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*In the telepathic link Y/n made*
Neji: Y/n!
Y/n: Neji, you don't have to shout were in a telepathic link
Neji: Oh yeah right
Y/n: So what do you want?
Neji: I was wondering how you got the answers? I mean is there like a sheet?
Y/n: No
Neji: Then how did you...?
Y/n: Oh I got it from a chunin
Neji: You mean the Proctors around the room?
Y/n: No, the one sitting near Hinata
Neji: Excuse me? How do you know he's right?
Y/n: As I said he's Chunin
Neji: No he's not he's genin just like us
Y/n: Really? Your that dense that you can't see he's a chunin out there so we can cheat?
Neji: Waht?! Why would they let you cheat?!
Y/n: Why wouldn't they? Have you not thought about the fact that they let you cheat 5 times before a disqualification happens?
Neji: We'll now you've mentioned it yeah
Y/n: This isn't a test of knowledge it's a test of information collecting. They want to see how good we are at collecting information
Neji: That... actually makes a lot of sense
Y/n: Oh, and while we're at it
Neji: ?
Y/n: For the tenth question accept it. I don't care if the punishment is death. Just accept it
Neji: I don't understand?
Y/n: You will soon
Neji: ?
*Back to reality*
Ibiki: All right! Listen up! Here's the 10th and final question
Y/n (T): I wonder if Naruto understand what's going on?........ well whatever the case he won't give in
Ibiki: But before I give you the question there are some more rules that you need to be aware of
KankurΕ: *Enters* Huh?
Ibiki: Ah, made it just in time. I hope you found your trip to the bathroom enlightening
KankurΕ (T): He's seen through the crows disguise! He's on to us!!
Ibiki: Well take your seat
Kankuro: *Does so whiles giving the answers to Temari*
Ibiki: These rules are unique to question 10. Listen carefully and try not to let them frighten you
Y/n: I won't
Temari (T): How does he get away with talking? I mean I'm not complaining
Ibiki: Very well then rule number one: each of you if free to choose not to be given the final question it's your decision
Naruto: !
Temari: Woah! So what's the catch. Let's say we don't decide to do it! What's the catch?! What happens then?!
Ibiki: If you choose not to take the tenth question. Regardless of your answers to the other 9 you'll get a zero in other words you fail. And that means of course both of your teammates fail as well
Everyone: *Taking like they know what's going on*
Ibiki: Not so fast you didn't let me finish. If you do accept the question but answer it incorrectly you will not only fail YOU WILL BE BARRED FROM TAKING THE CHUNIN EXAMS EVER AGAIN!!
Kiba: Hey! That's bull man! That's ridiculous! What kinda bogus rule is that?! There's lots of people here who have taken the test before!
Akamaru: *Barks*
Ibiki: *Laughs* I guess your just unlucky. I wasn't making the rules before. But I am now. Of course if you don't want to take it you don't have to
Kiba: !
Ibiki: If your not feeling confident then by all means skip it. You can come back and try again next year *Laughs*
Sakura: *Panicking*
Ibiki: Now if you're ready?! The tenth and final question! Those who don't want to take it raise your hand. Your number will be recorded then your free to go
A large number of people raise there hands
Naruto: *Raises his hand*
Sakura, Sasuke and Hinata: !
Y/n: !
Naruto: *Slabs his hand on the table* Don't underestimate me! I don't quit and I don't run! You can act tough all you want! You guys aren't gonna scare me off! No way! I don't care if I do get stuck as a genin for the rest of my life! I'll still be Hokage someday!!
Y/n (T): *Chuckles* That's the Naruto I know
Ibiki: This decision could change your life. If for any reason you would rather quit bows your last chance
Naruto: No way, I never go back on my word thats the way of the ninja
Ibiki (T): Remarkable, that little outburst has given the others back bone. He's inspired them into staying. 78 left more than I expected but I don't see anyone wavering I think that's it
Proctors: *Nod their heads*
Ibiki: Well then I admire your determination if nothing else. For those of you remaining there's only one thing left to do and that's for me to tell you that you've all passed the first exam!
Naruto: *Drops pen* W..Wh... Huh?
Sakura: Hold on! What just happened?! What do you mean we passed?! Where's the 10th question?!
Y/n: She's that dense?
Ibiki: *Smirks* There never was one! Not a written one at least. Actually your decision to say was the answer to the 10th question
Sakura: Huh?
Temari: Wait a second! So the other 9 questions you gave us were just a waste of time! Is that what you're saying?!
