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CC's third person POV:
CC bursts into the hospital room, out of breath and full of panic, immediately seeing Caleb laying in a hospital bed. Even though his shoulder was heavily bandaged, You could still see blood spreading out.
Loxley and Tori follow behind her, Loxley's eyes immediately looking to Ally with concern, but CC eyes seem to find Cairo's in a quick moment, who looked frozen with fear.
"What the fuck happened to you guys?" Tori exclaimed, eyeing Caleb's injured shoulder.
"They came after us, again." Cairo says, wincing as a nurse finishes recasting her arm. It made me come to the horrible realization that Cairo got hurt, again.
CC knew the people Cairo were referring to were the killers, which only made her fear grow, swirling in her stomach like a whirlpool.
The nurses exited the room before Loxley said, "Okay, this isn't fucking okay anymore!" They yell, "Why the hell are they coming after us?!"
"They have to have a reason for it." Caleb says, his voice much weaker than before, a rasp in his tone, "Otherwise there's no reason for the killers to be doing this, and serial killers always have a reason for their killings."
"Well they've been going at random." Tori grumbles, crossing her arms, "We don't even know for sure how many killers there are, or when they'll strike again!"
"How did they even know you guys were meeting?" Loxley inquires, falling silent, "Do you think that girl you guys were meeting with set you up?"
"Winnie wouldn't do that!" Cairo defends a lot quicker than CC expected, "She literally protected me from the killer, why would you protect your main suspect?"
Everyone falls silent, realizing what Cairo just interpreted.
"M-Main suspect- What are you talking about, Cairo?" CC finally speaks, her voice coming out a lot more nervous.
"I-I.." CC could hear the panic in Cairo's stuttering, her words piling in her throat.
CC steps forward in anticipation, actually interested and confused on what Cairo had to say.
"Cairo, was is it?" Ally mumbles, glancing to her best friend with concern.
Cairo sucks in a deep breath, before speaking, her voice shaky when her words spilled out. "Ever since the murder of Mr. Smith, I knew there was something strange going on. Every single suspect up until Ellie, I knew." CC's eyes widened in alarm. Was that why she was so on edge at the sleepover?
"I knew Freida from one of my classes, Mr. Smith was one of my high school teachers, I knew Evelyn from Art club in Freshman year, and Ellie was an old friend of mine in high school." She bit her lip, clenching her free hand into a fist. "They're all connected to me, and the next victim could be dead any moment now, and I'll know them, I'm certain." She screws her eyes shut, like the pressure of all of them staring at her was burning, "I'm the suspect they're looking for, I'm the prime victim. I'm the one putting you all in danger."
The rest of the friend group is left in shock once she finishes her explanation, a few of their jaws hung open.
"S-So, you're saying," Caleb mutters, "you knew each of the victims this entire time, and you didn't tell us?"
Cairo bites her lip, "I-I couldn't. I know you, Caleb. You'd just put yourself in more danger by venturing off with me."
"Well no shit!" Caleb shouts, trying his best not to move from his position on the hospital bed, knowing it would only cause him more physical pain, "I'm one of your best friends, Cairo! Of course I'd go with you!"
"You can't expect us to let you handle this all by yourself." Ally adds, "And no offense but, you're pretty fucked up already." That earned a scoff from Cairo.
"We're here to help you." Loxley says with a smile, "You're our friend."
"It's not safe." Cairo mumbles, "I'm so constantly afraid to see someone close to me disappear, see one of you guys disappear, I can't loose any of you."
"It is scary," CC says, leaning against the wall, "But let's be honest, do you think any of us are safe right now? Even if we weren't your friends, we'd all be at risk." it didn't seem like Cairo could argue with that.
"And either way," Tori says, "We would've probably figured out what was going on sooner or later." She grips onto the end of the hospital bed, "So come on, let us help! Prime Victim or not, we're going to help you."
CC could see Cairo's eyes tearing up faintly, and she couldn't help but let a faint smile spread across her face. She steps closer, resting a hand on Cairo's shoulder. they make eye contact for a slight moment, a subtle warmth surging in CC's chest.
"We're not leaving your side, Cairo." CC whispers faintly so that only Cairo could hear her message.
She watched as a tiny smile crept onto Cairo's lips, before she let out a shaky breath, "You guys are horribly stubborn."
That seemed to do the trick, because each of them broke into smiles, not necessarily happy smiles, but reaching that point.
CC watched as Loxley wrapped an arm around Ally, Tori nudging Loxley in the side with a grin. She saw Cairo embrace Caleb into a tight hug, and CC could tell that Caleb was in pain, but he forced himself to ignore it, pulling Cairo closer to him.
CC smiled to herself, watching all of her friends gather together, it was the most full circle moment she's had in, a while.
Cairo glances to CC after parting from her hug, and she could almost detect a sprinkle of hope in Cairo's eyes. Was that because of me? CC thought to herself.
CC shot a small smile to Cairo, dipping her head softly before mouthing a few words.
'Not bad, Grumpus.'
I swallow a mouthful of cold water that I poured into my mouth, sweat running down my face. I had just finished my first soccer practice after nearly a month, and I was completely tuckered out.
