"Could you please turn the flirting down a notch when you're in front of me" Vicks laughed as we walked back to the empty camp. "Like because I don't want to feel like a third wheel"
I chuckled, running ahead and jumping onto George's back, wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my chin on his shoulder. "Maybe, maybe not" I laughed as George turned his head and kissed me on the cheek.
"Ew gross, this is porn" Vicky laughed. "I'm gonna just have to leave now, 'I'm a Celebrity—" She cut herself off by laughing at her own joke.
//Vicky's Confession— Vicky put her head in her hands. "This is so awkward" She giggled. "They're gonna get together and then theres me, I wonder if we have new Katie and Peter here"//
"What's going on?" George asked as he emerged, wearing his sleeping bag so that the only part of his body you could see was his face. I giggled at how strange it looked.
Finally, a member of the safety crew of some kind came out holding a big metal stick with a claw on the end. They picked up the snake off my bed and took it away.
Vicky tied my hair into a ponytail, pulling out my fringe and tying my bandana around my head, just behind my fringe.
"There— We're like twins" She laughed as she pointed at her matching hairstyle.
We'd been lazing around camp for a while— There wasn't much to do since there was pretty much no need to do chores or clean camp anymore.
I was lying in my hammock when George walked into the centre of the camp holding a laminated sheet of paper.
He told us that each of us would have to complete a trial each, and we had a chance of winning a full, three course meal for tonight.
Vicky left first, skipping off to do her trial.
George and I wandered around for a while. Camp was so quiet— And the weirdest thing was, we'd be gone in less than a day.
Vicky arrived back, she'd won all four stars and fifty Dingo Dimes to spend in the vending machine next to the red phone box in camp.
The next person to leave for their trial was me. I waved goodbye to the both of them and I walked away to go and attempt to find the Bush Tucker trial clearing. I walked along the bridge; eventually navigating myself to where I had to be.
Ant and Dec both greeted me, welcoming me to the challenge.
I bit my lip and stared at the table and chair. That could only mean one thing in the jungle. An eating challenge.
Dec explained the rules— I'd be given a good option and a bad option. If I choose the bad option and eat it, I will be given one star for camp. If I choose the good option and eat it, I will have to forfeit that star for camp. The trial was called the 'Bush Tucker Bonanza'.
I sat down cautiously and waited patiently for my ticket to hell. A jungle ranger set two containers in front of me.
The 'bad' one, was a live whichity grub. They were live and wriggling around on the plate.
The second option was a pepperoni pizza.
"Jokes on you, lads. I don't like pepperoni" I shrugged. "Both options look pretty horrific to me"
I chose the grub. "What do they taste like?" I asked as I held it with my thumb and my index finger, not exactly wanting to find out the answer.
"Yoghurt, apparently" Dec told me.
Yogurt. Yoghurt. I popped it into my mouth and chewed— It popped into a slimy liquid in my mouth. "That is not yoghurt" I said as I did my best to chew it and keep it down. I swallowed and opened my mouth, to show them that I had finished.
"Okay, so meal two" Ant picked up from where he left off. "Mash and pie, or lamb's brain"
I looked at both. "I'll just have to eat the brain" I sighed as I lifted it up. I was squidgy and bigger than I thought it would be. I lifted it to my lips and popped it into my mouth, swallowing it down as quickly as I could. I showed my empty gob, and prayed that the next meal wouldn't be as bad.
"Bulls penis, or roast chicken?" Ant asked me, In a slight mocking tone.
"I'm just gonna have to go for the penis" I shrugged as I grabbed the cocktail stick that had a piece of Bulls penis impaled into it. I took one bite and started to choke onto it.
"I'M CHOKING ON COCK" I spluttered. "ON LIVE TV"
I managed to compose myself and swallow it down, showing my empty mouth to the presenters.
"I only got three stars." I explained to the others. "They tried to get me to eat a live spider"
"Gross" I heard Vicky exclaim.
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