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*With Y/n*
Y/n: There late... what's taking taking them so long? I mean I know guy showed up but come on
Team 7: *Enter*
Y/n: Oh there you are
Sakura: Y/n! How did you get in here? It's supposed to be by a group
Y/n: Oh hehe... well I...
Y/n: Hey! Neji! Tenten!
Tenten: Huh?
Neji: Y/n? What are you doing here?
Y/n: I want to speak to Tenten
Neji: Huh?
Tenten: What? Me?
Y/n: Yeah who else has the name Tenten?
Tenten: I mean..... hey your right
Neji: What do you want to talk to her about?
Y/n: I wanna ask can I take your place for team guy for the Chunin exams? Of course it's fine if you say no but you'll lose out on something I have for you
Neji: What?!
Tenten: What?! No! I...!
Neji: Wait Tenten!
Tenten: Huh?
Neji: *Whispers to Tenten* Listen, I think this might be a good idea
Tenten: What?!?!
Neji: Think about it! If we have any Y/n on our team there's no chance we'll lose!
Tenten: Yeah... but...
Neji: As much as I think your extremely good guy it's weapons. Y/n has literally beat 4 Jonin without moving! Think about it Tenten!
Tenten: *Sigh* Your right he is a top tier level ninja..... well I guess...... but! Only after I see what he has too offer to me
Neji: Fine! Just don't take too long
Y/n: Hey, I'm still here
Tenten: Right then! I'll agree to your terms if and only if your gift is something amazing!
Y/n: Fine sure whatever. Come with me
Tenten: ?
Neji: *Nods*
*With Y/n and Tenten*
Tenten: Why did you have to bring me behind the building?
Y/n: I don't want Neji to see what I have
Tenten: Why? What's so shocking about it?!
Y/n: Well I know you like both Neji and weapons
Tenten: *Blushes* W....well I wouldn't say I like! him...!
Y/n: ๐
Tenten: Okay! Fine I do! But what's that got to do with the gift?
Y/n: Firstly, I have this
Tenten: What?! Are those..?!
Y/n: Yep, dragon blades
Tenten: I've always wanted one of these! Thank you so much Y/n!
Y/n: Sure.... Anyways, your second gift is.....*Whispers in Tenten's ear*
Tenten: Welcome to team guy!
*Back with Neji*
Y/n and Tenten come back
Neji: So?
Tenten: He's in!
Neji: Great.... what did you offer her anyways?
Y/n: Dragon blades and......
*End of Flashback*
Neji: What?!?!? How did you get that?!
Y/n: I have my ways....... rock lee did it
Neji: โน๏ธ I.... I don't even anymore
Sasuke: So why did you join them?
Y/n: I didnt want to spoil the fun for you guys so I decided to not replace Sakura
Sakura: Me?!
Y/n: Yeah, let's face it your the weakest of our team
Sakura: What about Naruto?!
Sasuke: I've got to admit he'd beat you in a fight, Sakura
Sakura: You too Sasuke-Kun?!
Naruto: Hehe
Sakura: Shut up, Naruto!
Naruto: Ehh!!
Sasuke (T): Great! Now Team guy has the 3 strongest Genin in the village!
Y/n: Well anyways, see ya guys in the Chunin exams
Naruto: Wait does that mean we're enemy's now?
Y/n: Yeah
Sasuke: In that case I won't hold anything back when I fight you, Y/n!
Y/n: Well suit yourself I'm not going full out..... well that is unless you really push me.... which I doubt
Naruto: Well see about that!
Neji: Let's go, Y/n
Y/n: Right
Neji and Y/n walk off
After that team 8 and team 10 arrive and then Kabuto arrives and explains stuff to the 9 rookies. Also he explains Rock Lee's stats and Gaara's stats to them as well
Sasuke: One last thing
Kabuto: And that is?
Sasuke: I know Y/n is my own adopted brother but I feel like there's something I don't know so can you put up his stats?
Kabuto: Of course *Does his thing*
Naruto: What could Y/n possibly be hiding from us?
Ino: who are you asking?
Naruto: I don't know?
Ino: ๐
Kabuto: Well well your suspicions might be right
Sasuke: Well tell us the stats then
Kabuto: Y/n Uchiha looks like even before becoming a genin he was assigned on a few missions
Shikamaru: What?! How is that even possible?!
Kabuto: I don't know? However it seems he's done:
12 D rank missions
5 B Rank missions
Ino: *Shocked* A S-Rank?!
Sasuke: What?!
Naruto: That's insane!
