Twenty-Three: The First Kiss: Temari x Y/n!

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*From where we left off*

Ten-tails (Y/n): I'm gonna use this move on you

Temari: Tsk!

Ten-tails (Y/n): Now then..... Disappear!

Temari: *Grunts*

Ten-tails (Y/n): Argh!!!

Temari: Huh?!

Ten-tails (Y/n): What's going on?! Argh!!!

Temari: Is that....?!

Ten-tails (Y/n): It's him! That brat! He's...... argh! Getting his control back!

???: Oh my this is interesting

Ten-tails (Y/n): Temari!

Temari: Huh?!

Y/n: G..get out of here! And take them with you!

Temari: Y/n is that you?!

Y/n: Yes it's me, now go! Argh! This motherfucker thinks he can control me well that ain't happening I'm afraid

Temari: Come on, Y/n! You've got this!

Y/n: What?! Why are you... argh! Still here?!

Temari: I'm not leaving you I can't

Y/n: What do you mean you can't?!

Temari: I... I...

Ten-tails (Y/n): I will not be overpowered by the likes of you!

Temari: !

Ten-tails (Y/n): Hahaha! I can't believe he actually resisted for that long! Oh well looks like he's out of.... argh!!!!

Y/n: Dude fuck off!

Temari: Y/n, please hold on!

Y/n: God damn it! Temari! Get the hell out of here! I.... argh! Can't keep this up forever!

Temari: I know but.... my mind just won't let me go!

Y/n: What on earth does that fucking mean?! Argh!!!

Temari: I love you okay!

Y/n: Huh?

Temari: I said I love you!

Y/n: We haven't even walked that much! How on earth could you possibly love me in that short of a time?!

Temari: I don't know? I just..... felt that way when I first saw you. And no it isn't just because your cute. There's something else to it and I don't know how to explain it

Y/n: Well I don't really have time right.... argh!

Ten-tails (Y/n): So you love him do you?

Temari: Get out of his mind you monster!

Ten-tails (Y/n): Hahahaha! I'd love to but unfortunately, I can't

Temari: What do you mean?!

Ten-tails (Y/n): Why would I ever tell you?

Temari: I don't know and I don't care just tell me!

Ten-tails (Y/n): Well if you're so eager to know. I guess I could tell you how I got in his head in the first place since I am gonna kill you anyways

Temari: Go on then!

Ten-tails (Y/n): Basically, an alien put me in his head so that he could evolve as to why he wants Y/n to evolve is beyond my knowledge

Temari: That's the biggest bullshit talk I've ever heard! Now get out of his head!

Ten-tails (Y/n): You know what I admire your bravery so that's why I'm gonna let you and him be together

Temari: Wait? Really?

Ten-tails (Y/n): Yeah, in hell!! *Tries to stab Temari*

Temari: !

Y/n: *Stops* God damn it! Temari! Just please get out of here! I don't want someone I care about to just die like this!

Temari: You care about me?

Y/n: Yes! Why do you think I called you cute or that I used a smaller sized flame Jutsu?!

Temari: Well I never thought you cared about me I just thought you were having fun

Y/n: Argh! For the love of god! Please just get out of here!

Temari: Did you not just hear me?!

Y/n: Huh?

Temari: I'm not leaving you! I can't just leave you here!

Y/n: Oh my Argh! Fine! I love you too!

Temari: W..what?!

Y/n: I said I love you! God damn it!

Temari: That won't work!

Y/n: Huh? What?!

Temari: You're just saying that so I'd leave right? You have nothing left to say so you say that as a last resort?! Well, it won't work on me! I'm not leaving you!

Y/n: What kinda bullcrap?!

Temari: Huh?

Y/n: I'm not lying right now! I'm being 100% honest with you! I love you alright?!

Temari: Then why say it now then?!

Y/n: I have a difficult time saying I love someone okay! After that time! Argh! This hurts like hell!

Temari: What time?

Y/n: I don't have time to explain to you. For now just please leave! If I kill you I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself!

Temari: But it's not you is it who's killing me

Y/n: That doesn't matter it's done by my own body!

Temari: I'm still not gonna leave you!

Y/n: What about those two?! Do you not care about them?!

Temari: Don't say something like that! Of course, I do!

Y/n: Then why are you staying with me?! They're gonna die if you don't drag them out of here!

Temari: I know that! But I already told my mind won't let me do that!

Y/n: What kinda... Argh! Bullshit is that?!

Temari: It's not bullshit! You won't understand unless you the one who's in my spot

Y/n: I literally can't even think straight anymore!

Temari: You have to!

Y/n: But I can't!

Temari: You can I know you can!

Ten-tails (Y/n): Looks like your wrong! He can't! Hahahaha!!

Temari: Fuck off will ya?! How would you like it if I did this to the person you loved?!

