponry away from prying eyes.

From her observations through the week of the different stations, Helena had an unmistakable idea of what the arena would look like. And it didn't make her feel any more reassured. The fear welling inside her only swelled as her time left in the Capitol grew shorter and shorter. It bubbled, ebbing and flowing, and it left her crying every evening. How life was cruel and unfair.

Evaluation day was eventually here as Helena battled to keep her nerves. The 12 team were sat around a table, eating a large breakfast in preparation for the day ahead of them. Haymitch was running through how the day would look like.

"You'll have an hour to train before the evaluations. It's your lats chance to polish your skills and figure out what you will perform for the Gamemakers." He said. "You two will be evaluated last. The Gamesmakers are usually tired by then - you'll just have to get their attention somehow. Should be a good fit for you, Cole, 'cause it's the only pre-Games event that won't require you to be pleasant." Their mentor looked towards the 18-year-old who just shrugged and rolled his eyes.

Helena's mind went to the other tributes. On how their mentors were probably giving them a similar talk.

"So you want us to actually try today?" Cole asked. Haymitch smiled, "Exactly, it's time to show off. Your very best. Get a good score, and sponsors will notice. Good luck! The both of you." The mentor spoke.

After breakfast, Helena changed into her training gear and tied her her into a french braid. Securing her trainers to her feet with a double bow, she made her way to the elevator, descending the many floors of the building until she reached the training centre. She decided to take on the gauntlet, a large obstacle course set out to test their agility, speed, and initiative. It was something she had been putting off as she didn't want to draw attention to herself. She watched for a while, observing the patterns of the movement. It took only a minute. But she was ready.

Stepping up to the moving platforms, she took a deep breath. Her nerves settled in her stomach as she cracked her neck. With speed, she took off: climbing, jumping, dodging, and weaving as she took on the moving obstacle course. She doged the swinging logs, the ground still moving beneath her, before she made it to the monkey bars. Helena quickly made it across, swinging from bar to bar. Then she got to the vertical climb. A rock wall. She smirked before beginning to climb, her feet and hands moving in sync with one another as she scaled the wall. It was only after she slid down the rope, finishing the course, did she realise that everything was quiet... too quiet.

Looking around, she saw the rest of the tributes looking at her. Some in shock, some in awe, and some in envy. She felt anger radiating off of the careers. Uh oh. It was at that moment she realised a target was painted on her back because of her agility. Completing the hardest area of training in record time seemed to do that. Helena didn't even want to look up at the balcony. She could already feel the eyes of the Gamemakers on her as well.

For the rest of the hour, she sat and read up on the different mutts they had put in the arena and the frequency. They often put your normal food supply animals: birds, squirrels, rabbits, and occasionally deer. However, it was the dangerous mutts she was interested in. From what she knew of the arena they'd be facing, she had a few ideas of what creatures she'd find. Soon, the alarm signalling the hour over sounded.

The Tributes were escorted to an annexe with twelve benches for them to sit on. It was female then male, so Helena would go before Cole. She sat on the bench as nerves filled her being, radiating from her as her body shook and leg bounced. It was as if all her senses were heightened. The clock ticking on the wall, the breathing of the other tributes, faint sounds of merriment from the next room. Everything appeared louder to her.

Time ticked by, and Helena's anxiety only grew worse as each tribute was called for examination. It was only her and Cole left. The clock continued its ticking, the sound just as loud as Helena's heartbeat. Everything went silent, however, when her name rang out on the speakers. "District 12, Helena Jade Baird." She got up and steadied herself, taking a deep breath. "You've got this, Lena." Cole said to her, reassuringly. She gave him a smile as she went through the doors.

Helena entered the gym. The Gamesmakers barely acknowledged her. Some of them were tipsy now, most of them eyeing the buffet to their left. "I'm Helena, from District 12." She smiled to Seneca Crane, the man gave a brief smile back. "Miss Baird, you have fifteen minutes to show us your skills." The Head Gamemaker spoke. Helena nodded before making her way to the botany section.

She began the simulation, and with speed and precision, she sorted the 450 cards in record time. Finishing the entire exercise in 30 seconds. Helena smiled as she grabbed some throwing knives and climbed a tree like structure. Looking at the targets, she threw the knives one by one, hitting each target in vital areas.

Climbing back down the tree, she picked up the double bladed scimitar, spinning it in her hand as she ran towards a dummy. The Gamemakers were entranced at this point, wondering how a twelve-year-old from an outlying district could be so deadly. The young girl sliced through the dummies with ease, separating her blades and throwing one through the head of a ballistic dummy.

Helena still had five minutes left, so she showed off her other survival skills: setting up snares, treating a would, filtering dirty water, etc. As her time ran out, she made her way to the Gamemakers and bowed. "Thank y'all for your consideration!" The girl spoke sweetly, smiling at the expressions of shock-horror on some of the Gamemakers' faces.

"Thank you, Miss Baird, for your exceptional performance. You may enjoy the rest of your evening." Crane stated, dismissing the girl.

The girl from Twelve walked out with a large smile on her face, and it was only after she left that the Gamemakers let out their held breaths. "That is one terrifying 12-year-old." One said to Seneca Crane. "That terrifying child is perfect for a Victor." The Gamemakers jumped when the voice of President Snow rang out in the balcony. "Make it so..."

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