The Bairds had been living in Victor's Village for just over a week. Their house was the one right next to Haymitch's. It had taken them a bit of getting used to: having their own room; separate living, dining, and cooking spaces; a library to their selves, as well as a little studio for Helena to practice her hobby. Haymitch had rung up the Victor Committee in order for the hobby to be approved, and they had sent a team to equip the studio with everything she would need.
Today would be her first lesson, and she was excited. After finishing breakfast, Helena wished her papa good luck for work (the same routine they had before the games), when a package, like one from the arena, landed on the front step. Her heart froze in her chest for a moment, worried that she had done something wrong, but curiosity took over as she opened it. 'Clothes?' Helena thought in confusion. But when she read the attached note, everything became clear.
"Dear Miss Baird," the letter began. "I am delighted to have the honour of training a Victor in the art of Ballet. You will receive five lessons a week, each spanning the six hours you'd typically spend at school. Enclosed in the package is your uniform: tights, a leotard, skirt, and slippers. There are also a few books that you should find useful. Thank you again for this opportunity, and I shall see you in class. Signed, Madame Lucretia Dacre." Helena squeeled as she read the letter, excitement filling her body.
She checked the clock on the mantlepiece, and she had about an hour to get ready before her first lesson. The young girl rushed upstairs to shower, cleaning everything but her hair. Once dry, she changed into her uniform. First was the black tights, next the mulberry scoop-necked leotard, then the black ballet slippers, and finally, the black wrap skirt. She secured her hair into a bun with a net and bobbypinned it into place.
Helena excitedly made her way to the studio with ten minutes to spare, and so she began to read through the first guide whilst stretching. Soon enough, the large screen at the front of the room turned on, and Helena made her way to the barre. On the screen stood a woman. "Madame Dacre?" Helena inquired, elicting a smile from the woman. "Indeed." She responded. The woman looked to be in her late 30s, unenhanced by the usual Capitol modifications exceptforher hair. She had tan skin and piercing green eyes. Her teal hair was tied into a low bun at the back of her head, and she wore an entirely black ballet ensemble, including the leg warmers. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Helena spoke, bowing her head slightly. "That it is." Dacre responded, her Capitolite accent thick.
When Helena looked back up to meet the woman's gaze, it appeared that she was inspecting her. "You are typically older than our beginners, but that shouldn't be a problem." The teacher spoke bluntly. "Your lesson schedule alone will ensure that your skills progress at a rapid pace. Hopefully, by winter, prior to your tour, we may get you working towards Pointe." Helena nodded as the woman continued to speak. "However, for today, we shall be working on foundations."
Madame Dacre began with the positions.
First position: heels are together, toes are turned out, and feet are about a foot's width apart. Arms are slightly bent, raised forward at naval height
Second position: Feet are parallel, about 12 inches apart, and turned out. The weight is equally divided between the feet. The arms are out to the sides, with the palms facing forward.
Third position: One heel touches the arch of the other foot while maintaining turnout. Arm closest to the barre is raised with the hand like a crescent whilst the other is out to the side, palm forward.
Fourth position: One foot rests about 12 inches in front of the other, both are turned out, and the weight is divided between them. The barre hand is parallel with the sternum whilst the other is raised.
Fifth Position: The toes of each foot are directly in front of the heel of the other foot, and the legs are turned out and straight. Both arms are raised in this position with hands like crescents.
It took Helena a few tries of each, along with Madame Dacre's firm guidance, to perfect each position. Transitioning between them came as a breeze, however. Madame Dacre helped Helena with her posture and how to hold herself. The young girl smiled at the similarities in mannerisms between her teacher and Ambrosia.
After a brief lunch break, the two resumed their lesson, working on the foundational moves.
Plié: Meaning to bend, it involves the bending and straightening of the knees.
Tendu: Meaning to stretch, and is an extension of the leg along the floor. The extension happens without a bend of the leg and goes in the progression of heel up, ball up, then toes pointed.
Dégagé: Meaning to disengage is similar to a tendu. It involves the same extension as a tendu, but as the dancer builds tension between their foot and the floor, the foot comes slightly off the ground at the end with a pointed toe.
Rond de Jambe à Terre: Meaning around the leg on the ground. The working leg should hit the front tendu position, then side, then back, before returning through first position and starting the circular motion again.
Développé: Meaning to develop is a step that showcases the height of a dancer's leg extension. Dancers bring their working leg through a turned out passé and extend it outwards.
Arabesque: Involves balancing on one leg while extending the other leg straight behind the body, the derrière position. A dancer’s upper body must stay upright in order for the pose to be performed correctly.
Grand Battement: Meaning big beat, it is a powerful movement where the working leg is lifted to its highest point, emphasizing strength and flexibility.
Chassé: Meaning to chase, it is a travelling step where one foot chases the other, creating a seamless gliding motion.
Jeté: Meaning to throw, it is a leap where a dancer takes off on one foot and lands on one foot.
Helena was sweating by the end of the lesson, and her body was aching. She had repeated each move over and over again until she had perfected it and then continued to repeat in order to work on consistency. Madame Dacre was smiling. "You have done well. Continue this way, and you shall be on Pointe in no time." She spoke. "Rest up, I shall see you again tomorrow." Helena nodded before the woman disappeared from the screen.
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