Christmas Special

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Disclaimer: This takes place in the future Not far in the future just in the future

Everyone here is someone who's already been sen before previously

(Still in OG Naruto)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*Alarm rings*

Y/n: *Gets up and throws the alarm across the room* Ugh! What day is it?

Temari: *Comes running in* Christmas!

Y/n: Eh?!!

Temari: *Jumps on Y/n's bed*

Y/n: Temari?! What are you doing here?!

Temari: Well what do you think?

Y/n: Uh.......?

Temari: *Sighs* You idiot! It's Christmas!

Y/n: What does that have to with breaking into my house?!

Temari: I just wanted to surprise my boyfriend with a gift! But I guess you don't want it! *Turns around annoyed*

Y/n: Oh is that all? You could have just said that

Temari: *Still annoyed*

Y/n: Are you still mad at me?

Temari: *Nods*

Y/n: *Sighs* Come here then

Temari: *Turns around and leans closer to Y/n*

Y/n: *Kisses Temari* There, are you still mad?

Temari: Nope *Giggles*

Y/n: *Sighs* So anyways

Temari: ?

Y/n: What was that gift?

Temari: Oh right! *Gets something out from her pocket* Here!

Y/n: What's this?

Temari: It's a case

Y/n: What's in the case?

Temari: Open and see

Y/n: *Opens the case* Wow

Temari: Do you like them?

Y/n: I love them

Temari: I'm glad

Y/n: Now I feel weird about my present

Temari: Huh?

Y/n: I also game you a necklace

Temari: That's so cute!!

Y/n: Huh?

Temari: We can have a necklace for each of us! Given from each other! That's so cute!

Y/n: I mean I guess

Temari: Can I have my gift now please!

Y/n: Yeah but I have to get up to get it

Temari: Oh right yeah sorry *Gets off Y/n*

Y/n: *Gets up* Just wait here okay?

Temari: Okay

Y/n: *Grabs the gift and walks back to Temari* Here

Temari: *Opens it up* Awww! I love it!

Y/n: I'm glad hehe

Temari: Now that we've got that out of the way! Let's get going!

Y/n: To where?

Temari: Have you already forgotten?

Y/n: Forgotten what?

Temari: Everyone's at the hall for a Christmas party

Y/n: Oh that! Yeah I completely forgot

Temari: Well don't forget next time

Y/n: Right got it

Temari: Well then let's go!

Y/n: Wait!

Temari: Huh?

Y/n: I haven't even got dressed or ready yet!

Temari: Oh right sorry

Y/n: *Sighs* Honestly I can't believe I fell for you

Temari: *Giggles*

*After getting ready and leaving the house*

Y/n: So who's going to the party?

Temari: Well to start we have.....

Kankurō: So I was..... oh hey Temari, Y/n

Y/n: Oh hey, nice too see ya Kankurō And Gaara

Gaara: It's nice too see you to Y/n

Temari: Aren't you guys supposed to be at the party?

Kankurō: Yeah, but we were tasked to get the Turkey

Y/n: Yeah just make sure you get the best one alright?

Kankurō: Why would I ever not?

Y/n: Don't know you can be pretty stupid

Kankurō: What was that?!

Gaara: Kankurō stop we have a job to do

Kankurō: Fine! But I'll get you back for this!

Y/n: Yeah sure

Temari: We're going shopping

Y/n: Huh?

Temari: You heard me we're going shopping

Y/n: *Sighs* Fine

*After the shopping spree Y/n and Temari go to the hall*

Y/n: *Opens the door*

Sasuke: Naruto! The stars going to fall of you idiot! Stay still!

Naruto: Don't blame me! I'm the middle guy!

Sakura: Why the crap am I the one who's holding you guys up?!

Kakashi: *Sighs* Oh Y/n glad you could make it

Y/n: Yeah....

Temari: He forgot about it

Y/n: What?! No I didn't!

Temari: Yes you did

Kakashi: I'm disappointed in you Y/n. *Sighs* You were my favourite student too

Team 7: HEY!!

Y/n: Sorry Kakashi sensei but it wasn't my fault

Kakashi: Then who's was it?

Y/n: . . . The authors

Author: You do not blame this on me!

Y/n: Fine it was me!

Kakashi: It's fine just help Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura out will ya? As you can see.... there not doing the best job at decorating

Y/n: *Sighs* Nothings changed

Sakura: Naruto! Your not even lifting!

Naruto: I am! I'm just so tired.....!

Sasuke: Shut up! And deal with it! And Sakura grab the damn star!

Sakura: Does it look like I can reach it?!

Y/n: *Grabs the star and throws it up to Sasuke*

Sasuke: *Catches it and Puts it on the tree* Yesss!!! It's done! We've finally finished decorating!

Naruto: Finally!

Sakura: That took forever!!

Y/n: How long did it take?

Kakashi: 5 minutes

Y/n: Is that long?

Sakura: Well it definitely felt like it!

The trio fall and land on the floor

Sasuke: Ow!

Naruto: Ahhh.... why me?!

Sakura: Ow! My neck!

Y/n: πŸ˜“

Temari: *Laughs*

Team guy: *Enters*

Guy sensei: What's up everybody?! Hope your having a wonderful time! Because..... it's about to get better!

Rock lee: Guy sensei! So inspirational!

Tenten: Will you pipe down?!

Rock lee and Guy sensei: Ehh!

Tenten: I know it's Christmas but it's 5:00pm!

Rock lee and Guy sensei: Yes right! Sorry!