I had a checkup with my doctor and he said that it was safe for me to play soccer again, which was a relief because I've been bored out of my mind. I probably couldn't take another day of just me sitting in my room.
Practice was early in the morning, around 7:15am so I had to wake up at 6:30. Cairo had been fast asleep the last time I check, her blanket covering her all the way from her toes to just under her nose. It was the most peaceful I'd seen her this entire month.
I unlock my dorm room, dabbing at sweat against my forehead with a towel. "Cairo? You awake?-" I cut myself off when I bump into a chair, in fact, it was my desk chair.
I furrow my eyebrows, looking up in confusion, only to see a giant rollable chalk board placed right where my chair used to be, its width going from one end of the room to almost the other. The board was filled with different pictures and words, a red string connection from one photo to another. Cairo was standing in front of the board, her hair up in a messy ponytail as she scribbled down some words in the far left.
"Cairo..?" I say hesitantly, I felt like if I spooked her a siren would go off.
She turns her head around abruptly, and even though I saw her asleep, her eyes were wide and slightly bloodshot. She looked incredibly tired, like she had just ran a marathon. Her face muscles relax just barely when she recognizes me. "Oh, it's just you."
I put my stuff down by my closet, walking over to Cairo. "When did you wake up?"
"Around 7:00, so a little after you left for a soccer practice." She mutters monotonously, like she didn't have the energy to show any emotion.
"And... how long have you been working on this?"
"Since now."
My eyes widen slightly, "it's nearly 11."
"I know."
For once I'm actually fully concerned for Cairo. She had just been attacked by a serial killer yesterday, and now she's working tirelessly on this, investigation, board, thing.
"Have you eaten anything at all?" I ask, pressing a hand to Cairo's forehead that she swats away quickly.
"I had, a granola bar." She said, her words coming out in reluctant portions.
I shake my head immediately, "Nope, that's it. I'm taking you outside to actually see some trees." I unfold Cairo's wheelchair, pulling her towards it but she refused, unsurprisingly.
"No just hold on a moment!" She pleaded, grabbing a paint pen to write something down, "I'm almost finished, I just need to jot down the students Mr. Smith used to teach and that'll be it."
I open my mouth to say no, then realized I'm completely drenched in sweat from soccer. I close my mouth with a sigh. "Once I change, we're going out to get something for you to eat."
I watch Cairo express a tiny smile, before facing her attention back to the chalkboard, clearly invested.
I let out a breath, before grabbing a new change of clothes and heading into the washroom.
I slipped on a zip up hoodie with my team logo over a fresh, white t-shirt, then put on a pair of gray sweatpants, a new pair of socks, and a beanie, before exiting the washroom.
Surprisingly, Cairo was already sat in her wheelchair, still writing something down on the board, but it was progress. She had a long-sleeved black and white stripped shirt on and pair of baggy jeans, her hair now down and brushed away from her face.
"You sure you aren't going to be cold?" I ask, glancing outside from the sliver of the window that wasn't covered by Cairo's chalk board.
"I'll be fine." Cairo mumbles, before finally putting down her marker. "Where are you taking me?"
I let myself smile, happy that Cairo was actually deciding herself to take a break. "There's a cute cafe nearby, probably a fifteen minute walk."
She motions her head towards the handles of her wheelchair, "Lead the way, Walker."
I roll my eyes, gripping onto the handles, "Haha, very funny." I say, before unlocking the door for us.
The weather was brisk, a gust of wind blowing into my face every once in a while, sending chills down my spine. I completely underestimated the weather today, the only thing my mind seemed to be focused on was the murders. I was ice cold, my arms wrapped around herself, hoping to produce some body heat but clearly failing.
After escaping from the killer yesterday, we immediately called 911, because Caleb was loosing blood rapidly. When the ambulance arrived, I told Winnie that she could go home, and I would talk to her later. She looked frightened and probably had a thousand more questions, but she left without saying anything.
I almost felt bad to basically tell her to go away, but it was for the better. I would explain what was going on eventually.
"What was that about not being cold?" CC teases slightly from behind me, which I don't take very well.
"B-Be quiet." I scowl, shuddering and rubbing my arms.
She continues to push me down the sidewalk to the cafe, the weather seeming to get colder as the seconds ticked by, only meaning I was getting closer to freezing.
Each step CC took felt prolonged, and it made me was to scowl at her, but it was technically my fault for not bringing a coat. However, she suddenly stops in the middle of the sidewalk.
I hear her unzipping her sweater and out of all things, she wraps it around me.
I looks to her, my eyebrows furrowed. "I-I- you don't have to give me this." I stammer, however the extra layer felt nice.
she scoffs, pulling her beanie over her ears, "don't bother lying, you're practically going to freeze at any moment."
"You might too." I mutter, trying to create a comeback as I eye her white t-shirt that was barely covering her.
"We're almost there, I'll be fine." She quickly reassures, before smirking softly, "You don't have to worry about me so much."
My stomach clenches, my eyes hardening. "I-I'm not worrying about you, you dingbat!" I quickly quipped, "You said it yourself, i-it's freezing." I grumbled. I could hear her trying to hold back her laughter.
