As soon as I was finished with greeting my family, some people whisked me back across the bridge to film the live after show. A couple of interviews had already occurred, and they were wanting to speak to Vicky and I next.
The presenter, Laura Whitmore, greeted me and told me to sit down. I sat down next to Vicky in a wooden chair.
"So, how do you feel about being the runner up of this years show?" Lauren asked me, setting some cards face down on her lap.
"Well, I would have loved to become jungle queen" I admitted. "But I'm super proud of George and I think he deserves it more than me"
"Speaking of George" She smirked. "Do you think there'll still be something between you outside the jungle?"
I shrugged. "I'm not sure— As I said earlier; It's a little early to be rushing into things. I mean, with all due respect, look at Peter and Katie now."
"So what was your favourite moment from in the jungle?" She asked inquisitively.
I paused and thought for a second. "Actually, I really enjoyed the time I spent in Snake Rock with Brian and Jorgie. And then George, Susannah and Yvette arrived, which was the cherry on the cake— It created a real bond between all of us"
"What was it like to have everyone here? Did anyone surprise you?" She glanced down at her cards and looked back at me, smiling her bright white smile.
"Well, to be honest, everyone surprised me." I admitted. "I mean, I thought I would be very alone, that everyone would think I was just a weird, gobby girl from Manchester." I told her. "But I was totally wrong, everyone was so sweet and caring towards me; I couldn't ask for better campmates— I love them all"
"Aw, that's so sweet" She smiled. "Now Vicky, I'd like to move on to your time in the jungle.
We all watched as George was interviewed, and we all watched the ITV2 best bits of twenty-fifteen.
I was still waiting for the fact that I was runner up to sink in. I still couldn't believe that I had got this far.
The camera started to pan away, and all of the campmates stood up and crowded behind her. I wrapped one of my arms around Jorgie and one around Ferne, which was more difficult than I thought it would be, given that I was quite a lot shorter than them.
We all yelled goodbye to the camera and that was the end. That was the end of Jessie- Leigh in the jungle.
"Cut!" The producer yelled.
Suddenly, Yvette ran up to me and engulfed me into a hug, telling me how proud of us she was.
Suddenly, a tall woman with blonde hair and glasses walked up to me. She explained that I'd be on numerous talk shows over the next few days. She also told me that I'd get a cab back to the hotel and be able to just relax there until the after party tonight.
[A/N: 5k? Omg, I cant explain how thankful I am for y'all. You all are so sweet and manage to overlook all of my stupid spelling errors and grammar mistakes, and the fact that I spelt Susannah as 'Suzanna' for the first couple of chapters. (Oops!) anyway, I hope to continue this book until roughly chapter thirty? Xcx]
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