Kabuto: And get this he went in to all of the missions and succeed at them without even getting scratched. In fact it says here that in one of his missions that after a teammate died he slaughtered 13 Jonin level ninja within a blink of a eye without getting touched
Sasuke (T): That must be that time!
Ino: Wow! That just makes him even more cool!
Naruto: Come on! That just makes me annoyed!
Rock lee: Y/n? Is that true?
Y/n: *Shrugs*
Neji: Wait a second..... out of context how did you convince Guy sensei to join our team?
Rock lee: I would also like to know that
Y/n: You can't be serious right?
Neji and rock lee: Huh?
Y/n: Look at Tenten. You can't be saying she's skilled enough for the chunin exams, Right?
Neji and Rock lee: E...Ee....Ehhh.....
Y/n: That's what I thought
Naruto: Ahhh!!!!!
Y/n: ?
Naruto: My name is Naruto Uzumaki!! And I'm gonna beat everyone of Ya!! Believe it!!
Kakashi: *Chuckles*
Ino: Hey!! What is that idiot trying to do?! Get us killed?!
Sakura (T): I should of know! He's not smart enough to be scared!
Sakura: WHO'S BOYFRIEND??!!!
Naruto: Yeah! I feel a lot better now!
Sasuke: *Smirks*
Kabuto: *Smiles*
Y/n: *Chuckles* That's Naruto for ya. You can't get him down for long
Kankurล: That's the same kid from before
Temari: He looks just like a little dog
Neji: Well he sure hasn't lose any of his spunk
Rock lee: He has passio.
Neji: I guess you didn't intimidate him as much as you though, Huh? Lee?
Y/n: You didn't intimidate him at all
Neji: Huh?
Y/n: Trust me on this. He's no ordinary brat. And his ideals start to rub of on you over time
Neji: I don't believe you
Y/n: You don't have to. All you have to do is keep being you
Neji: ?
Zaku: You heard what he said about the hidden sound village? He called us little a mystery
Dosu: I heard...
Kin: I say we teach this guy some manners
Dosu: Yeah... time to clear up some of the mystery for him... update his information let him know that if you insult the sound shinobi you better be ready for the consequences!
Kiba: Can you say that again a litre louder? Didn't quite catch it
Shikamaru: You moron! Are you trying to get everyone in the place to hate our guts or what?!
Naruto: *Laughs*
Sakura: *Does her made strangle thing with Naruto*
Dosu: You ready?
Zaku: Let's do it
Kankurล: *Gets ready for fight*
Gaara: *Stops him*
Kabuto (T): There from the village hidden in the sound!
Sakura and Naruto (T): Man he's fast!
Sasuke (T): He's almost as quick as me
Kabuto: !
Everyone: *Looks on*
Kabuto: Oh I get it. So it was that kinda attack
Sasuke: Hang on! I saw it all! He dodged the attack! How did that happen?!
Shikamaru: It must of come closer than it looked. Tsk! Look at him acting like it was nothing! Real tough guy
Kabuto: *Drops to the floor and pukes* ๐คฎ
Naruto: He just puked!
Sakura: Kabuto what's wrong? What is it?
Zaku: Hehe
Naruto: Hey Kabuto!
Sakura: Are you okay?
Kabuto: Yeah, I'm fine
Dosu: Not such a tough guy after all I guess. Maybe that's why he's on his 7th try?
Zaku: Write this on your little card punk! The genin from the souls village will be chunin after this is over guaranteed
Naruto: Grrr!!
Sasuke (T): I don't get it. He saw their attack and had time to evade it. What made him fall apart?
Neji: Hey lee! What was going on with that attack?
Rock lee: There was more too it than just speed. Some kinda trick
Gaara: *Looks on*
Y/n: Let's see now....
Y/n gets behind Dosu and...
Y/n: Don't move
Dosu: !
Zaku: !
Kin: !
Everyone: ๐ง
Y/n: Or I'll kill you
Dosu: W..What?! How did you get there so fast?!
Y/n: How did you not faint. You look pretty shaken up
Temari: Oh it's that cutie again *Giggles*
Kabuto: It's you!
Y/n: Yeah it's me. Now as for you Dosu is it? Next time I'll kill you for doing that. Got it?
Dosu: Tsk!
Y/n: *Starts moving the knife across*
Dosu: Okay! Okay! Okay!! I won't do it again I promise!
Y/n: Good *Puts his knife away*
Dosu: *Drops the floor* Now!
Y/n: Huh?
Team Dosu: *Try to capture Y/n from right left and below*
Y/n: What a bunch of idiots
Kin: Argh!!
Zaku: Argh!!!
Dosu: Ah! Argh!!!