"Okay, Grumpus." she teases me with her idiotic nickname, inhaling a breath of cold air, before continuing to push my wheelchair. With annoyance, I decided to accept her offering, slipping my arms into her sweater and zipping it up, wrapping it around myself. It was slightly too big for me, but that only helped my body warm up quicker because it was quite a thick sweater.
After a few more minutes, we arrive at the cafe, a waft of relieving warm air blowing in my face, the smell of caffeine invading my nostrils.
The cashier greets us kindly, helping us move a chair out of the way so CC could park me in that spot. I felt entirely too weak and wanted to help somehow, but I knew I couldn't. I rested my casted arm in my lap, still wearing CC's sweater. I felt bad to take it, but I was also still incredibly cold.
"What do you want to order?" she asks, showing me the small menu.
I take a effortless glimpse at the menu, before pushing it away after a split second. "I'll just get whatever you're getting."
She raises an eyebrow at me, "Well, do you want a drink?"
"Water is fine."
She frowns softly, and it almost made me feel bad to be so cold, but all I could think about was getting back to the dorm and continuing my studies.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see CC's hand move ever so slightly towards mine, but the waiter seems to shift CC's attention away from me.
"What can I get for you girls?" The waiter asks politely, holding up a pen and notepad.
"could I get two chicken bagel sandwiches, one with no caramelized onions," She says, "Plus a water and a coke."
After the waiter walks away, she looks to me, and she seemed offput when she noticed the confused look on my face.
"I thought you liked caramelized onions?" I asked, and I noticed her eyes widen ever so slightly for a reason I couldn't put my finger on.
"I do like them," She replies, "I thought you didn't." My eyebrows raise in surprise, completely confused on how you knew that.
"I-I remember going to order McDonalds for us all with Ally and she told me you didn't like onions on your burger so," She quickly word vomited, clearing her throat, "if your putting your order in the fate of my hands, I want to at least make sure you like it."
I never took CC to be someone caring, but this fraction of a conversation seemed to answer my question for me.
"Since when do you care about my well being?" I ask, playing with the handle of my fork.
She looks at me, confused. "Since when do you not?" That seemed to shut me up. My mouth is ajar for a moment, trying to create a sentence to scowl back, but I didn't hear any lies in CC's sentence.
"S-Sorry I.." She hurriedly stammers after taking in my silence, "I've just noticed that you've been... off, these past few days."
My eyes dart around the building, desperately trying to find something to focus on other than CC's words.
"I know we haven't talked, deeply or anything," She continues, fidgeting with her hands in her lap, like she didn't know what to do with them, "But I don't want you to starve yourself or some bullshit. Even with all the stress you must have, you still need to take care of yourself."
It felt like hours were ticking by with each blink I took, my uninjured leg bouncing under the table. "Taking action is not as easy as just telling yourself to do it, mentally putting it on your to-do list doesn't work. Even if it's your top priority, other thing seem to make it to the finish line faster." I quickly close my mouth, not wanting to ramble about how inefficient I was.
"Have you at least tried to complete your to-do list?" She asks, going along the same concept, "Because, no offense, but it seems to me you haven't even touched it."
Her words hit me like bullets, and I despised the fact that CC might be partially right. The more I spoke, trying to defend my point, the more weight CC added to her own words. Fear started to build up in my chest, and I began to feel scared that the weight would break my mask of precision and ease, revealing the vulnerable girl underneath.
Although, maybe it was already cracked.
"I.." I stammered, not sure what to say anymore, but the waiter helped me by coming back with our food.
"Two chicken bagels?" She asked. CC nodded, as the waiter placed down the plates, along with our drinks.
CC mumbled a thank you to her as she left, before glancing back to me.
By the looks of it, I'm sure she could read the fear to continue this conversation on my face.
She starts her next sentence reluctantly, "I'm here to help, you know that."
I avert my eyes, my body tense, "I don't need your help." I snap back, taking a sip of my water.
I expect her to keep talking, but she goes silent, taking a bite of her bagel. I force my eyes to not linger towards CC, instead I take a small bite of my food, as we eat in silence.
It was a long, silent meal, and I almost started to feel bad for scowling CC, but if I bring it up again, it'd make things more awkward.
It's fine, I don't need their help. I've gotten great clues on the case. I thought to myself, as I took another bite of the bagel sandwich.
At least CC had taste, this sandwich was delicious.
I reach in to take another bite of the bagel, but my phone interrupts me, sending a buzzing vibration through my leg. I put my food down, dusting off the sesame seeds stuck to my hand before taking my phone out of my pocket.
My heart drops when I see the text.
I didn't realized I audibly gasped until CC glanced to me, her eyes full of confusion mixed with fear. "W-What? What happened?" Her words were muffled as she gulped down her bite of chicken.
I bite my lip, not wanting to come to the scary conclusion of the information Ally's text just gave me.
"There's been another murder."
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A/N: wanted to post a chapter before christmas.. I can't believe tomorrow is christmas eve. happy holidays everyone!! thanks for reading, ily all<3 (new part coming on She Likes A Boy and maybe Rivals too!!)
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