Then she remembered she was a ghost and falling off a roof wouldn't hurt her and she relaxed.
Olivia stood on top of the roof and admired the view, the streets were bustling with people and the sounds of cars filled the air.
It took her a few minutes to realize she was still holding Luke's hand before she pulled it away, chuckling nervously as Luke blushed.
"Ok are you gonna tell me why we're here" she asked with a smile, Luke smiled back before sitting down, Olivia doing the same.
The boy pulled out his song book and a guitar materialized in his hands "go and flip to "Bright'' ''.
This made Olivia raise a brow, she remembered writing Bright in the garage with Luke back when they had started playing more gigs, right before she stopped performing.
"why am I flipping to''Bright'' ?'' she asked
Luke was strumming a riff on his guitar and didn't look up as he answered
"I was thinking maybe, if you're okay with it of course, we could let Julie sing it.
Her whole music program situation sucks but I just know that if she put herself out there and showed her teachers how talented he is they would totally let her in.
If we figure out the melody and stuff and if Julie agrees to perform it, there's no way her teachers are gonna deny her again. I mean Sunset Curve never got anywhere by asking we got in by -"
"Doing." Olivia finished for him with an adoring smile on her face, Luke looked up at the girl and grinned his boyish smile.
Luke went back to working on his riff but Olivia couldn't help but stare at him just a little while more, she loved how passionate he was about helping Julie back into her music program, she loved how much he actually cared about this girl he just met and how much he emphasized with her.
Olivia broke out of her daze and went back to flipping through pages but as she flipped a page, her eyes landed on a song.
It looked slightly old, notes and canceled words everywhere, at the top the title read "Line Without a Hook".
Olivia frowned as she flipped to the next page, another song she had never seen before.
This one didn't have a title but she read out the first few lines
"Remember the day when we've given up, when you told me I didn't give you enough. And all of your friends were saying I'll be leaving you" she read with a raised brow and Luke's head snapped up.
He snatched the book out of her hands so fast and a blush creeped up his neck,
"that's not the song" he mumbled as he flipped to "Bright" .
Olivia couldn't help but feel hurt, I mean obviously Luke was allowed to hide things from her but for as long as she's known Luke he has always shown her songs he wrote, doesn't matter if it was just a few lines or just a draft .
He always showed her.
Hell she was the first person he showed Unsaid Emily to.
As she watched Luke play his guitar while scribbling down some notes on the book page, she wondered what was so important about those 2 songs that she wasn't allowed to see.
But then she remembered about the one song she would never allow anyone to read ever and decided it was fair.
Her guitar materialized in her hands and she moved closer to Luke
"okay, where are we at?" she asked and the 2 ghosts set to work, working out the melody and editing lyrics every now and then.
Luke and Olivia were a well oiled machine whenever they worked together to compose music.
The duo knew each other's patterns well enough to guess what kind of riff, chord or lyric they were going for and could improvise as they went.
They worked best with each other, it didn't matter rain or shine, they just did.
Not even 30 minutes later, the 2 ghosts had already gotten a sweet melody down along with riffs, harmonies and were adding finishing touches on the lyrics.
"Run through the night you and I, We will try to shine together Bright together" Olivia and Luke sang through together, Olivia sighed and ran a hand up and down her arm
"Something feels off, something about this chorus's lyrics. It just doesn't fit"
"Well what do you think it should be then?" Luke asked with an adoring smile as he gazed at Olivia shamelessly as she scrunched her face up in concentration.
"Uhm, ok what about : Rise through the night you and I We will fight to shine together. Bright forever" she sang beautifully, hitting each high note with ease as she strummed her guitar.
She looked over at Luke with a nervous smile
" what do you think?"
Luke shook his head and laughed.
"I think we got a killer hit!" he exclaims as they high five.
"Julies gonna kill this song." he said as Olivia shrugs
"If she even agrees to sing the song." She says as she starts mindlessly strumming her guitar, Luke frowns.
"Why would you say that?"
"Oh come on Luke, you know how Julie is. She doesn't have confidence in her ability. Even if she thinks the song rocks she might not even be confident to play it for her teachers." she reasons with a small smile.
Luke nodded, what she said made sense and both ghosts hated that it did.
They just wished Julie believed in herself just as much as they did .
The 2 ghosts sit in peaceful silence for a short while, both strumming random melodies on their guitar before Luke spoke up
"Listen Ol, about what I said at the beach. I'm sorry if I brought up a sore subject. I didn't mean to" Luke said as he looked at the girl.
Olivia shrugged "no you were right, they did hand me a lot of shit and they said a lot of really hurtful things'' she mumbled as Luke scooted closer to the girl.
"You don't have to talk about it, '' he whispered but Olivia just smiled at him.
