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โโโโโ โโโโ โโโโ
"hello!" - speaking in japanese
"hello!" - speaking in korean
'hello!' - thoughts
โโโโโ โโโโ โโโโ
"SO YOU'RE SAYING THAT YOU WANT TO GO BY JEONG MIN-JUN AT SCHOOL TO AVOID BEING RECOGNIZED?" the principal questioned the young idol in front of him, eyebrow raised in curiosity.
"that pretty much sums it up," the new student laughed awkwardly, running his hand through his hairโan acquired habit of his. it was an uncomfortable situation, after all.
after y/n had arrived at the office and said bye to yachi, whom he had agreed to each lunch with, he was sent straight to the principal's office.
for the first five minutes it was silent and the man simply stared at the boy, that was, until, the man cleared his throat to ask for his name. it was safe to say that those five minutes of awkward tension had completely killed the second-year's cheerful mood.
"i see... well, we can arrange that. i'll change your name on the roster later, so for now just introduce yourself as jeong min-jun, got it?" the monotone principle articulated.
"yes, sir." y/n bowed. he had been anticipating his first ever class at karasuno for the past few days, giddy at the idea of experiencing the peace and normalcy that had been removed from his spontaneous life.
the middle-aged man handed the rather tall teen a pink slip, "perfect, here's a note for your teachers that allows you to keep the mask on. your first period is english in class 2-5."
"alright, thank you!" the anxious teen responded as he feverishly rushed out the door. he need to get to class quickly or he would end up being late. he only had one minute until the bell rang.
"don't forget to sign up for a club by friday!" the principal called out as the boy sped down the hallway, unsure whether or not the boy even heard him, but oh well, he was too exhausted to care.
y/n ran around through the empty halls of karasuno like a headless chicken until he finally reached the entrance to class 2-5. since it was his lucky day, the bell hadn't rung yet. 'thank you, divine being!' he praised fate for sparing him any embarrassment.
he ran his hands through his hair and straightened out his uniform one last time before opening the classroom door.
all casual conversation quickly came to a stop upon the handsome stranger's arrival. the teacher cleared her throat, "hello there, are you the new student we were expecting?" she looked at him expectantly, awaiting his response.
the entire class, that happened to already be seated, focused their attention on the masked figure. silently, he nodded and quickly handed her the note the principal gave him.
eyes briefly scanning the note's contents, the teacher let out a hum of surprise, but quickly disguised it as a cough. 'this is y/n?! the l/n y/n is in my class!?!' his new teacher internally fangirled over the star that would, from now on, be her student.
she remained professional as she continued, "alright then," she folded up the note and placed it on her desk after she finished reading, "how about you introduce yourself to the class and then take a seat back there in that empty chair?" she smiled politely, "don't worry, all you need to do is give us your name."
hesitantly, he nodded, "sure," the beautiful male faced the class and bowed, "hi, my name's jeong min-jun. please take care of me."
the class let out a chorus of greetings and welcomes. it was clear they were excited to have someone new in their class, it would make the dynamic much more interesting. not to mention his mysterious aura and blatantly good looks that only further peaked their interest.
the teacher guided y/n to his new seat at the back of the classroom, "you'll be seated to the right of arima kenji. arima, could you raise your hand for me?"
a red-haired male in the back row sheepishly raised his hand, his eyes cautiously examining the masked male as he quickly approached.
y/n plopped himself down in his seat, letting out a sigh of relief as he spared his desk neighbor, arima, a friendly smile. the hard part was over. he had successfully made it to his first ever normal high school class and, most importantly, he did it without being recognized.
as soon as the bell rang, he took out his composition notebook and began to take notes on the teacher's lecture about adverbs and adjectives in the english language.
'thank god my manger made me learn english last year...'
taking a look around the room, he felt comforted. the day had begun with a pleasant start, and he couldn't wait for more.
โโโโโ โโโโ โโโโ
THE BELL SIGNALING THE START OF THEIR LUNCH PERIOD RANG, prompting the class to quickly pack their belongings as they made a beeline straight to the new studentโwho was currently too busy listening to music and scribbling down new lyric ideas to notice their sudden appearance.
it wasn't until he felt a light tap on his shoulder that he looked up from the notebook he was writing in. his eyes widened at the sight of over a dozen students crowded around his desk, "um, can i help you-?"
as soon as those words left his mouth, he was met with the sound of loud, overlapping voices spewing their incomprehensible introductions at him. the only phrases he could make out were, "-nice makeup!", and "-have a mask on?"
he began to feel overwhelmed. he was used to crowds, being a performer and all, but in the past he would usually have a bodyguard or band member with him to help him navigate his way to privacy.
but here he was, alone. and that scared him. the teacher was nowhere in sight, and yachi, his only friend, was probably off eating lunch somewhere, waiting for him to join her.
y/n's eyes frantically darted around the room, searching for a way to make his grand escape.
and then, it hit him.
it was the perfect excuse.
he loudly cleared his throat, signaling the hoard of students to quiet down, "i'm sorry, but... i don't speak japanese. oh look, but need to go now!!" he rushed out in his native tongue as he proceeded to speed out of the classroom, leaving behind a group of perplexed teenagers.
