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We arrived back at camp, all buzzing from winning full meals for camp.

Kieron walked to his chair and picked up a leaflet that wasn't there when we left.

"Campmates; seven choc-ices have been hidden around camp— Find them before they melt!" He read out the flier.

All campmates started to yell and search for the food. I lifted up my hat, revealing a plastic bag with an ice-cream inside it. I screamed and ran on the spot. "Found one!" I announced as I ripped open the packet and took a bite into the cold treat.

After about thirty minutes of searching; George found the last choc-ice next to the showers.

//Skylar's Confession— Tears streamed down her face. "I'm a Celebrity, get my the hell out of here"//




"Due to certain family circumstances, Skylar Morgen has left the jungle and will not be returning this series; but don't fret, she has been offered a job as a presenter for our after show so you will be seeing a lot more of Sky soon. Now,  only three of you can get to the final; meaning that three of you will be leaving camp tonight." Ant told us as we sat down around the fire.

I felt my heart leap out of my chest. Three people? Thats a lot of campmates to leave in one night. Jorgie? Ferne? Vicky? George? I desperately didn't want any of them to leave. But Skylar? I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to her. I need to get out of this jungle.

"So, In no particular order," Dec said, interrupting my thoughts. This could be the end. The game is over. My nerves were taking over my body. I've got so close now; I've survived so many vote offs. I don't want to leave, I love it here. "The first person, to be in the final three of I'm a Celebrity is..." He paused. "George"

George gasped and covered his mouth with his hands, grinning like a cheshire cat. We all hugged him, congratulating and cheering for him. George was safe. I felt unusually proud for him. If I didn't win, I'd want George to.

"The second person to be in the final three is..." Ant paused and smiled. Please, please. "Vicky"

I hugged Vicky as she burst into tears of happiness, extremely happy that she'd got through to the final.

"The last person to be in the final three is..." Ant looked up at us.

This could be the end. Anyone in this circle right now could get through, and I doubt it would be me. But I still had a spark or hope for being crowned jungle queen twenty-fifteen.

I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. I sat Kieron's fingers crossed in his lap. Jorgie was whispering something to herself. Ferne had her eyes shut. I grabbed both Ferne and Jorgie's hands and squeezed them tightly.

"Jessie- Leigh."

I stood up and burst into tears, this being the first time I've cried in the jungle. My body couldn't process what just happened— I'm in the final three. I let it sink in. I ran up to George and hugged him, jumping and wrapping my legs around his torso— Just like the time he arrived in Snake Rock.

//Jess' Confession— She smiled. "I actually can't take it in, I can't believe I'm in the final" She put her hand on her chest and took a few deep breaths in and out. "I just can't believe it, I really can't"//

I let go and said my goodbyes to Jorgie, kissing her cheek. "Friends forever, right?" I smiled as I put both of my hands on either sides of her face.

"Forever" She nodded and we hugged again. "See you soon" She whispered.

I said goodbye to Ferne too, who was extremely happy to be out of the jungle.

"I'M OFF TO GO AND GET A MOTHERFUCKING CHEESEBURGER" Ferne yelled as she skipped out of camp.

And that was it. The other four campmates made their way across the bridge— They were gone. This was the final three.

George, Vicky and I.

One of us was going to win tomorrow.

I was going to make sure that person was me.

[A/N: 4k omg ily guys😍]

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