" i know,but it's not as if you and the guys don't know what happened to me.
You guys helped me through all that and even though it still gets to me from time to time I always know you're there if I ever need someone to talk to." she said to him and Luke's heart fluttered as he heard her words.
Luke always liked that whenever she needed someone, he was the first person (other than Alex of course) she went to.
"I know but im still sorry for just bringing it up like tha-"
"Luke stop, you don't have to be sorry, okay? We're cool." she said with a sweet smile as she placed her hand over his with a squeeze.
Sparks flew between the 2 ghosts but neither of them thought anything of it as they stared at each other with adoring smiles.
Something in the air changed, the 2 ghosts felt it too and Luke inched his face just a tad bit closer but Olivia cleared her throat and averted her eyes, the air dipped and Luke moved his head back.
Olivia tried to ignore the fact that his eyes were on her lips just a second ago as she said "I think Julies gonna really like his song Luke, it was a sweet idea."
Luke immediately grinned and rubbed his neck bashfully.
"Any of us would have thought about it" he responded but Olivia pinched his forearm "stop diverting and just admit that you're awesome." she said and Luke grinned.
"Okay im awesome"
*timeskip brought to you by Steve Rogers nice ass*
By the time the ghosts returned to the house, the sun had set and Alex and Reggie were napping. Luke and Olivia made their way into Julie's house.
The Latino girl was nowhere to be seen so the ghosts decided to wait in the kitchen .
Olivia hopped onto the counter top and watched with an amused smile as Luke attempted to open the refrigerator door.
His hands kept going through the door and he groaned but kept trying nonetheless.
That was something Olivia noticed about him, he was stubborn.
After what felt like years Luke finally managed to get the fridge opened, the boy first bumped the air and did a little victory dance as a small "yes!" could be heard from him.
Olivia couldn't help but laugh as the boy stared into the fridge as if it held all the secrets of the universe.
"Anything interesting in there?"
"I just never realized how hungry I was till I actually saw the food" he said mournfully.
Olivia didn't realize it until he said it but she did indeed miss eating food, especially dumplings.
That girl loved dumplings.
As the 2 ghosts waited, Julie finally came down the stairs and yelped in surprise at the sight of the 2 ghosts lazing around her kitchen.
"AH! I'm never gonna get used to that." she said as she walked over to them.
Olivia leaned forward and gave a girl a friendly wink as Julie made her way over to the fridge and stood behind Luke.
"Do you guys even eat?" she asked and Luke shook his head.
"I just wanted to see whatcha got." he said before Julie grabbed a jar from the fridge and closed it, the door passing through Luke as it did.
"Hey! Do you know how long it took me to open that?" he whined as Julie walked over to the counter Olivia was sitting on and setting the jar down.
"It took him very long, I think I grew white hairs." Olivia teased and Julie shook her head at the blonde with a smile.
yea Luke pouted at her words and Olivia pinched his cheek smiling.
"Sorry Luke, I just don't believe in wasting power." Julie said as she started making herself a PB&J sandwich.
"Good, because that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." Luke said.
"Our power usage?" Julie asked confusedly and Olivia laughed.
"No, the power that you have. Your voice. Your piano playing - dude you a freaking human wrecking ball." Luke said as Olivia nodded along.
"Is this a pep talk?" Julie asked amused
"Yeah he isn't very good at those ive noticed" Olivia quipped as Luke pinched her forearm causing her to yelp.
"What I'm saying is that you have the power to move people, to knock them off their feet!" Luke said enthusiastically .
"And there is no way your teachers wouldn't let you back into school if they heard you play like that." Olivia added earnestly.
"I already asked and she said I'd have to wait till next semester." Julie shrugged and the ghosts exchange glances
"That's your first mistake: asking. Sunset Curve booked gigs by doing. We went into ambush mode, we played in font of clubs, in back of clubs - "
"They even played book clubs." Olivia grinned and Luke pouted
"You didn't let me finish."
Olivia laughed at his pout as Julie deadpanned them
"Book clubs?" she asked, cringing.
"Yeah we didn't get many gigs at that one but we did get some gnarly snacks." Luke said dreamily and Julie shook her head.
"Look what he's saying is dont ask for permission" Olivia said, trying to get the conversation back on track.
"Swing that wrecking ball of talent at you teachers head and smash those stupid rules right out of their brains!" Luke exclaimed passionately as Olivia blinked .
"Someone woke up and chose violence today" she muttered.
"This isn't a club, it's a school and your plan sounds violent." Julie said as she walked around her kitchen to grab a glass.
"It's a closed door and you gotta bust it open!" Luke responded, hopping off the counter he was sitting on to tail Julie around the kitchen, Olivia swiveled in her seat to watch the conversation from where she sat.
