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"I GOT ALL THE STARS!" George yelled as he walked back into camp.

I screamed, running up to George and jumping into a hug, wrapping my legs around him and grabbing his hat, putting it onto my head. I clutched him tightly, both of our faces covered in dirt. I looked into his eyes behind his glasses and smiled as I watched as he closed in the space between us until our noses were almost touching. George suddenly filled the gap and our lips connected. Saying that I enjoyed it would be an understatement. I felt something that I hadn't felt before— But it didn't feel like love; don't worry, I'm not that cliché. It felt like something more powerful than love, something that rushes through your body and sends thousands of butterflies to flight in your stomach. The word desire came to mind. I eventually broke away from the kiss, blushing furiously. George put me down and I ran away, holding his hat onto my head.

"THERES A RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE!" I could hear Vicky shout from a distance.

That was definitely not how I pictured my first kiss; covered in dirt and in a jungle. But maybe that was the best thing about it.

//Vicky's Confession— Vicky furrowed her eyebrows. "This is becoming more than some flirty banter I'm telling you now. They're like the fuckin' Bonnie and Clyde of the camp."//




We all ordered our food. I decided to have margarita pizza and a side of croquette potatos; It was the best thing I'd ever eaten in my life. I wolfed it down and was finished within about ten minutes. This was our last meal in camp. Our last meal. I genuinely couldn't believe that we'd be leaving camp and were resuming our normal lives. It was odd to think that I winner would be crowned tomorrow.

We all finished our food in a flash. "I'm. So. Full" Vicky groaned as she slumped down onto her bed.




"And the celebrity to come in third place, in I'm a Celebrity twenty-fifteen is" Ant paused. "Vicky"

I gasped in shock as I felt like my heart skipped a beat. Final two. Final two. It was either me or George to win.

We all had a massive group hug, before Vicky was escorted away for an interview with Ant and Dec. We were told that when she was done, they would get George and I to meet them up there where they would show our highlights and announce the winner.

"FINAL TWO" I yelled as I hugged George.

He chuckled. "This is so unreal" He shook his head. "Lets go and see her off the bridge."

We walked down and waved at Vicky as she crossed the bridge to meet Ant and Dec. In a couple of minutes I'd be up there, and somebody will have won.

//Jess' Confession— "I love all of you guys, this is just so unreal that I've come this far. I actually can't believe that I didn't go out on the first vote off." She bit her lip and smiled at the ground.//

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