CHAPTER 17• Just a player.

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Silent Cry ~ Stray Kids


Some days pass and it's officially been two and a half weeks since me and hyunjin have started seeing eachother, honestly i think he's good for me, he's really helped me come out of my comfort zone and meet new people.

Anyway it's officially winter break so we have more time to hang out with eachother and with the boys too.

the groupchat is blowing up since we're now on break and everyone's trying to make plans with eachother, since last time, millie was added to the groupchat so all of us could be included.

We all decided on going to the mall for a shopping trip, which me and mills were super excited for.



i'll come pick you and
millie up at your house in
an hour !

                                                Ok! i'll text
                                                    her rn :)

The next minute millie had rung my doorbell and waltzed straight up the stairs, my house is hers.

While i was in the shower, millie had already got herself dressed, pretty af as always.
Anyways i blow dried my hair while mills done her makeup and eventually picked out an outfit to wear, I put the clothes on and looked in the mirror.

I put nude leggings on underneath my skirt so i didn't get too cold, we got our shoes on and waited for hyunjin on the step infront of my house,
we're meeting the boys at the mall so we don't need to pick them up.

Hyunjin finally arrived and we hopped in his car while the music was blasting,

The car was cozy and warm, unlike the weather outside.

We arrived at the mall and met the boys outside. We all greeted eachother at the door and went inside, me and millie quickly ran off to go to our favourite stores, while i think the boys all went to the food court for a mcdonald's.

The mall was so packed i lost millie a couple times, but we met han and changbin along the way and they followed us around a couple of stores until they couldn't stand any longer and had to take a seat on the bench outside the store.

We were finally finished after a couple of hours, plus many shopping bags that we could barely carry.
We decided to try and go find the boys, we found chan by himself outside of the supreme store.

"Hey channie!!" i shouted so he could hear from far away, he waved as me and mills started walking towards him.
"how much stuff did you buy, oh my god."
Chan says, i shamelessly smile and fake punch him on the arm.

"have you seen hyunjin?" i ask.

"oh, uh, yeah! i think he met a couple friends of his outside of the gucci store!!" chan replies,
"ok thanku!" i say.

Millie stays talking with chan while i go search for hyunjin outside of all the stores, i don't know the mall very well since, number one, it's HUGE, number two, i've only been once before.

i finally find the gucci store with a group of boys standing outside, i recognise a couple, i'm sure i met one at that party i went to a couple weeks ago.


When we arrived at the mall we all decided to split up and go our own ways, i went to get food first then went to a couple of stores by myself, i like shopping myself because i can have my airpods in and listen to music.

I met a couple of the guys like yeonjun and kai outside of the gucci stores, they had some friends with them so i decided to go up and talk to them.

"Yooo" i say while raising my arm for a handshake with yeonjun, he smiles and shakes me hand.
"how's your bet going bro???" yeonjun says.

"Good, she fully believes i'm into her, i've said i love her and stuff, she definitely loves me back. Anyways i can't wait until this is over and i win and you lose, then i can officially leave that monstrosity" i say, i can feel something in my heart telling me to stop talking but my mouth just kept moving.

the boys smiles fade as they look in the direction behind me.

"bro, look behind you."

i've been studying like crazy and have had lots of stuff going on but hopefully you enjoyed the chapter! more coming soon loves <3

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