Chapter 19

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The amphitheatre was filled to capacity with Capitolites, all waiting to hear the thoughts and feelings of their newest Capitol gemstone. Helena stood backstage with her team as they were briefed on the running order. "The order of interviews will go: Ambrosia, Haymitch, Rosier, and then Helena. Does everyone understand?" Caesar asked, dressed in a bizzare azure blue suit that sparkled. Everyone nodded, and when Caesar entrance motif began playing, the man rushed on stage.

The presenter's arrival was met with cheers and a large round of applause. "Thank you, thank you, and welcome to a night of momentous occasion. Do we have a wonderful line-up for you tonight?" He spoke with excitement, rilling up the crowd. "Please welcome to the stage the escort of our newest Victor, the lady who brought her here to us, Ambrosia Daimont." At Caesar's words, Ambrosia walked on stage. Her stilletos, with daggers for heels, clicked with each step.

She wore an elegant black cocktail dress. Its corseted bodice was decorated with leather straps and lace. At the waist sat a black satin ribbon with silver daggers hanging down. The skirt was simple, for Capitol fashion. Plain black and puffed up by a multitude of black petticoats. A pair of black lace gloves sat on her hands, the deep maroon of her nails showing through. Her red hair was tied in a french twist and decorated with pearls that matched the number of pearl necklaces that hung from her neck. Her make-up consisted of various shades of reds and black, her eyeliner as sharp as the daggers on her waist.

Ambrosia's entrance was met with a round of applause from the Capitolites. "Caesar, what a pleasure it is to be here tonight?" She spoke, her Capitol accent and airs and graces shining through. "What a pleasure it is to have you tonight!" Caesar exclaimed as he gestured for her to take a seat. The pair of them took a seat, and the interview began.

"As an escort, you see many tributes come and go. What were your initial thoughts when Helena and Cole were reaped?" Flickerman asked. Sia thought for a moment, organising what she would say. "Well, for the first time in my career, I saw a pair of fighters. The both of them had an ember glowing behind their eyes like coals, and I knew that when the time came, those embers would grow into a roaring flame that would guide one of them to victory." The Escort answered eloquently and with unrivalled passion. Her response received applause from the audience.

In the wings, Helena smiled. It felt nice to know that someone had believed in her from the beginning.

"Did you think Helena was going to win? If so, when was the moment you knew?" Caesar questioned. Ambrosia smiled. "I had a strong feeling that she'd come out victorious, but if I had to limit it to one moment, then I'd probably say when she was foraging for plants to help heal Cole." Sia responded.

"Not any of her kills?" The flamboyant man asked. "No. These games aren't just about killing but how we survive. Helena displayed a great knowledge of the plants that were at her disposal and utilised that to her advantage, securing herself an ally. That is when I knew she'd be a Victor." Ambrosia explained. Caesar smiled before looking to his watch briefly. "Well, I'm afraid that is all we have time for." He spoke. "Give it up for Ambrosia Daimont!" The escort waved to the crowd as she left the stage. Soon after, Caesar announced Haymitch's arrival.

Haymitch entered the stage decked out in a black three peice suit, tailored to perfection. His trousers highlighted the man's long legs, matching the prestine black and gold loafers that sat on his feet. A pressed white, long-sleeved shirt clung to his body with a black tie around his neck, tucked into a black corset waistcoat. His blazer hung his shoulders like a cape, held in place with a cloak clasp. Finally, his hair was tied up into a half man bun.

The crowd went feral, wolf-whistling and cheering at his entrance. "My my, we haven't seen this version of you since your own games!" Caesar spoke, causing Haymitch to smirk. "Well, I've never really had a reason to dress up properly. Have I?" The man laughed. Helena's eyes widened. Never in her twelve years of life did she imagine she'd see Haymitch playing into the Capitols hand. The crowd, however, was loving it. Flickerman had gestured for the man to take a seat. Haymitch crossed his legs, placing his ankle on his knee.

"Haymitch, this is the first of your Tributes to come out victorious. How does that feel?" Caesar asked. "I could not be prouder of Helena." The mentor spoke. "Ever since I met her, I knew that with the right guidance, she could win." Helena smiled in the wings. "A lot of us here in the Capitol have noticed a change in you during the past week. Was there anything that inspired that change?" The host questioned, causing Haymitch to grimace slightly.

"If it weren't for the promise I made to my tributes, I surely wouldn't look like this." He gestured to himself. "And what promise was this?" Caesar further inquired. "I promised them that I'd become sober. In all honesty, it's embarrassing that it took them coming into my life for me to sober up." The mentor admitted, scratching the back of his neck.

Flickerman looked down at his watch. "Unfortunately, folks, that's all for our quarter-quell victor, Haymitch Abernathy. But stay tuned," He spoke to the cameras, "After the break, we've got the superb stylist that stole our breaths away. And let's not forget the lady of tonight, our newest Victor, The Dove of Panem, Helena Jade Baird!" Caesar turned back to the mentor. "Haymitch, it was a pleasure having you on tonight." He smiled. "It was a pleasure being here." Haymitch replied.

"Give it up for Haymitch Abernathy!" The crowd applauded as Haymitch left, but when he gave them a wink, they went wild.

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