As the interval ended, the lights on the stage turned on and danced, signalling that the show was about to resume. Silence delved over the crowd as they patiently waited for Ceasar's arrival. All lights in the theatre went out before a single spotlight shone centre stage. The floor opened as a platform rose from the depths of the stage, revealing Caesar Flickerman.
"Welcome back, or welcome to the show if you are only just tuning in. I'd like to invite to the stage the genius behind the styling of our newest Victor. Please give a warm round of applause to Rosier!" Flickerman announced. The crowd broke out into a round of applause as the stylist made his way on stage
Rosier looked like a God with the way he commanded himself on stage. He wore a gold mesh, long-sleeved top that had large pieces of gold embellished around it. His abdomen was strategically wrapped with long pieces of white silk that flowed off of his shoulder, held onto place by a diamond encrusted gold brooch. On his legs sat a pair of white dress pants that were marbled with gold. On his feet, a pair of white suede loafers. His face was decorated with gold eyeliner, and on his head sat a band of golden laurel.
The Capitolites cheered for the up and coming designer; it was clear from then that Rosier would become a favourite in the Capitol. A statement name if you're would. He gave the audience a curt nod as he took a seat, legs crossed. "Rosier, what can I say? A man who has transformed fashion with his designs." Caesar complimented as he introduced the stylist. "Well, that is a good place to start, Caesar." Both men laughed at Rosier's response, and the citizens of the Capitol did the same.
"This is your first year as a stylist, is it not?" The host questioned. "Yes, it is. And I must say that it is not what I expected." Rosier replied. "Oh really. How so?" Flicker inquired. "Well, Caesar, when you start in the fashion industry, all you think it is is sewing clothes and constructing pieces of art. However, when you are a stylist, it's much more than that. You get to learn about each of your tributes on a deeper level than most, from their fears to their ambitions, to the life they dreamed of. As a stylist, it's your job to make these dreams a reality, even if it is for a short while." Rosier explained.
"By giving them clothes?" Caesar further inquired. "By making them feel like royalty, making them feel like they are important and that they are loved. That's how I see it, anyway." The stylist answered. Flickerman nodded in approval. "When you first saw our Victor, what did you think?" He asked. "I saw the perfect muse. A girl who knew her strength deep down but just needed a push in the right direction and an arm of support to realise her true potential."
Images of Helena's outfits were displayed on the screen behind them in a circuit. From the chariot parade with the mechanical wings and burning coals to the elegant and angelic interview dress, it showed them all, including the first look at her arena outfit. "Helena inspired me then, and she will continue to inspire me now, I can only hope to continue to empower other people in the way I did her." Rosier spoke with such passion that it made Helena forget that she was up next. She watched on the side as the interviews were conducted. And she watched as each member of her team spoke nothing but the truth. It made her heart swell.
The young girl was brought out of her thoughts by Caesar's voice. "And now the moment you've all been waiting for. The Dove of Panem, making her grand debut tonight, give it up for your newest Victor, Helena Jade Baird!" The roar from the crowd was deafening as Helena made her way onstage. With a bounce in each step she took, the twelve-year-old smiled and waved to the packed amphitheatre. Her dress swirled at her feet as the silk bellowed behind her.
"Well, Mr Flickerman, I bet ya' wouldn't have guessed to be seein' this little face again, am I right?" Helena joked. Caesar mocked hurt, holding a hand to his heart. "How could you, Helena? You know I was rooting for you." The playful atmosphere put Helena at ease as the audience laughed at the pairs banter. Caesar gestured for the girl to take a seat, beginning the interview.
"Lena, how does it feel to be sat her tonight?" The man asked, kicking off the interview. "I never thought I'd make it out alive if I'm being honest. If it weren't the thoughts of home and the generosity of the people in the Capitol, I don't think I would've had the strength to win." Helena answered, receiving awwws from the Capitolites. "What were your first thoughts when you saw the arena?" Caesar questioned. "Cold, definitely cold." The girl replied, rewarded by the crowds laughter. "I mean, with all the snow around, there wasn't a lot to see. Luckily, due to my home, I've experienced cold and snowy winters before, so I knew how to survive that aspect, at least."
Scenes from the days events played out on the screen. Everything. The Bloodbath, the Fire-Starter, Reese. Helena watched as she slit his neck open, how the red conquered white as blood pooled around him. "Your first kill, a quite ruthless one, if I may. Why him in that moment?" Flickerman questioned. Helena took a deep breath and gathered her emotions. "I found it rather petty of him to complain about someone losing their life, and I also felt a need for vengeance. " The young victor explained.
"Was that what fueled all of your kills?" Caesar inquired as the scenes played on the screen. "Most of them." Helena spoke. "Most?" The man was intrigued. "Fauna's death was because she killed Cole, Reese's because he complained that he couldn't kill the girl and thought about betraying his ally. If there is one thing you have to know about me, it is that I despise betrayal." The twelve-year-old took a deep breath before resuming. "As for the trio, I wanted the Games over with. I didn't want to be stuck in that arena any longer." Ceasar nodded in understanding.
"Speaking of Cole," a picture displayed on the screen of the deceased eighteen-year-old, "The song you sung, heartbreaking, by the way, was it an original? I've never heard of it before." The host asked. "No, unfortunately not. It was one of my gran's passed down through my Papa." Helena explained. "Gran taught him how to play guitar, and he taught me." She said, explaining.
"With everything you've endured over this week, are you ready to return to District Twelve?" Ceasar asked. "I've enjoyed my time here in the Capitol. Everything here is so new and exciting, like a second home to me." Helena answered. "But?" Flickerman stated questioningly. "But there's no place like home. Not really."
Ceasar gave her a smile before looking at his watch with a sigh. "Well folks, that's all we have time for tonight." Flickerman spoke. The audience let out grumbles at groans of displeasure at this fact. "Now, Helena, you enjoy your break, and we shall see you back here in the winter." As he addressed the girl, he held out a hand to help her up. "Helena Baird, everybody." The sound of their cheers followed Helena as she left the stage.
"Well done, sweetheart." Haymitch said as he pulled her into a hug. "Let's get going, shall we?" He asked. The girl nodded, excitement filling her at the thought of seeing her dad again.
The Victor-Mentor duo made their way to the train station where a train was awaiting, ready to take them home.
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