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WHEN OLVIA AND THE BOYS MET UP WITH WILLIE, the first thing she noticed was that he had dressed nicely.

The ghost wore a black vest with a nice shirt on the inside and khakis, she glanced over at Alex and noticed the slight blush on his face as he stared at Willie.

Apparently she wasn't the only one that noticed.

Willie then poofed them to the inside of a hotel, one the ghosts have passed by many times before but just never went in.

They looked around the place in awe and at the people who all were also dressed to the nines.

Olivia immediately regretted not wearing anything nicer as she glanced down at her long jeans, black vest crop top, army jacket and combat boots.

"So this is where your hot shot ghost lives huh?" Alex asked as he looked around.

"Yeah we've walked past this hotel a million times. How come we've never heard of it?" Olivia asked Willie curiously.

"That's because this area has been sealed off for decades. I mean, you wouldn't even know this place exists if you weren't invited." Willie said.

"Alright i gotta make sure everythings cool but i'll be right back." Willie grinned at the ghosts before walking away.

Once he left Olivia turned to the 3 boys "ok well i need to use the bathroom, i'll come find you guys when im done." she said and the boys nodded.

The hotel was huge, it took some asking around but eventually the blonde finally found the direction of the bathroom but before she could make it any further, her shoulder collided with another. She felt herself trip on a shoelace and before she knew it she was falling backwards.

The blonde squeezed her eyes shut as she braced for the fall, but it never came.

The blondes eyes shot open when she felt a strong hand grip her arm and support her back, her eyes met light blue ones.

The man that caught her was definitely much older than her, with sharp features and an older face. He offered the girl a smile as he slowly helped her back up.

"Careful miss, don't want you falling for me now do we?" The older man chuckled as Olivia embarrassingly went to tie her shoes.

"Oh My Gosh i'm so sorry, i was in a rush and i wasn't looking at where i was going and-"

"Miss its very much ok, i'm just glad i was there in case any real injury occurred." The man chuckled and Olivia smiled gratefully.

The older man was taller than her with a broad body frame, his hair was swept to the side and he had a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"Im Olivia." The girl said as she offered him her hand, the man took her hand gently and raised it up to his lips as he bowed gracefully.

"Caleb Covington, it was a pleasure to meet you Olivia but if you excuse me i must be going." Caleb said.

As Olivia tried to pull her hand away she felt a slight prick on the other side of wrist as Caleb slowly let her go.

Once Caleb had walked off, Olivia had completely forgotten about the bathroom as she walked back to the main area to find the boys. Must've been static, I am kinda dehydrated, Olivia thought as she entered the lobby.

She searched the tables at the main area of the lobby for the boys and spotted Alex's bright blonde hair among the 3 brunettes, she made a beeline for their table and took a seat beside Luke and Reggie.

"Hey you ok? You were gone for quite some time." Luke whispered to her and she just nodded.

"Yeah just got sidetracked a little sorry." Olivia gave a sheepish smile and Luke smiled back.

"No it's ok ,Willie was just telling us about who here is gonna make us visible." Luke said.

"Ohno, none of the lifers here have the power to do that." Willie chuckled.

"Wait then who-"

"Oh! But here comes the ghost who does!" Willie said excitedly as he cut Olivia off.

The lights dimmed and a voice rang out through the air.

"Ladies and gentleman! Back from the dead by popular demand, please welcome Caleb Convington!."

Wait, Caleb Convington as in-, Olivias thought was interrupted as a flash of purple smoke was seen and Caleb, the same Caleb she had encountered at the bathroom, appeared out of nowhere and in mid air.

"He's a ghost, '' Olivia muttered, her eyes widening. She was so flustered earlier she completely didn't realize that Caleb touching her earlier meant he was a ghost.

The crowd cheered and hollered at the man and he gave the room a sly grin.

"Did you miss me? "

The crowd shouted back "Yes!s" and "yeah!s"

"Well I did too, welcome! To the party of your dreams." Caleb said as he started to lower himself down slowly from where he was floating mid air.

