[A/N: Please read the authors note at the end ? Xx]
"She survived weeks in the wilderness, a diet consisting of a worrying amount of rice and beans, and more green ant bites than you could humanly count, but it all paid off!" I heard a voice say as George and I walked across the bridge.
We met Ant and Dec and made a little bit of small talk before the proper interview started, which was live so we were told to be careful with our language.
"So lets take a look at your highlights" Ant exclaimed as he pointed to the small TV just to the left of me.
The first shot was me, sitting in the helicopter; holding both thumbs up with a gasp on my face. The shot changed to when I arrived onto the red team, and then our first trial— Helivated. There was a shot of me screaming and yelling 'They're in my bra!'. Then there was me arriving into camp, and a shot of me in the shower washing my hair.
I felt my cheeks heat up, I forgot that the cameras watched me shower. I hated the fact that I was so thin, I'd been trying to gain weight for the past year now; just after I quit my short lived job as a Victoria Secret angel. I thought thats what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, but I grew to hate modelling for that company.
The shot changed to a small montage of me falling out of bed; cuss words being said loudly on occasion. After about ten shots of me falling out of my hammock, there was my 'Floods Of Fear' trial. I watched with my teeth gritted. How did I even complete that?
There was then some videos of Jorgie and I, and then one of Vicks and I singing the national anthem. There were pictures of me hugging Yvette and Susannah each of my arms cuddled around them. And then a load of terrible videos of me laughing, falling backwards and screaming in laughter, and of me clapping like a retarded seal with no noise coming out. 'Crocodile feet? Are you fucking joking me?' Was something that was said.
Suddenly, she shots were of me and George. Us hugging, talking, me comforting him in the Bush Telegraph, me sitting on his shoulders, and when he kissed me on the cheek in front of Vicky. The last shot was the kiss that we had earlier in camp; and then my highlights video is over.
"So; Obviously, the question has been on all of our minds ever since you and a certain someone met" Dec hinted with a small smirk on his face.
"Oh dear" I chuckled. "Well, we're great friends for now, and maybe it'll become something in the future. But its too late to say anything for certain now" I told them sincerely.
"There have been a lot of intimate moments between you two this series" Ant smiled as he looked at George and I, sitting innocently on our stools. "Now, lets see what the other celebs thought of you"
We looked back to the TV. The first person was Susannah. "Jessie- Leigh is the most genuinely amazing and gorgeous girls I've met in a long time. She really lit up the camp with her energy and jokes" She smiled. "She was like my little jungle daughter"
It was Brian next. "She's been so great the whole time, she's hilarious and she always brought back the stars that we needed"
Tony. "Jessie was great this year— She's a very sweet girl and I'd love my daughters to look up to her"
Jorgie appeared on screen. "We bonded so quickly, it was weird. And since we were from the same field of work, there was so much to talk about. Did you know we were once working on the same set and didn't even spot each other? She's so witty and smart, I've loved being around her."
"And your winner, and King of the Jungle is George!" Ant announced.
I jumped up and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. Everyone started to swarm him and congratulated the both of us for getting this far in the first place. I watched slowly as the cameras panned away and George and I were told that we could go and meet our families.
"George has been announced as the new King of the Jungle, ahead of runner-up Jessie-Leigh Maarlow. Taking the figurative bronze medal was Vicky Patterson, though all three of our finalists ought to be mighty proud of themselves. Now, off to the Versace, the three of you, for a well-deserved feed and a much-needed shower. Thanks for watching, voting and contributing this year - you guys have been great. And finally, all hail George, your King of the Jungle!" Dec said as we walked across the bridge; with our hands interlocked.
We both stood for the promo picture as fireworks went off.
I screamed and ran up to my family, giving my little sister Ivory the biggest hug ever. I felt tears run down my face as I hugged my mother and father. I actually couldn't be happier.
"Baby we're so proud of you!" My mother cooed as she stroked my hair.
[A/N: well that happened. I'M SO HAPPY FOR VICKY SHE DESERVED IT SO MUCH OMG. Okay so I will continue this book for another couple of chapters; when they do the after show and maybe a three years later. But I also had the idea that I could write another book with the same storyline, but maybe in Ferne's Pov? I'm not sure. Comment? X]
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