"but... wasn't he speaking japanese earlier...?"
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"SHE HAS TO BE AROUND HERE SOMEWHERE, RIGHT?" he mumbled to himself as he walked through, was he assumed was, the first-year hallway, looking for his beloved friend, yachi.
once again, y/n, or min-jun, was lost.
how did he always find himself in these situations when he was alone? it was a question he would often ask himself.
as he wandered down the corridor, he felt a buzz in his pocket. realizing that it was his phone, he quickly pulled it out and checked the notification.
he turned on the screen, not only to find a message from his manager, but over 50 messages from his group and thousands of notifications from social media.
that was never a good sign.
'well, shit. this is definitely bad...'
first, he checked the message his manager had sent, and as soon as the image appeared on his screen, his heart dropped.
it was him. in miyagi.
and his manager did not sound happy...
'how the hell did they find me?!'
the picture was taken of him at the airport, on the day he had first arrived in miyagi. he was dumbfounded. how could anyone have recognized him? was it that obvious? better yet, how did he not notice someone taking a picture of him?
usually, y/n was the first one to spot a camera in the crowd. when he did, he would joke around and make "uncomfortable" eye contact with the camera, occasionally flashing a peace sign. so naturally, upon realizing that this had gone completely over his head, he was left feeling disappointed. he should have noticed.
after taking a moment to slow down his racing heartbeat, he took a closer look at the title of the article attached to the image.
'"frantic runaway"? what the hell...'
deciding to inspect further, he clicked on the link...
the main description of the article read, "after completely disappearing from all forms of social media, famous idol, l/n y/n, was spotted by fans in miyagi prefecture last friday."
he took a deep breath to calm himself down, trying to keep his negative thoughts and worries from taking over. although he dreaded it, he did the wisest thing he think of and quickly texted his manager.
12:07 PM
um help me plz
what do i do?๐ญ๐ญ
well it looks like we'll have to make
some sort of official statement in response
to the article.
what do we say?
"we" are not saying anything.
you clean this up on your own.
but you're supposed to be my manager๐ญ๐ญ
isn't this what i pay you for?๐
no. i'm not a babysitter. i manage you.
but doesn't being a manager mean-
moving on, i think you should post some
sort of statement on your twitter or instagram
just to let your fans know you're alright and
stuff like that. i would also advise that you mention you are in japan for a "brief trip,"
so that the media assumes you're leaving soon
and won't be wandering the streets, trying
to catch a photo of you.
right, got it๐
don't be a smart ass.
you are not off the hook.
you are going to call me when you get home.
that's what i thought.
anyway, after that, you're probably going
be careful with what you post. don't be dumb,
use proper grammar, and don't reveal much
in photos and captions. am i clear?
good. send me what you plan to post
before you share it.
stop being like that.
remember, try to keep anyone at that school
from catching on. only the staff can know.
and avoid wearing anything that you wore
okay, you need to go back to class or
whatever period you're in.
๐ณbut i'm in lunch
i don't care. i need to go and so do you.
figure out what you're going to post
by the end of the day. i'll be waiting.
'wow, my manager is the sweetest.' the idol sarcastically thought as he continued his brisk walk down the hall. throughout his conversation he had been frozen, stood in the middle of the deserted corridor while trying to deal with this annoying situation.
eyes glued to his phone, trying to type up an adequate message to post, he turned the corner, unaware of the rapidly approaching figure that was shuffling through papers.
with both of their minds elsewhere, they failed to notice the other's presence until it was too late.
they collided, making y/n stumble back from the impact.
the stranger had fallen to the floor, dozens of papers scattering around the hall after they had roughly made contact with the second-year's muscular chest.
the stranger rubbed their forehead as they slowly began to process what had just happened...
โโโโโ โโโโ โโโโ
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. ใ . ยฐ . .
this maybe took forever go release๐ hehe my apologies<3 also, this hasn't rlly been spell checked and reviewed yet, SORRY๐ญ
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