"From Egyptians to the Druids to the person sitting next to you we've all wondered "where do we go when the final light is snuffed out?" Allow me to show you."

Music started up and the man started to sing.


"Let me introduce myself, we've got some time to kill. Consider me the pearly gates to your new favorite thrill!"

To say that the song made the whole room dance was an understatement, the performance was wild.

As the sing progressed the performers ran onto stage and danced around Caleb as she continued singing, Olivia and the guys jammed along to the song and laughed as Willie joined the crowd and danced.

"Welcome to the brotherhood where you won't be misunderstood .Now life is good on the other side of Hollywood!"

"Ain't it the best? Long live the dead!" 

Once Caleb sang his last line the ghost vanished out of thin air again and the crowd stood up in a standing ovation, clapping for the rest of the dancers and performers around them.

Olivia and the guys clapped for the group of waiter dancers that stood near their table as well as some of the dancers dressed in brightly coloured feathers.

"This is so cool." Reggie breathed as the dancers and waiters dispersed from their positions and chatter started up in the room

"Dude I knew I recognised him , he was the guy that bumped into me outside of the orpheum!" Alex said as they all sat back down.

"No way, he just bumped into me earlier when I was trying to find the bathroom!" Olivia said as the 2 siblings faced each other.

"Twinsies" they whispered to each other

"Wait, isn't he that magician dude that died doing a horrible magic trick?" Reggie asked Willie.

"Yeah i would really bring that up when we meet him" Alex cringed .

"But you should definitely come back when he shows one of his movies. I mean for Titanic he literally floods the entire place! The guys got skill." Willie told them with a grin.

"All right but can he wave his arms and make ghosts visible to lifers?" Luke asked seriously.

"Told you: the guy's got skill." Willie said vaguely.

"Where did he go?" Reggie asked as he looked around the stage, when he turned back to face them he jumped and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Oh! Found him!"

Caleb appeared standing behind Alex and Luke and the 5 ghosts turned around to greet him.

"Hello boys,lady, welcome to the Hollywood Ghostclub."

The ghosts sat down with Caleb and chatted for a while, talking about his amazing powers and how he had to practice hard to get his powers to how they were now.

"If your fellas would excuse me, I gotta pay the bills, I'll be back to chat soon." Caleb said as he patted Luke on the back and stood up, walking off to entertain the other guests at the club.

The 4 of them stared at him as he walked off before Reggie spoke up

"I love that dude! Please tell me this party is never gonna end !" Reggi exclaimed with a dorky grin.

"Guys we can't forget about Julies school gig okay so dont get too carried away." Olivia reminded the boys but Luke waved her off, barely even glancing at her as he continued staring at Caleb as well.

"Yeah yeah whatever, we'll go later." Luke mumbled distractedly, Olivia frowned at him. She knew how badly they wanted to get back at the ghosts but she was starting to worry about how far they were gonna go to do so.

Caleb didn't look like he was going to be back any time soon so Luke,Reggie and Olivia decided to walk around and mingle with the other ghosts. Eventually they ended up talking to 2 of the dancers they had seen in the performance earlier.

"They made eight more Star Wars movies and killed off Hans Solo?" Reggie asked, appalled and heartbroken at what the 2 dancers just told him.

They exchanged glances and Reggie pouted

"What kind of a future is this!" Reggie exclaimed and stomped off.

"We found out two weeks ago ok? We just didn't have the heart to tell him.Just please don't mention Jar Jar" Luke told the ghosts.

"Poor Hans solo." Olivia mumbled sadly as Luke rubbed his arm up and down her arm.

As they continued to talk, Olivia couldn't help but notice how close Alex and Willie had been the whole night. The 2 ghosts were deep in conversation back at the table, sending each other flirty and shy smiles.

Eventually Luke noticed too and Olivia exchanged soft looks with him. High school back then was definitely much harder for Alex after he came out. Some guys were uncomfortable being around him and even called him horrible names.

