TIME SEEMED TO have passed so quickly.
it was now spencer and leah's one year anniversary! they made it this far!
did we really ever have a doubt, though? no.
so they decided to go on a vacation! nothing big, just to new york for a weekend.
spencer had always loved new york. at least, he had while they were on cases- he had never been just on his own.
so leah decided to change that!
they only stayed for the weekend- hotch was honestly lucky to give them just that. he allowed them to have the day off on friday of one weekend, so they can get on the road friday morning and come home on sunday.
they had booked a five star hotel in manhattan. it was expensive, but it was a very, very nice hotel- it was honestly worth it.
the car ride was long, and the two arrived in the city at around sunset, so all of the city lights had just started shining. it was beautiful.
they went to their hotel, putting their suitcases on the king sized bed, and then stepped out onto the patio together. it was december, so it was cold, but the view was beautiful!
they decided to go to bed early that night, as they had gotten to the city later than they expected.
the next day was saturday, and the two had a lot planned. spencer was going to take leah on a carriage ride around central park, and then they were going to see a broadway show! and spencer had a surprise planned for her after that, as well.
the carriage ride was beautiful. even though it was winter, it was only around 45°. it was only 12pm, and the show started at 2pm. they were going to see "wicked," since leah had always wanted to see it as a little girl.
and the show was marvelous! elphaba was of course leah's favorite, and she honestly expected spencer to correct the show as it happened. but instead, every time she turned to look at him, he seemed very focused on what was happening.
and he seemed to enjoy the show! he liked the music a lot, and although the show was of course scientifically incorrect, he loved it nonetheless.
but as stated before, he had others things planned! so after the show, at around 5pm now, spencer took her to ellen's stardust diner. it was only 2 blocks away from the "wicked" theatre. (ellen's stardust diner is a real place in nyc! i've been there before, there are singing waiters & it's very retro :) .)
spencer knew leah would love it there, and she did! the beautiful, retro, 60s vibes the retro had, with bright red booths and led lights that made the place lighter- to the impeccable voices of the waiters- she loved it all.
by the time they were done with being serenaded by the waiters, they walked back to spencer's car and got in.
"i actually have one more surprise," spencer told her, taking a right instead of a left.
leah just smiled at him, a bit surprised. "okay," she said, laughing a bit.
ten minutes later, they had arrived at their destination. it was a big building and almost none of the lights were on except for one small light but the huge front door.
"where are we?" leah whispered to spencer, grabbing onto his hand with concern.
spencer ignored her, and walked with her up the stairs to the huge front door until a person was now visible.
"hey, mr. thomas!" spencer told the man.
"spencer reid!" the man said. "how are you?"
"i'm great, this is leah," spencer nodded his head towards leah, and the two waved at each other, leah still with a questionable look on her face.
"nice to meet you! so here are the keys, just lock up when you leave."
the man handed spencer a pair of keys, and then bid them a nice goodbye before walking away.
"what is going on?" leah asked, more confused as ever now.
"you'll see," spencer told her teasingly as he opened the big doors, walking inside, leah following closely behind him.
a few dark hallways and dark rooms later, they finally reached a huge room, that only had one small light by a box on one side of the room.
"okay," spencer ran ahead of leah and turned to face her. "i want you to lay down right here."
spencer pointed to a spot on the floor, and leah looked at him like he was crazy. however, she trusted him, so she obeyed and did what he told her to do.
leah heard spencer run away towards the light in the room.
"look up!" he said, as he ran back over to her, laying down next to her on the floor.
a few moments later, a calming piano piece started playing, and the ceiling started to slowly light up with different stars.
leah stood up, in awe, looking around at the stars and planets being displayed around her.
"a planetarium?" she looked at him, starting to smile. "you took me to a planetarium!"
"i did," he stood up, walking towards her, grabbing her hands. "i knew you loved the stars, but it's too cold outside for us to do it for real. i know the guy who owns this place, so i called in a favor and... well, here we are."
leah looked around once more, gasping in joy as she took in the beautiful sights. she placed her hands on spencer's cheeks. "this is why i love you."
they stayed a bit more, stargazing and slow dancing to the beautiful music that was playing.
but one of them had a big question to ask.
"hey, spence?" leah said, a bit of nervousness beginning to rise.
"yes, leah?" he smiled at her.
"i've been thinking..."
she had been thinking. for a long time actually. of course, they were only a year into their relationship, so a proposal right now was out of the question (since that was probably what you thought the "big question" was- not yet guys ;) ). but leah thought they were ready to take things to the next step.
"...would you want to, i don't know, maybe... move in with me?"
spencer's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. he was in complete and utter shock.
"to my house, i mean. i don't know, you can say no if you don't think we're ready yet but-"
"yes," spencer smiled widely at her. "of course i'll move in with you."
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