TW!: panic attacks and mention of death
OLIVIA FELT COLD. That was the first thing she felt as she groaned and rubbed her eyes, attempting to rub the sleep away from her eyes and trying to set herself up.
When the blurriness cleared, Olivia squinted into the pitch-black room.
She could only see a few feet in front of her, but that was it.
Olivia started to panic a little as she stood up, walking blindly among the darkness.
"Luke! Luke! Hello, Alex! Reggie, please! Oh my gods, guys, where are you?" She panicked, turning around in circles trying to find the boys she called family.
Out of nowhere, a hand reached out through the dark and grabbed her wrist, causing her to shriek at the sudden moment.
"Ol Ol, calm down, it's just me." She instantly knew it was Luke the moment she heard him and looked up to see the brunette boy looking down at her worriedly.
Olivia let out a relieved sigh, "Thank God, I was so worried. One second we were eating hotdogs and the next moment we ended up in this pitch-dark room and I couldn't find you guys and I thought I was here alone and-"
"Olivia, you're shaking," Luke whispered, concern lacing his voice.
Olivia furrowed her brows as she looked down at her hands to see that she was indeed shaking.
She took in a few deep breaths as Luke continued to hold her hands and eventually the shaking stopped.
"I'm sorry," Olivia muttered, her eyes trained down on her black boots.
Luke shook his head and squeezed her hand
"Don't be sorry; I was just as worried when we couldn't find you. Come on, your brothers' going insane not knowing where you are."
Luke pulled her along as they walked to where Alex sat on the ground crying as Reggie sat beside him, knees up to his chest, trying to console the blonde.
The moment they heard Olivia's heeled boots against the ground, Alex's head snapped up so fast.
Alex shoved Luke aside, causing him to collide with Reggie, and hugged his younger sister tightly, burying his face in her neck.
"Oh thank God, I was so worried you didn't end up here with us," he said, his voice muffled against her neck as she hugged her brother back, tears pricking her eyes slightly,
"I know I was too."
The siblings released each other, and Reggie rushed to hug the blonde girl as well.
She could tell Alex was there, pacing around, still crying. She turned around from the hug with Reggie, their arms still slung around one another.
"Alex??" Olivia called gently.
Luke was standing a few feet away from them as they watched the drummer whip around to face them.
"Guys, I can't believe we're dead. We're only 17!" Alex cried out as he sank back to the ground and cried some more as Reggie moved over to try and console him.
"Don't touch me," Alex muttered.
Olivia sat on the ground too, past events finally hitting her.
She faintly remembered floating out of the ambulance, but that was it.
She didn't realize she was dead.
As in, the heart stops beating, you're 6 feet underground, and you're dead.
Her hands started to shake again as her breathing became frantic.
Luke immediately knelt in front of the girl, grasping her hands in his, his hazel-colored eyes gazing into her blue ones intently.
"Hey, Olivia, look at me. You're okay. I need you to breathe for me. " He spoke softly and steadily, but unlike usual, whenever Luke calmed her down during a panic attack, her frantic breathing couldn't stop no matter how many times she tried to follow his breathing patterns.
"L-Luke, I can't."
"Ok, OK, feel this?" He placed the palm of his hand on hers, She nodded.
"OK, that means you can feel the warmth of my hand. So I'm going to need you to try and breathe with me again, but this time focus on the warmth of my hand too. Can you do that?"
Olivia nodded as she tried to follow his breathing patterns, the warmth of his hand burning her skin as if sparks flew.
Eventually, the girl's breathing slowed until she could finally breathe normally.
Inwardly, Luke let out a sigh of relief.
Whenever the girl had panic attacks, he was always so afraid something might happen and she could hurt herself, so he was glad that he was there for her whenever one happened.
The boy sat down beside the girl, his arm wrapping her shoulder soothingly as she laid her head down on his shoulders.
Olvia closed her eyes and sighed, oblivious to Luke's eyes trained on her.
"She smells like lavender and coconut," Luke thought, as Olivia spoke up
"I can't believe we're dead because of some stupid hotdogs," as she laughed dryly.
Luke shook his head and sighed, "Yeah, but at least all 4 of us are here together, you know? We could've all floated to different places and never seen each other again," he said softly, so only Olivia could hear.
The girl shuddered at the thought of ever being separated from the guys, let alone never seeing them again.
"Don't say that. That would be a complete nightmare." The girl frowned at the boy, and he smiled softly.
"Ol', you know, I would never leave you, ever," he said gently, his eyes gazing at her like it was just the two of them, causing heat to rush to Olivia's face just slightly.
Olivia, what are you doing? Snap out of it. He's just consoling you because you guys are best friends. You dummy.
"What do you think happened to Bobby?" Reggie asked from somewhere in the dark, causing the girl to lift her head from Luke's shoulder, but his arm was still wrapped around the girl.
"The stupid vegetarian lucked out, I guess," Luke said from beside her.
The two stood up and walked toward Reggie and Alex.
Reggie was lying on the floor and Alex was still crying.
In an attempt to comfort him, Olivia made her way over to her brother and squeezed his hand.
He didn't yell at her as he did at Reggie, but he continued to cry.
"What do you think our families are doing?" Reggie wondered aloud, causing Olivia to tense up slightly as Alex cried harder.
Her eyes darted to Luke's to see his reaction.
The boy's eyes glossed over ever so slightly, but he tried to stay as neutral as possible.
"I don't know, but I just hope they're okay," Olivia said, sighing.
The four teens sat there in silence for a few minutes before music could be faintly heard in the distance.
Luke's head shot up along with the rest of them as they heard the familiar lyrics:
"Don't look down, because we're still rising right now."
The teens stood up and looked around, trying to find the source.
"Guys, that's our song," Luke said, and suddenly the ground disappeared from below them and they were falling.
The teens screamed as they fell and fell until eventually, they landed on hard wooden floors with grunts and groans.
Olivia had landed on Luke, while Reggie landed on top of her, causing the girl to groan,
"Oh my gods Reggie, get off of me. You weigh like a ton."
"Uh, rude," he scoffed .
She pushed the boy off her. The teens finally stood up and turned around, coming face-to-face with a curly-haired Latino girl.
There was a beat before everyone started screaming.
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