Chapter 12 | Missing

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─────── β‹†β‹…βœ¦β‹…β‹† ───────

Cairo's POV:

"Cairo, you're overreacting." Ally mutters nervously as I frantically paced the dorm room, trying my best to calmly take in the new information.

"Ally, do not." I scowled sternly, "This isn't fucking coincidental, it just proves my point more." I groaned angerly at myself for making too much sense.

During my breakfast with CC at the cafe nearby, Ally texted me that there had been a new murder committed, and that I had to come back to her dorm room as soon as possible. She wouldn't tell me over text, only in person, which of course made me even more nervous.

Panicked, I forced CC to finish her food before she wheeled me out the door. I had half expected her to break the news that one of our friends, or one of my family members had turned up dead.

Good news, it wasn't that.

Bad news, this new murder has put me in shambles. Like all my information was a puzzle and the killer dropped the latest victim out of nowhere, and broke all the pieces.

Ally's lips stuttered open and closed, "W-Well. His first name is Miller, not his last name."

"But it's still Miller." I pointed out, my hand buried in the hair at the side of my face, "Something is wrong. They know me."

The news article Ally showed me said that the latest murder was a boy named Miller Galpin. Surprisingly, I didn't know him, which was relieving at first, before I realized what the killer was playing at. Miller was referring to my past with my high school teacher, Mr. Miller. They were toying with me.

Caleb bites his lip, "And you're sure you can trust Winnie?"

"Caleb." Ally scowls, elbowing his arm.

"Yes, Caleb. I'm sure. She protected me." I say, lifting my head from my desk. I keep telling myself that someone who was trying to kill me wouldn't have protected me from that dagger, but now I have no idea what to believe.

"I know but.." Caleb said, "Other than us, she's the only other person who knew about the entire situation with Mr. Miller."

I knew he had a point, which made things more confusing, "I don't know. It feels like I can't trust anyone anymore."

Ally frowns sympathetically, her hand squeezing my shoulder. "You can trust us, we promise."

I smile weakly, silently hoping that I actually could.

Basically everyone I knew was telling me to loosen up and take a break, so I decided to go out for once and take a walk.

Being alone was one of the many things I cherished at times. I could do whatever I wanted, when I wanted.

However that could lead to obsession if nobody was here to ask me to stop.

I sucked in a breath of fresh air, a small gust of wind blowing in my face as I headed back to the university. Thankfully there was a small park area nearby, and I was getting used to walking with my crutches.

I stared at the sky, leaves crunching under my foot. On my way back to the building, I make out a pair of frantic voices near the doorway. I peak around the corner to see a pair of seniors talking to an officer.

"Please officer, you've got to believe me." A familiar voice speaks frantically, "Andie has been missing for almost two weeks! We have no idea where she is."

My eyes widen ever so slightly when I hear the news. I recognized the name. Andie Bell.

Andie was one of the older students who was at the university, and also one of the lucky students to have scored her own room. I knew her from a distance, and I'm sure she knew me too.

She's a beautiful girl, with shoulder length blonde hair and tanned skin. Now that I thought about it, I had barely seen her for the last month.

I step a few feet closer, and I soon recognize the familiar voice. 

It was Naomi Ward, Andie Bell's best friend. She was one of the girls that showed me around when it was my first year here. I could tell she was panicked, the way she was gripping onto Max's arm, who didn't seem to care as much as Naomi did. As long as I had known them, Max, Naomi, and Andie were an inseparable trio. 

"I'm sorry about that, Ms. Ward. As soon as we deal with the latest murder, we'll get to figuring out what happened to Andie. I apologize for the delay." The officer says politely, laying a hand on Naomi's shoulder. 

I could tell Naomi was beginning to grow impatient, but her grip loosened on Max's arm as she nodded. "Okay. Please hurry, and contact me about anything." She said desperately. The officer smiled and nodded, before walking away.

Max rolls his eyes, stretching out his arm now that it was free, "My god, Naomi. You're overreacting." He said, his British accent prominent, "She's hasn't been gone for that long. Besides, Andie couldn't have gone far, she's an adult."

Naomi glares at Max with the face of someone who has been counting the days regarding the absence of her best friend, "But she didn't tell us anything about her leaving! Her sister doesn't know where she is, and there's no way in hell she'd go back to her parents. I know her, Max. You do too."

That made Max's words revert back into his throat, because he stood there speechless. He let out a gruff under his breath, turning his head, only for his blue eyes to land on me. "Cairo?"

I froze, my stomach tensing. Naomi turned her head to me, her eyebrows raising. "Cairo! Hi!" I could see her eyes dart to my cast, but thankfully she said nothing. I'm sure she had heard about the accident by now. 

I hobbled over to the two of them, "Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear you guys." I mumbled shyly.

Naomi smiled surprisingly warmly after the panicked state I had just seen her in, "Don't worry about it." Her smile fades, making me want to bite my lip.

"I.. heard you talking about Andie." I said, "I'm sorry."

Naomi shakes her head, "Don't be. I'm just worried with all this, murder going around."

I nod softly in agreement, "Me too. I hate it."

She rubs my shoulder, and I find I don't mind the comfort. "Nothing like this has ever happened before." She mutters, "Andie never mentioned anything about running away, She has a good life."

