' as long as im with you ive got a smile on my face '
hey guys. i know i said i wasn't completing this story but here i am writing new chapters because i really didn't want to leave it unfinished. there's nothing i can say where people won't bash me for continuing to write this story so i won't say much, but i will say if anyone doesn't support wilbur anymore (which is 100% understandable i'm not here to defend him) just please unsave the book and move on. any hate for the continuation of this book will be muted. thanks.
in real life!
"no going back now," i kept sighing to myself. niki had left a while ago and i was stood pacing around my living room conjuring up all the worst possible ways this night could go.
i had almost convinced myself to pretend i was sick so that i didn't have to go, but i knew that would be wrong. it was currently 5:30pm and i was unbelievably terrified. i hadn't seen him in so long. what if he didn't like me the way he used to? what if he still held a grudge over that night at the club? i did mess up their relationship after all.
i felt bad for elise. or at least i did now. i didn't when everything first happened. i was jealous. jealous that someone else could have the relationship that me and wilbur first had. but i couldn't dwell on it now.
as much as i didn't want to hear about elise, i knew i had to listen to him with open ears if he wanted to talk about it. after all, they only broke up yesterday.
knock knock.
that's him. i'm finally going to see his face again. 5 months. it's been 5 months without my wilbur. without seeing him.
i hesitantly walk up to the door and cautiously swing it open.
there he was. in all his glory there was wilbur soot standing right in front of me again. and he was holding something. pink tulips. pink fucking tulips.
after all this time he still remembered my favourite flowers. i think i only mentioned it to him once and yet he remembers.
"hey loser," i smirked to the boy with the glistening eyes. he chuckled.
"after months you still have the nerve to call me loser?" he teased.
"of course," i giggled.
"um, these are for you," his nervousness took ahold of him but he still managed to hold out the flowers for me.
i took them with grace and thanked him with a bright smile . before we left i put the tulips on my bedroom window sill in a pink vase to sit in the sun. i walked out of my room and gave a small thankyou to wilbur again as we walked out the door to his car.
as soon as i got in the car he passed me the aux and i played the songs we used to sing along to in the car together.
now playing: here with me - d4vd
"i've missed hearing our songs," he smiled over to me in the passenger seat. our songs? that statement made a slight pink tint appear on my cheeks but went away before wilbur could notice.
"you better get used to hearing them again all the time," i laughed. i quickly stopped when i had realised what i said and my smile faltered, "that's if we keep hanging out of course," i looked down at the spotify playlist pulled up on my phone in silence.
"why wouldn't i want to hang out with you?" he reassured. the smile was painted back on my face in an instant.
"okay good," i let out a relieving sigh.
we spent the rest of the car ride singing along to songs, not much talking as i think we both didn't really know where to start with things.
"here we are," i looked up and saw the carnival lights shining through the dirty windshield. my eyes flickered with the flashing lights as i silently stared at the rides continuously moving.
"tori?" wilbur waved his hand in front of my face to snap me out of my trance. i shook my head to focus my eyes back to the boy looking slightly concerned.
"sorry, was looking at the lights," i sheepishly giggled.
he chuckled back, "that's okay, but come on. i have food to buy you," he got out of the car and i quickly followed behind.
we were sat on a bench after getting some food just making small talk.
"so how's everything been going," i looked up to the boy indulging in his hot dog.
"oh so we've been demoted to the the small talk?" he smirked.
"i'm sorry that i want to know about the oh so boring life you had without me," i teased and giggled.
"okay okay!" he laughed, "i'll tell you about my booooring life," he dragged on.
"seriously i want to hear what's happened, i feel like i'm out of touch with your life, and you know you don't post much," i continued.
"well as you probably know our band released our new ep. i didn't do much except talk to tommy and elise."
my heart sunk when i heard her name. i thought i was mentally prepared to hear about elise but i quickly realised i definitely wasn't. i think wilbur noticed the glisten in my eyes turn to clouds because he trailed off with a small, "it doesn't matter."
"no it does. how we're things with elise?" i swallowed all my pride to ask about her. i wanted to be the friend he confided in for everything, even if it meant breaking my heart.
"it was alright but it wasn't anything compared to our friendship."
"we barely ever hung out, she liked her friends of her alone time more than she liked hanging out with me. i really don't think she even liked me that much," he let out a sad chuckle, "but even so, when i heard you hadn't spoken to anyone in a month i was ringing tommy constantly to see if you were okay or even alive."
"even though i stopped trying to reach you, in those 5 months i was asking about you every so often. i was so worried. i knew i had fucked everything up, and i didn't know what to do but to give you space, i thought you hated me after everything."
friendship? friendship! he'd probably think that marriage was fucking casual.
"tori?" i snapped out of my angry daydream.
"what? sorry, yeah i guess i dropped off the face of the earth didn't i?" i sadly joked.
"yeah, i wish i had never messed us up. you were my best friend. i missed you," he plastered on the best smile he could, but it was full of guilt.
"i missed you too, i missed my happiness," i replied never breaking our gaze. he had that look in his eye, and i did too. we were in love. to be honest, i don't think we had really realised it yet. we just weren't there yet. and we weren't going to be for a while. but this was a start.
and i had found my happiness again.
a u t h o r ' s n o t e !
song: here with me - d4vd
hey guys! thankyou for making it to the end of the chapter. after everything that's happened i've taken a long break and i'm back. everything's been very overwhelming but i've decided to continue this story. again, not defending wilbur, just completing a story i didn't want unfinished. thankyou so much for your support. please read my psa before spreading hate. i'm fine if you don't agree with my continuation of this story but i'm not fine with willingly spreading hate. this will be the only time i'm addressing it. :)
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