But Reggie, Luke and especially Olivia were there for him through it all. They were just glad Alex had finally found his potential someone

When Willie stood up and left the table, Olivia and Luke walked over to the blonde drummer and grinned.

"Ohh, you got a crush on Willie." Luke teased with a smile.

"WHat, no. No-no man we just, uhm, we're just uh -"

"Alex, we're happy for you." Olivia cut him off, trying to save him from his blubbering.

Alex looked at the two ghosts as a grateful smile grew onto his face, their moment getting ruined as Reggie came stomping up to them.

"You guys are not gonna believe this but someone just told me they added a new character called "Jar Jar". What's a Jar Jar ?" Reggie asked, frustrated .

"I take you guys are enjoying yourselves?" Caleb chuckled as he finally returned back to their table, the ghosts scrambled to get up and grinned.

"I mean you'll have to be insane to have a bad time here." Luke said.

"Yeah well entertainment is our specialty, from what I understand there's something i can help you with?" Caleb asked.

The ghosts explained their Bobby situation to the ghost, Caleb listening and nodding intently to every word.

"Well sure I can make you visible, but we're at a party! Why focus on those who've wronged us when we're among friends?" Caleb diverted the topic and Olivia frowned slightly

"Now I understand that you four are talented musicians, I doubt your dream is to settle a score. No! Our dream is bigger than that. You're like me, born to perform your music in front of sold-out crowds. What if I were to tell you with the wave of my hand, you could share the spotlight with me and join my house band? " Caleb asked the group suggestively.

Olivia immediately started getting a bad feeling about the man as they all nervously chuckled.

"We-we already have a band" Luke chuckled.

"Well yes, but when you're done performing, you disappear. You cease to exist! No bows, no-no soaking up the applause, no real connection with the audience." Caleb said, Olivia watched as smiles started slipping from their faces.

"Here? The audience will know how special you are." Caleb said, spreading his arms wide as he motioned to the club.

There was a short moment of silence, the  ghost letting what he said sink in. "W-well it would be cool to play here," Luke said hesitantly. Olivia's eyes widened slightly, he wouldnt possibly leave Julie for this club.

Would he?

"Oh it's not just here, we party like this all over the world! It's all your dreams come true."

The ghosts stared at the man hesitantly and Caleb smile "i'll give you some time to think about it- oh! And by the way try the sliders, their to die for."

"W-we can eat?" Reggie suttered, wide-eyed.

"Here you can." Caleb nodded and with a snap of his fingers, waiters swiftly walked over to their table and set down trays of sandwiches, pizza and burgers.

The 4 ghosts stared at the food in awe, Olivia hadn't realized how hungry she'd been till she really saw the food. They all exchanged glances as they stared at the food.

"Wait! I want the one without cheese!" ALex exclaimed, referring to the burgers and the ghosts scrambled for the food.

Just as Olivia picked up a slice of pizza her eyes glanced over at the clock on a nearby wall. It was 8.30, they had to be at Julie's school at 9.

Olivia got up from her seat, pizza in hand and Luke looked up at her confused and with a burger in his mouth.

"Where you going? There's still a ton of food !" Luke said.

"Julie said the gig starts at 9, it's already 8.30" Olivia shrugged as she took a bite out of her pizza. Luke shrugged her off, again, and took a large bite out of his burger. " Ol relax, we'll be there on time."

Olivia couldn't help but let annoyance bubble in her stomach and rolled her eyes at the boy "yeah ok whatever, i'm going first just to make sure Julie doesn't bail on this gig."

"Ohh good idea" Reggie muttered from where he was stuffing his face with a meatball sub.

Olivia laughed at the sight of the guys "see you guys there." she said and poofed out.

A/N : IM SORRY. this whole month i've been studying like a crazy maniac bc i've got super important national exams. i only had the time yestd to update SIGH. I WILL TRY AND UPDATE NEXT WEEK TOO TY FOR BEING PATIENT W ME 😭 ( i'm very very excited for the next chapter hehehe)

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