"What about Sal? Where's he?" I ask softly. Sal was Andie's boyfriend, as far as I knew. They were like the perfect couple and were always together, so I was surprised to not see him here, worried with Naomi.

"He's traveling with his family, back to his hometown." She bites her lip, "I.. haven't told him about Andie yet. But he'll find out eventually. He's coming back soon."

I feel my body stiffen at the thought of Sal coming back from an amazing trip with his family, only to be told that his girlfriend has gone missing.

"I'll help you guys keep a look out for Andie." I say, smiling softly in hopes to reassure Naomi.

But there's a retched feeling in my gut that tells me I won't be seeing her any time soon.


"You think Andie's the next victim?" I ask, leaning against Cairo's desk while she scribbled something onto a sticky note, slapping onto the chalk board that was still taking up space.

Cairo nods silently without saying a word, her focus still latched onto her murder board I like to call it.

"And, you're certain?" I ask, trying to avoid any triggers, "I mean, nobody has even confirmed that she's dead."

Cairo tilts her head while she speaks, "I know, but I'm sure that it's connected to the killer. As much as I hate to say it, Andie has to be one of the victims." She narrows her eyes, "this must be another one of the killer's twisted plans. To kidnap their victims beforehand."

Cairo had told me about the recent murder, when we got back. She looked pale when she walked out of Ally's room, and I didn't get to ask her about it since she just walked away and told me she was going for a walk. Now I understood why she was so panicked. Miller Galpin. Miller. 

I remember every detail about the story she told me about her experience in high school, and it creeped me out how the killer seemed to be connecting pieces like that. It has also probably crumbled Cairo's suspect list, because who would know about her past? 

Cairo insists that Winnie is innocent, but I'm still in the middle of processing the fact that she's back to talking to Cairo. Ally and Caleb would never do anything... I think.

"Are you, feeling alright?" I ask, stepping forward.

"CC don't start again." Cairo grumbled, "Let me work today."

"I know I know, I won't force you outside again, I'm just, a little scared." I stare at the chalk board that was now covered in different words, sticky notes, and pictures. 

Cairo glanced to me, scoffing. "You're starting to sound like-" There was a knock on the door.

We both turned our heads towards the door, and we both jumped when there was a second knock, much louder than the first one.

"Bailey." Cairo she exhaled, before letting out groan, pinching the bridge of her nose. 

"Cairo!" I heard her sister shout from outside, "Let me in!" 

"She sounds like an FBI agent." I muttered, clearly intimidated by Bailey. "Do I...?" I point to the door.

Cairo shakes her head quickly, "Don't. She'll see.." She looks to the chalkboard. "She'll loose her shit."

"If she hasn't already." I mumbled under my breath.

"Cairo Sweet!" She yelled, banging on the door. 

I let her bang on the door a few more times, before I suck in a breath. "Okay we're going to get a noise complaint." I muttered, walking towards the door.

"CC No! No no, please." She gripped onto my arm desperately, and I could see the panic in her eyes. 

"She's your sister, Cairo." I say, "Even if she does see, she's not going to hurt you."

Cairo bites the inside of her cheek, "I just... I can't. She's going to send me back home. I want to stay here, please."

I stare at Cairo, her eyes wide and defenseless. I sigh, "Just, hide the murder board. I'll talk to her." I pull my arm away before she could protest.

I swing the door open halfway, catching Bailey's fist about to knock on the door a third time. Her eyebrows raise, "O-Oh. CC."

I try to act surprised as well, "Hi, um.. You need something?"

She smiles, but it's tight, and clearly not honest. "I just wanted to check in on Cairo. Is she..?" She tries to peak through the door.

"Cairo's doing fine." I stay sternly, subtly moving my body to block her view.

"Can I, see her?" She asks, a little bit more impatiently.

"um, I-" I try to spring up another excuse, but I don't have time, because there's a loud clatter from behind me.

With that distraction, Bailey manages to barge in, pushing the door open and making me stumble backwards. 

We both look behind me to see Cairo crouched on the floor, the chalk board flat on the floor, pictures scattered around.

Bailey groans to herself, not even surprised. "God I knew this would happen." She scowled.

Cairo does her best to quickly stand up, "Bailey it's not what you think."

"Of course it's what I think!" She shouts, throwing her hand at the murder board. "Look at you! It looks like you haven't slept for days."

Cairo stammers, "I-I've been sleeping Bailey!"

Her sister scoffs, crossing her arms, "Okay, sure."

As they continue to argue, I stand at the side, afraid to intervene. They both had their reasons to be angry. I knew Cairo wanted her space, but I knew Bailey just wanted to help with her sister's health. I was worried about Cairo too.

"You don't get it!" Cairo shouts, swatting Bailey's hand away, "I have to do this! All the signs are pointed at me."

Bailey furrows her eyebrows, "Cairo, what are you talking about..?"

Suddenly the door swings open behind me.

It was Loxley, Caleb, and Tori, and they all had worried faces, but I suspected it wasn't because of Cairo. No, there was something else wrong.

I could see Loxley's teeth digging into their lip before they spoke.

"Have you guys seen Ally?"

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A/N: Sorry this is a bit of a short chapter!! I didn't know what else to write about- i hope this was enjoyable! Leaving you guys on suspense>:33 I love you all, thanks you for reading<33

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