Tenten: *Sighs*

Neji: What a bunch of hot heads

Y/n: Hey, Neji, Lee, Guy sensei and Tenten

Neji: What's up

Tenten: Hey

Guy sensei: Yo!

Rock lee: *Thumbs up*

Kakashi: Oh Guy.....

Guy sensei: My eternal rival!!

Kakashi: Hey guy how's everything been?

Guy sensei: It's been amazing! The kids have grow so much 😭😭😭

Kakashi: Right.....

Guy sensei: Now race me Kakashi!

Kakashi: W..what?!

Guy sensei: It's the perfect time to be racing with my eternal rival!

Kakashi: Yeah but... Ahhh!!!

Guy sensei: *Drags him outside with him* Be good kids!

Rock lee: Yes sensei!

Y/n: *Nervously Laughs*

Neji: *Sighs*

Tenten: *Annoyed* Every-time with these two!

Team 8: *Enter*

Y/n: Oh hey guys

Kurenai: Hello Y/n

Hinata: Hello

Kiba: What's up!

Akamaru: Woof! Woof!

Shino: Hello everyone

Sakura: Hinata!

Hinata: Huh?

Sakura: Hinata, you have to confess!

Hinata: *Grows red* W..What...?!

Y/n: Lay it off Sakura

Sakura: Fine! But she's got to confess at some point

Naruto: Confess what?

Hinata: Ahh!! Naruto-Kun!

Naruto: Are you okay Hinata? You're all red. Are you sick?

Hinata: *To shy to say anything back*

Y/n and Sakura: How dense can one person be?

Naruto: Huh? What do you mean by that?

Y/n: The amount of skull he must have

Naruto: What? I don't get it....

Y/n: Then don't think about it. It'll hurt your brain

Sakura: If he has one

Naruto: Hey! I understood that one!

Kurenai: So where's Kakashi and Guy?

Y/n: Guy dragged out Kakashi for a race or whatever

Kurenai: *Laughs* So typical for Guy

Team Asuma: *Enter*

Y/n: Hey guys

Ino: Heya!

Shikamaru: Hey

Choji: *Eating* Hey!!

Asuma: Hey..... um... where's Kakashi and Guy?

Kurenai: I just asked that

Y/n: Guy dragged out Kakashi for a race

Asuma: Well that covers it then. I think....

Shikamaru: What a drag

Y/n: What's a drag?

Shikamaru: Getting here. Waking up on time that was all a drag

Y/n (T): Typically Shikamaru

Ino: Y/n!

Y/n: Huh?

Ino: How have you and Temari been doing?

Y/n: Great, why?

Ino: No ones try to flirt with you have they?

Y/n: Not yet.... why?

Ino: I didn't just ship you two for you to break up!

Y/n: Okay calm down Ino

Ino: Just tell me if anyone flirts with you because I will kill them!

Y/n: . . . Right....

Ino: *Walks off*

Y/n: Well damn

Guy sensei: *Enters*

Y/n: Oh your back...... Are you okay Kakashi sensei?

Kakashi: No! He put me on his back and ran around the village 30 times at full speed!

Y/n: Oh I see....

Guy sensei: Kakashi wanna do that again?

Kakashi: No!

Guy sensei: Awww! 😭 alright

Team Konohamaru: *Enters*

Konohamaru: Hey!!!

Naruto: Konohamaru! Your here! Didn't think you'd show up

Konohamaru: Why's that?

Naruto: I don't know I just had this feeling

Konohamaru: πŸ˜•

Udon: H..hey

Y/n: Hey Udon how are you?

Udon: Okay... I guess

Y/n: I'm glad

Moegi: Hey!!

Y/n: Oh and how are you Moegi?

Moegi: I'm feeling amazing!

Y/n: *Chuckles* Thats good

Gaara: *Enters*

Y/n: Gaara where's Kankurō?

Gaara: Behind me

Kankurō: I have the turkey!

Choji: Alright! Food time!

Shikamaru: Every time is food time for you

Choji: I know! That's because I love food!

*At the table later*

Choji: Oh my god!!!! I'm in heaven!!!

Everyone: Wow!

Y/n: This looks amazing

Naruto: You said it!! 🀀

Everyone takes their seats

Kakashi: Everyone. Dig in!

Everyone: Right!

Y/n: This is so good

Temari: Mmh!

*After eating*

Kiba: *Walks outside* Huh?

Y/n: Huh? What is supposed to mean?

Temari: I don't know?

Kiba: Hey everyone!

Everyone: *Turn to look at Kiba*

Kiba: It's snowing!

Everyone: *Rush outside*


Everyone: *Gasp*

Naruto: Show fight! *Throws a ball at Sasuke*

Sasuke: Your gonna pay for that Loser!

Naruto: Try me!

Kiba: *Hits Choji* Haha!

Choji: Now it's on!

Rock lee: Ha! Got you!

Choji: Huh?

Choji: Hey! What the crap?!

Naruto: Come on Sasuke! Stop being a total party poor

Sasuke: I'm not a party pooper loser

Sakura: Present time!

Ino: M

Shikamaru: E

Choji: R

Asuma: R

Kurenai: Y

Shino: C

Hinata: H

Kiba: R

Guy sensei: I

Rock lee: S

Neji: T

Tenten: M

Kankurō: A

Gaara: S

Temari: Everyone!

Kakashi: And

Sakura: A

Sasuke: Happy

Naruto: New

Y/n: Year!

Merry Christmas everyone! Or just have a good day!

Have a amazing day!

And thank you for reading...

The Christmas special!

The end!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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