Y/n: Next time I'll kick off your necks
Everyone: ๐จ
Ino: So cool!!
Kabuto: . . .
Y/n: *Walks back to Neji and Rock lee*
Everyone: *Moves out of the way*
Team Dosu: *Gets up*
Dosu: *Pissed off*
Gaara: . . .
Ibiki: Alright! You baby faced degenerates! Pipe down and listen up! It's time to begin. I am Ibiki Morino your proctor. And from this moment your worst enemy
Everyone: *Gasps*
Ibiki: First! You candidates from the village hidden in the sound and Y/n! Knock it off! Who told you, you could fight?! You wanna be failed before we've even begun?!
Pay: Sorry it's our first time. Guess we're a little jumpy sir
Y/n: As for me I don't really care fail me if you want I'll just come back next time
Ibiki: Y/n this is not the time for attitude!
Y/n: ๐ Sure sir
Ibiki: Hm... I'll say this once so listen up! There will be no fighting or touching each other without the permission of your proctor! And even then the use of fatal force is strictly prohibited! Anyone who even thinks of messing with me will be disqualified immediately! Got it?!
Y/n: Awww! No fatal force? That's just no fun sir
Proctors: *Smirk*
Ibiki: Mow if your ready we'll proceed to the first stage of the chunin exam. Hand over your paperwork in return you'll each be given a number. This number determines where you will sit. We'll start the written test once you are all seated
Naruto: The what? Did he say written? NO!!! NOT A WRITTEN TEST!! NO WAY!!!!!!!
*In the classroom*
Ibiki: Everyone eyes front! There are a few rules you need to be a ware of and I won't answer any questions! So you better pay attention the first time around!
Y/n: *Yawns*
Ibiki: Alright the first rule is score deduction it doesn't matter what your use too you'll all start with a perfect score of 10! And for every question you get wrong you lose a point!
Y/n: Yeah no shit
Ibiki: You will pass or fail depending on the scores of all 3 members!
Everyone: *Shocked*
Y/n: Neji and rock lee? I'm not failing
Sakura: What?! Wait a second! Your saying we all get scored as a team?!
Ibiki: Silence!! I have my reasons so shut up and listen!
Sakura (T): Reasons?
Ibiki: Rule number 3 the centennials you see across the room are there to watch you carefully for any signs of cheating! And for every incident they spot they subtract 2 points from the culprits score
Guy: What?!
Y/n: This dude really thought that they wouldn't subtract points for cheating?
Ibiki: Be warned there eyes are extremely sharp and if they catch you 5 times you'll be dismissed before the tests are even scored
Y/n: Cool but one of them has there eyes covered
Ibiki: Anyone fool enough to be caught cheating by the centennials doesn't deserve to be here
Kotetsu: I've got my eye on you guys
Ibiki: If you wanna be considered shinobi then show us what an exceptional shinobi you can be
Y/n (T): I'll use my sharingan to give my teammates the answers it'll just be simpler
Ibiki: On last thing if any candidate and get a 0 or fail the test then the entire team fails
Sakura: WHAT HE SAY?!
Y/n: Oh damn
Naruto (T): There gonna kill me!! ๐ฑ๐ฐ๐ฑ๐ฐ๐ฑ๐ฐ
Hinata: Naruto?
Ibiki: The final answer will not be given until 15 minutes before the testing period is finished! You'll have one hours total
Y/n: *Yawns*
Ibiki: Begin!
Y/n uses his sharingan (It's not possible for them to notice since you have such good control over it)
Y/n: Hey guys
Neji: What?! What's going on?!
Y/n: I have the answers here
Rock lee: Just like that?!
Y/n: Yeah
Neji: I... I was gonna use my Byakugan but this is far better
Y/n: I'm just worried that Rock lee won't accept cheating
Rock lee: Normally I would be against
cheating...... but this is the chunin exams and I mustn't disappoint Guy sensei! So I will allow it!
Y/n: Well then, it seems we're all sorted out
Neji: I knew changing you fro Tenten was a good idea!
*Back to reality*
People are cheating left and right and there plain obvious too!! There failing people left and right
Guy: No! No way! Who said I cheating 5 times?! Where's your proof?! How can you keep track off all of us?! You've got the wrong guy! How do you know I want just....... Ugh!!!!
Tonbo: Sorry pal we were chosen for this duty because we don't make mistakes like that you can't even blink without us seeing it! We're the best of the best and you my friend are history now get out! Take your teammates with you!
Everyone: *Gasps*
After this the relevant characters get away with cheating somehow like Ino literally put her hands up and did the transfer justu on Sakura like seriously! And Gaara has his eye ball thing
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