Ibiki: No no not at all quite the opposite the other 9 questions had a important overriding purpose To test your ability to surreptitiously gather strategic intelligence under the most adverse circumstances
Temari: Oh? Well that clears up up everything
Ibiki: Let me explain. You see my objective was to test you in not only as individuals but as a team and on how well you function as a part of that team. That's why the test was scored on a team bases so you'd know everything you did or failed to do would directly affect your teammates. I wanted to see how you'd handle the pressure
Naruto: I figured it was something like that. That's why I kept my cool
Y/n: π
Hinata: *Giggles*
Ibiki: The first nine questions on the test were difficult the fact as you may have realised too difficult for any genin to be expected to solve. I imagine most of you quickly came to that conclusion that you'd have to cheat if you had any chance of passing: the fact is the test was designed to encourage cheating. It almost demanded it
Bob the builder: Hey I'm here now because the text is too long!
Ibiki: Of course it would have done you little good unless you had someone to cheat from. So I disguised two chunin who already knew the answers and had them sit in with you
Naruto (T): Ahhhh!!! The answers were right in front of me the whole time!
Naruto: Oh come on! I wasn't fooled for a second! You had to be a complete doofus not to see it! Isn't that right hinata?
Y/n: π
Ibiki: Those who were caught at it failed. Better not to cheat than to cheat clumsily. *Takes off his head band* Information it can be the most valuable weapon in battle how well you gather intelligence can determine weather a missions a failure or success
Ibiki: There will be times you'll have to risk your life to get it
Sasuke: Man! What a mess! Scars and puncture wounds burn marks what he must of been endured
Naruto: *Gulps* π§π§π§π§π§π§π§π§π§π§π§π±
Ibiki: *Puts his headband back on* Of course you must always consider your source of information. Intelligence gathered from a enemy is not necessarily accurate. Always bare this in mind. Disinformation can be worse than no information at all. It can lead to the death of comrades or the loss of a village. That's why I put you in the position where you had to gather accurate intelligence. Cheat in order to survive! And that's why those who weren't gods enough at it were weeded out. Leaving the rest of you
Temari: Okay...? But I'm still not getting what the tenth question thing is all about
Ibiki: You're not? The tenth question was the main point of the whole exam. Surely you see that?!
Sakura: Uh.... sure! But explain it anyways!
Y/n: So she doesn't know
Ibiki: As I said before the goal was to test you not only as individuals but as part of a squad. The final question gave you two choices both difficult. You could choose to play it safe and skip the question though it meant both you and your teammates would be failed. Or you could try and answer it. Knowing if you got it wrong you would lose your chance at ever being chunin. It was a no win situation
Fireman Sam: I'm here now?
Ibiki: But just the sort of thing chunin have to face everyday. For example let me give you a hypothetical mission to seal a document from and enemy stronghold. You have no idea how many ninja the enemy has or how heavily armed they are. Furthermore you have reason to believe the enemy expects you that you might very well be walking blindly into a trap
Goku: Oops wrong anime
Ibiki: Now do you have the option of taking a pass on this insane mission? Of saying my comrades and I would rather live to fight another day?! Can choose to avoid danger?!
Levi: Why am I here the text isn't even long
Ibiki: No! There will be meant missions that will see almost suicidal if you think about it! But you do not think about it! You think only of the goal! And achieving it though courage and discipline! These are the qualities required of a chunin squad leader. Those who choose the safer of 2 paths. Those whose determination falters in the face of adversity those who would put their comrades lives in jeopardy by worrying about their own. Those who would save their own necks at the price of sacred honour will never be able to call themselves chunin as long as I'm here
Gojo: Amazing speech
Ibiki: As for the rest of you. You have successfully answered the 10 questions I put to you. You have earned the right to continue on to the next step. You have passed through the first gate. I here by declare this part of the chunin selection exam completed! There's nothing left, but to wish you all good luck
Naruto: Alright! We did it! One down! Yeah! Yeah! Wahoo!!! Yeah!!
Ibiki (T): *Chuckles* He's a funny one that kid
Naruto: Is this...?! Part of the test?!
Ibiki (T): Jumped the gun as usual
Anko: Heads up boys and girls! This is no time to be celebrating!
Y/n: Great! It's her!
Anko: I'll be your next proctor: Anko Mitarashi!
Y/n: *Sighs* I should off dropped out while I had the chance
Anko: You ready for the second test?! Good! Let's go! Follow me!