"Once he starts with the metaphors he can't stop." Olivia said from her seat as Luke nodded.
"I learned that in the book club." he smiled as Julie rolled her eyes.
She turned around with a carton of orange juice in her hand, walking though Luke to get back to Olivia and her sandwich,
"their not just gonna let me back in" she said.
Olivia hopped off the counter and looked at the girl earnestly
" if getting back into music is what you want then you gotta go for it" she said as Luke nodded.
"Learn from us, a tainted hotdog coud be right around the corner." he whispered and Julie slowly placed down the sandwich that was about to enter her mouth.
"I don't even have anything prepared."
"Thought you'd say that." Both ghosts said in unison as they grinned at each other then back at Julie, Olivia held up the piece of paper and handed it to Luke.
"It's called "Bright", it's a Sunset Curve song that we wrote that we never got to record." Luke said as he spread the piece of paper onto the tale fully.
"It's perfect for your range and check out the chorus, if you added a little bit of piano we're telling you..." Olivia then nudged Luke and the boy started singing a few lines of the chorus.
"And we'll rise through the night. You and I will fight to shine together , bright forever." He looked over at Olivia and the girl added harmonies as the boy continued to sing and Julie joined in.
"And we'll rise through the night. You and I will fight to shine together, bright forever." The three finished off the song and their harmonies were beautiful.
"Yes!" Luke exclaimed with a boyish grin that could light up a room while he and Olivia high fived.
"Thanks" Julie said as she gave both ghosts a grateful look while both ghosts shrugged it off.
After Julie packed up and went to bed, the 2 ghosts poofed back into the garage where Olivia immediately threw herself onto the couch where Alex was sitting on.
"I feel like i could just lie here and not move forever" Olivia groaned tiredly into a pillow as Alex chuckled.
The boy knew the 2 ghosts had spent the whole day together, now he wanted the tea.
"Soo, what were you guys doing all day?" Alex asked his sister in a sing-song voice while poking her rib.
Now if there was one thing everyone knew about Olivia it was this: she is incredibly ticklish.
The girl jumped up with a squeal and started giggling as Alex continued to tickle her sides, the girl was breathless by the time she managed to pin his arms to his sides
"Oh my god stop - nothing happened okay we just helped Julie with a song that's it?" Oliva shrugged as she sat down beside him, he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and smirked
"Your song?"
"Obviously not you jerk, "Bright" " Olivia responded as she scrunched her face at the thought of anyone actually hearing the song she wrote about the certain someone.
"Ok well did anything else happen?" Alex said with a raised brow, Olivia was about to respond with nothing but remembered what happened at the roof and couldn't help but let a brush creep up her cheeks.
"You're blushing, what happened? Tell me tell me tell -"
"Okay okay! jeez, me and Luke had a -a moment?" Olivia whispered and Alex couldn't help but gasp softly
"I - I think we may have almost kissed?" Olivia said ever softly, she didn't even believe it herself.
Why would someone like Luke even think of her that way? Not that Olivia ever thought less about herself , she knew she could get a guy if she wanted to but Luke ?
He was way out of her league.
When they were at school , girls used to swoon at the sight of him all the time, sometimes girls would rush up to their group just to talk to him and Olivia was always the one getting backlash for being friends with him.
Alex knew how she felt and no matter how many times he told her the girls were jealous she didn't listen, she was stubborn that way.
"Are you serious, wow. Well, how do you feel about it?" Alex asked gently.
Olivia shook her head and shrugged
"I mean, it was probably my mind playing tricks on me you know. Its Luke, im his best friend-"
"Olivia, stop beating around the bush, what are your true feelings about the almost kiss."
"I -i never really thought about Luke that way at first you know, back when we were in high school I always felt second to all the other girls so I was content with just being his best friend.
But there has always been something about Luke, i don't know what it is but now i'm starting to think that m- maybe, if i truly let myself : i could maybe love him again." Olivia swallowed.
So what if she loved Luke once upon a time in high school, she gave up on it when girls would line up for him and he wouldn't bat an eye at her.
She was terrified that that crush may be surfacing back up, she didn't need the embarrassment of getting rejected by her best friend.
"Why is there a maybe?" Alex asked
"Because if there wasn't, it meant that my heart was truly ok with getting hurt again." Olivia's voice cracked as tears threatened to prick her eyes.
Alex threw his arm around his sister and the two hugged as they watched the stars of the night sky twinkle through the small windows of the garage doors.
A/ N : i didn't realise how much tea was in this chapter but owell . YES ANYWAYS : OLVIA AND LINE WITHOUT A HOOK are songs the luke wrote heheheheheh he just hasn't called it Olivia yet, im excited for yalls to read on ahhhhhh
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