Ten-tails (Y/n): I don't live with anyone so that's fine

Temari (T): I have to try it otherwise he might not make it!

Ten-tails (Y/n): Whatever you planning it won't work!

Temari: Well see about that!

Ten-tails (Y/n): Indeed we will see! *Attacks Temari*

Temari: *Kisses Y/n*

(Do you know how hard it is to find a good kiss gif?!)

Y/n: *Drops guard and reverts back to Y/n*

(Forget the crying bit or not?)

Temari: *Stops the kiss*

Y/n: You know you're a great kisser

Temari: Y/n! *Hugs You*

Y/n: Uh..... *Chuckles and hugs back*

Temari: I'm so glad your okay!

Y/n: Uh... thanks but could you not hugs so tight it hurts you know after just breaking free

Temari: *Let's go of Y/n* Oh right yeah sorry!

Y/n: Hehe, thanks

Temari: *Realisation* Ehhh!!!

Y/n: Huh?

Temari: I really kissed him! I really did it! Ohh! This is so embarrassing!

Y/n: *Nervously laughs* It's fine, hehe...

Temari: No it's not!!

Y/n: Well umm... if it makes you feel better it was a good kiss

Temari: Ahh!! That does not make it better!!

Y/n: Oh um... sorry....?

Temari: Idiot! That's not helping either!

Y/n: *Chuckles* How cute

Temari: Ahh!! He just called me cute again! Again!! This must be a dream! Right?! Right?!!

Y/n: Hehe no it's not

Temari: It's real! It's real!!

Y/n: *More nervous laughter*

Y/n: *Spots Gaara and Kankurō*

Temari: Huh? Oh them, yeah you beat them up pretty bad

Y/n: I know I saw the whole thing *Walks up to Gaara*

Temari: Huh?

Y/n: *Heals Gaara*

Temari: You know medical ninjutsu?

Y/n: Yeah, figured it be useful in times like this

Temari: Oh I see

Y/n: *Gets up* He should wake up in about 20 minutes' time. So just make sure you keep a close eye on him

Temari: Where are you going?

Y/n: To finish the exams of the course

Temari: Uh... what about Kankurō?

Y/n: Oh she just knocked out he'll wake up in a few minutes

Temari: He's out cold though

Y/n: He woke up last time I'm sure he can do it this time as well

Temari: *Shrugs* I guess your right?

Y/n: Anyways, see ya

Temari: Bye.....

Y/n: Oh and btw after this is all over let's go on a date


Y/n: *Smiles*

Temari: I...... Yes! Let's go! You did it again! Temari! And this time it's the perfect guy!!

???: Haha! That was amazing! He controlled the ten tails! That's what I want to see in entertainment!

*Does an Italian dish kiss*

*With Y/n*

Y/n (T): I wonder if anyone else saw what happened? Eh? They'd be crying by now

Ten-tails (T): You bastard!

Y/n: Huh?! Wait! It's you!

Ten-tails (T): Yes it's me!

Y/n (T): What the fuck do you want?!

Ten-tails (T): Oh nothing, just saying hi

Y/n (T): What are you planning?!

Ten-tails (T): Me?! Nothing why would I ever plan anything?

Y/n (T): Oh don't talk all innocent how! What do you want?!

Ten-tails (T): Really I don't want anything, trust me

Y/n (T): Well if you don't want anything. Then I want something from you!

Ten-tails (T): And what's that?

Y/n (T): You're gonna have to pay rent!

Ten-tails (T): Excuse me?

Y/n (T): You heard me! You're gonna have to pay for rent!

Ten-tails (T): What?!

Y/n (T): It's only fair, if you wanna live in my head or whatever your gonna have to pay the fee of staying! It's only fair

Ten-tails (T): Why you little ignorant brat! I'll!.....

Y/n (T):?

Ten-tails (T): You know what fine, I'll pay rent. I'll play your little game

Y/n (T): Really?!

Ten-tails (T): Yes really

Y/n (T): Wow! That was a lot easier than I thought it'd be!

Ten-tails (T): I'll pay you with some of my Chakra

Y/n (T): Eh?

Ten-tails (T): I'll give you my Chakra whenever you want, just ask

Y/n (T): I'm gonna get controlled aren't I?

Ten-tails (T): No you idiot! I'm being serious!

Y/n (T): Right...? What's the catch? What do you want me to do in return?

Ten-tails (T): I want you to just leave me alone

Y/n (T): What?! That's it?!

Ten-tails (T): Yes that's it. I'm tired I haven't slept in ages

Y/n (T): How long is ages?

Ten-tails (T): *Sighs* 4,000 years

Y/n (T): 😧

Ten-tails (T): *Gives Y/n a bit of his Chakra* Now go. And stop doing the 😧 face!

Y/n (T): Whatever

Y/n: Well then!

Y/n: Let's see what everyone else has been up to?

To be continued...

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