Naruto: *Wipe eyes*
Ibiki: You're early again
Anko: π
Sakura (T): Great! Screaming nut case! Reminds me of Naruto!
Y/n (T): Now I think about it. She reminds me of Sakura
Anko: How many are there? Idiki you let all these guys pass? Your test was too easy. You must be getting soft
Idiki: Or it could be a stronger crop of candidates this year
Anko: Um... they sure don't look it. Trust me before I'm done with them more than half of them will be eliminated
Sakura: Huh?! More than half?! Really?!
Anko: He, this is gonna be fun. Alright! You maggots have had it easy so far! But it's gonna be different starting first thing of the morning. I'll let your squad leader know where you're meant to meet me. Dismissed
Y/n: π I'm not impressed Anko
Anko: Oh just leave Y/n
Y/n: Yeah yeah
Idiki: *Collecting tests back* Huh?
Idiki reads Naruo's test
Idiki (T): *Laughs* I just passed a candidate who didn't answer a single question. Naruto uzumaki. *Chuckles* He's a funny one alright
*Later later*
Naruto: Woah! Nice place! What is it?
Anko: This is the location for the second gaze of the exam. It's the 44th battle training zone. But we call it... the forest of death
Naruto: The forest of..... death?
*A few seconds later*
Sakura: This whole place just completely creeps me out!
Anko: *Laughs* It should. They call it the forest of death and soon enough you're gonna find out why
Naruto: They call it the forest of death and soon enough you're gonna find out why!
Naruto: Do your worst! You're not gonna scare me away! I can handle anything!
Anko: So? Looks like we've got ourselves a tough guy
Anko: You tough enough to handle this? You're not afraid are you?
Naruto: *Clearly scared*
Anko: Tough guys like you usually leave there blood all over this forest
Shiore: I was just returning your knife
Anko: Why thank you, grass ninja
Y/n: Is that thing a she or a he?
Anko: You know I really only recommend this close behind me if you wish to reach a premature end
Shiore: *Retraces tongue* My pardon, with the sight of blood on your blade slicing though my hair. I'm afraid I just became a little exited. I meant you no harm
Hinata: Naruto....
Shiore: *Walks back to her spot*
Y/n: Well if I have the chance I'll kill that thing in the forest of death
Naruto tries to stretch his tongue
Anko: Seems like everyone here today is quick tempered. There must be something in the air. This is gonna be fun
Naruto (T): Quick tempered?! Sheesh! You're the one who threw the kunai at me!
Anko: Now before we begin this test I have something to hand out to you all. It's just a standard consent form
Y/n: I don't have a pen
Anko: Shut up Y/n
Y/n: What? All I said was I don't have a pen
Anko (T): *Grunts* This kid hasn't changed a bit...... Well apart from the fact he's not a cute little kid anymore
Anko: Anyways, before the test all of you are gonna have to read over this form and then sign it
Naruto: What for?
Anko: Some of you might not come back from this test and I have to get your consent to that risk. Otherwise it would be my responsibility *Laughs*
Most people: *Muttering this is crazy*
Y/n: Tsk, what a bunch of pussy's
Anko: Now I'll explain what you'll be doing on this test. Here pass these out
Naruto hands out the paper forms π
Anko: The first thing you need to know is that this test will test every one of your survival skills
Shikamaru (T): Survival, What a drag *Yawns*
Anko: First, I'll give you all a description of the terrain on the practice field. The 44th battle training zone has 44 locked entrance gates there are rivers and a forest inside. In the centre is a locked tower located 10 kilometres from each gate. It's in Thai confined area that you'll undergo the survival test
Y/n: *Yawns* I just wanna kill someone
Anko: The test consists of. Anything goes battle to get your hands on these scrolls
Someone: Both of them?
Anko: Yes, you'll be fighting to get both a heaven scroll and a earth scroll
Y/n: Why not hell?
Anko: All together 26 teams will be taking part in this test so half of these teams will be going after the heaven scroll and the other half will be trying to get the earth scroll
Y/n: Hell!
Anko: I'll hand over one kind of scroll to each team and that's what you'll be vying for
Sasuke: Okay? So how do we past the test?
Anko: Your entire squad must bring both a heaven and earth scroll to the tower
Sakura: That means at the very best half of us will fail
Y/n: Nah dip shit
Sasuke: Pft!
Anko: No one ever said it would be easy. Oh and one more thing the test has a time limit you must finish it within 5 days
Ino: 5 days out there?!
Choji: What are we suppose to do for food?!
Anko: Just look around. The forest is full of things too eat. There's
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