Chapter 21

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As the train sped through the country, Helena sat staring out of the window, her face devoid of all feelings as thoughts filled her mind. It didn't feel as if the girl had been in the Capitol for just over a week. No. It felt like months. Long, arduous months that seemed never ending. She thought about the people of Twelve, would they hate her? What about Cole's mum? Would she resent the girl for her role in her son's death? Helena was stuck in her mind as she twirled a fountain pen around in her hand, trying to write down her thoughts like Ambrosia suggested.

When a hand touched her on the shoulder, she gripped the pen tight in her hand and aimed it at the culprit, a murderous glare in her eye. However, when the girl saw Haymitch standing there, a look of worry present in his eyes, her gaze softened, and her eyebrows furrowed in guilt. "Sorry." She  apologised, placing the pen back on the desk. "You're alright, kiddo." The mentor assured as he took a seat at the end of her bed. "They'll be serving dinner soon. Do you want it in the dining cart or in here?" Haymitch asked. Helena thought for a moment. "I think I'll eat in the dining cart." She responded, and the mentor nodded in acknowledgement as he got up.

"I'll see you at dinner." Haymitch spoke, leaving the girl alone. She let out a shakey breath before making her way to the bathroom to clean up. As she stood under the warm running water, everything inside her loosened, and her emotions came tumbling out. Tears ran down her face, disguised amongst the shower water. Helena's bottom lip trembled as she continued to clean herself. The smell of vanilla encompassed her senses.

Once clean, Helena looked through her new wardrobe. It was designed entirely by Rosier, organised by season. She found a simple blue dress and put it on before tying her hair into a bun. Slipping her feet into a pair of flats, Helena made her way to the dining cart.

The two of them sat in silence as they ate each course of the decadent meal presented to them. Haymitch cleared his throat, killing the silence and causing Helena to look at him. "Victor's are expected to pursue a hobby to make them appear interesting. I know you have your music, but is there anything you've ever really wanted to pursue?" The mentor asked. Helena thought long and hard before smiling as a memory came to her. "Ballet." The girl responded. Haymitch quirked an eyebrow. "I remember watching the broadcast for the President's 70th Birthday, and I was captivated by the ballerinas that were performing." Helena explained. "For months, Papa watched as I put on fake performances."

"You do know that Ballet is only taught in the Capitol, right?" Haymitch asked. "Are there not tutors?" Helena inquired. "We'll have to see." The mentor said. They continued their meal. "What was your hobby, Haymitch?" The young victor inquired curiously. "Wood-carving." He replied, smiling fondly.

After dinner was done and dusted, Helena returned back to her room. She was exhausted from keeping up appearances, acting as if she was okay, so once she changed into a pair of comfy pyjamas, the young girl went to bed.

They arrived in District Twelve around noon the next day. It was perfect timing, really. Shift change at the mines. Helena donned a white peasant blouse and a flowy brown skirt with a matching brown belt. On her feet sat a pair of brown leather boots. Her hair was styled into two braids.

Nerves filled the young girl as she stood by the door, looking out at the crowd through the window. Would they be proud of her? Or would she be shunned by her people? The young Victor's eyes widened, however, when she saw the Peacekeepers take a casket off of the train. "He's been on here with us this whole time?" The girl asked incredulously. "It seems so." Haymitch responded.

Helena looked at Mrs Fallow as she brushed her fingers across the wood. Her lips were trembling, but the woman remained stoic, a smile on her face. The both of them were silent as they watched the woman direct the Peacekeepers to where she wanted it to go. When the casket was moved, Haymitch looked at Helena. "You ready?" He asked. The girl nodded briefly before the mentor opened the doors.

Cheers flooded Helena's ears from the waiting crowd of thousands. The station was packed with the cheering citizens of District Twelve - roaring - as the camera crew's captured it all. Helena stood on the train station platform waving and smiling, though it never quite seemed to reach her eyes.

Her papa was there, front and centre, tears gleaming in his eyes but a smile on his face, non the less. Grayson jumped up onto the platform and pulled his little girl into an embrace. Helena held on tight, desperately grateful as his body shielded her from the cameras. Her body shook and trembled as she inhaled the familiar scent of coal, pine, and cinnamon, tears welling in her eyes. "You're home now, sweetheart, I've got ya." Grayson whispered in comfort.

The crowd cheered once more at the heartwarming reunion as the father-daughter duo broke up, cameras zooming in. From the corner of Helena's eye, she spied a familiar character, a boy from school, with a boastful, amused expression on his face. As their eyes locked, he smirked. On her face: concern, bewilderment, and unease - all at once...

"Let's head home. You've got some packing to do." Her papa said, holding out a hand for her to take. She smiled as she took it in her own as the pair walked together, preparing for a better life.

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