TWO MONTHS AFTER that night at leah's house- you know, where she confessed a spontaneous proposal was better than an ordinary one?- jj had gone on a vacation with will. they would be gone only for 3 days, and the two had asked leah to babysit. they knew, before her days of being an fbi agent, that she babysat aaron hotchner's kid, jack. and jack loved her.
so jj had left her a key and around $200. she allowed her to stay at her house, however leah wanted to stay at her house. it was the end of summer, maybe the boys could go swimming for a bit if jj allowed it.
jj had dropped henry off at leah's house at 10am on a friday morning, saying her goodbyes to leah for the weekend. there was no work today, strauss had given them the week off for the good work. leah wished her a good trip as jj walked away, leah closing the door behind her.
the first day was great. it rained, so leah stayed inside and played hide and seek with henry. at night, they watched a movie, "the lion king," since jj said he really liked the movie.
the next day, spencer was coming over to help out. it was a bright, warm, sunny day, so leah and spencer were going to take henry to the park.
at around 1pm, leah heard the doorbell ring. henry was coloring, so she left him and went to answer the door.
"hey, spence," she kissed her boyfriend as he smiled at her.
"hey, leah. how's henry?"
"he's great."
leah walked inside to her living room, where henry was, spencer following behind her.
"hey henry!" spencer smiled widely at the boy.
"uncle spencer!" henry dropped his crayon and ran over to spencer. spencer dropped down to his knees as the boy began to embrace him in a hug.
leah smiled at the sight. she had never really seen spencer with children before, but the sight of it made her very happy.
"henry," leah crouched down next to spencer. "me and uncle spencer are going to take you to the park. do you want to?"
henry smiled and nodded his head "yes" quickly a few times, excited.
they all took to leah's car that was in the driveway. the park was only 15 minutes away.
leah and spencer talked the whole way there. 10 minutes into it, henry asked a questions that left both of them flustered.
"since spencer is my uncle, is leah my aunt?"
spencer and leah looked at each other, both getting red in the face and with widened eyes. they both awkwardly laughed, and spencer turned to look at henry.
"n-no, henry. me and leah aren't married."
"oh. but you two are boyfriend and girlfriend, so she is still my aunt."
leah laughed at this statement. it made her really happy.
"yes, you can call me aunt leah, henry."
leah sat on a bench in the park, and watched as spencer pushed henry on the swing.
they had been at the park for almost 45 minutes now. leah and spencer had just as much fun as henry did, reliving old childhood experiences. sliding down the slide, playing on the seesaw, all of it.
there was a time when leah's parents had took her to this exact park. she had a really fun time, swung on the swings and spun around on the merry-go-round.
after they died, she sometimes snuck out of shayne's house (where she moved in after her parents passed) and came here. she sat lonely on a swing in the dark, just remembering the memories of her parents. it brought back many good memories, but it was all just a slap in the face knowing more memories would never be made.
she could see the look on spencer's face. he was made for this. the big smile and the twinkle in his eyes told her it all: he wanted to be a father.
she would be lying if she said she wasn't a bit nervous. of course, she loved spencer more than anything, and she loved that he would one day want to be a father, but the thought of her becoming a mother terrified her.
of course, her and her parents had a very close relationship before they died. they loved her endlessly, treated her nicely and with respect, and surprisingly didn't spoil her rotten even though she lived in a big, nice house. they were the perfect parents to her, she didn't think she could ever compete with them.
she walked over to spencer and henry.
spencer smiled widely at her as he saw her walk over. "hey," he whispered to her, wrapping one arm around her and using the other one to push henry.
"hi," leah whispered back. "do you wanna get some ice cream?"
"sure!" spencer smiled once more, nodding his head. he stopped pushing henry. "hey, henry, do you want to go get some ice cream?"
"yeah!" henry yelled.
spencer laughed, picking henry up and placing him on his shoulders. he held onto henry's ankles to keep him from falling.
leah laughed, leading spencer to her car. they all got in and drove to an ice cream place that was only 2 minutes from the park.
henry got vanilla, spencer got cookie dough and leah got mint chocolate chip.
they sat down on the street curb outside of the shop and ate their ice cream. henry's face was a mess by the time he finished, so spencer ran inside the shop to get some napkins.
"are you and spencer going to get married?" henry asked leah.
leah's face turned a bright red, and she looked at spencer through the window of the shop, stuttering her words.
of course, she had thought about. maybe getting married and having a kid or two, but she had never been asked about it.
but she was being honest with her thoughts earlier. she did love him more than anything, she had thought about having children with him, she had thought about marrying him.
but she also knew that she wasn't good enough for him. he was smart, funny, a nice guy, and leah was a broken, broken girl. why should he ever be with someone like her?
leah was still looking spencer's way. he turned his head to look at her, making eye contact. he smiled widely, waving his hand at her.
of course, she thought. she would marry him in a heartbeat, she knew that. she may not have been the perfect girl for him, but there's something different between leah and any other girl.
spencer loved her, too. that was the difference. he wanted to be with her, he's wanted that for a long time.
"yes," leah finally looked back towards henry. "i really hope so."
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