[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
*Time skip to Hinata vs Neji*
I skipped Temari vs Y/n because you would have just knocked her out in like 5 seconds... and I skipped Kiba vs Naruto because I was lazy
Hayate: Alright well now pick the names for the next match
Everyone: *All ears*
Hinata: *Has a sudden panic*
Kiba and Kurenai: *Concerned more so Kurenai Kiba just mad*
Hiruzen (T): This should be a interesting match indeed
Y/n: . . .
Both contestants walk up into the arena
Neji: I never thought that you and I would have to face each other Hinata
Hinata: Nor I brother
Sakura: What she call him?!
Naruto: Brother?! Those two are brother and sister?!
Y/n: It's not what you think Naruto
Naruto: What do you mean?
Y/n: There both descendants from the hyuga clan. One of the most ancient and honourable families of the hidden leaf village. Not actually brother and sister in the sense of they came from the same mother
Sakura: Okay? But there related somehow right?
Kakashi: Yes in the way a branch of a great tree is related to its truck. Technically more like cousins
Naruto: The truck of a tree?
Rock lee: Yes! Hinata belongs to the main household. Directly descended from the head of the clan. Well Neji's family is just a side branch of the clan
Sakura: Still there family and now they have to fight each other. I feel for them must be hard
Y/n: Not completely
Sakura: What do you mean by that?
Y/n: It might be hard for Hinata. But the way Neji's eyes are looking at her he doesn't seem to give a damn in the world if he has to fight Hinata
Sakura: But why would that be?
Y/n: We'll I've heard that the parts of the family have had some bad blood in recent generations
Naruto: Why's that?
Y/n: I have no idea? But I'm guess it has something to do with playing favourites. And the fact that rules have been set up to bend and twist I. The main family's favour and the side family probably thought it was unfair and broke the rules
Naruto: Huh?! Broke the rules?!
Y/n: Yeah that's what I heard although I could be wrong I highly dought it since I got this information from the anbu black ops hyuga file
Sakura: So this match is like a family feud!
Y/n: Yeah
Sakura: And how do you have access to the Anbu black ops files?
Y/n: Oh.... I have my ways
Sakura: What ways?
Y/n: Like I'm telling you
Sakura: Fine then! Keep your secrets!
Y/n: Thanks I will
Kakashi: Look there about to start
Everyone: *All eyes on them*
Hayate: All right, you may begin when ready
Neji: Before we do this a word of advice. Hinata listen to me!
Hinata: *Makes her shy noise*
Neji: Withdraw now you know you were never meant to be a ninja
Hinata: *I have no idea how to describe that face*
Neji: You're too kind and gentle you seek harmony and avoid conflict. You allow yourself to be easily swayed by others. Admit it, you have no confidence.
Y/n: *Walks over to a seat*
Neji: You feel inferior to everyone else here it would have been better for you to simply remain a genin but to register for the chunin exams you need a team of three people. You never even wanted to take part in these exams but shino and Kiba did and you couldn't bare to let your teammates down could you?!
Y/n: . . .
Hinata: No you're wrong! I wanted I had to find out I did it because I wanted to see if I could change...
Neji: Hinata you are the pampered offspring of the hyuga's main branch
Hinata: W...What?!
Neji: People can't change no matter now hard they try
Hinata: *That face again is it shocked?*
Neji: People can't run away from their true nature a failure will always be a failure
Y/n: *Yawns*
Naruto (T): *Gets mad* Listen to this guy!
Neji: People are judged by their true nature it is the way of the world
Y/n: Not for Sakura she judges by how hot you are
Neji: That is why we have elite and why there are outcasts. We can change our physical appearance improve our skills with training and studying but ultimately we are judged by what we cannot change
Y/n: *Yawns again*
Neji: What can't be changed must be endured we are who are we are hinata and we must live with it. Just I must live with the fact that you were born into the elite of our clan while I am from a lesser branch
Naruto: Grrrrrr!!!
Neji: I understand these things because I see the world clearly with my Byakugan
Y/n (T): That's the best thing he could come up with? The fact that he has a Byakugan means he sees the world for what it is? That's just pathetic
Neji: Despite your brave words what you're really thinking is that you'd like to run. Run as far away from here as you can
Hinata: No! You're wrong! You're wrong about me!
Sakura: Byakugan?
Y/n: So your telling me that you got perfect scores in tests ninja about ninja but don't know what the Byakugan is?
Sakura: So? What if I don't know what it is?
Y/n: Your just stupid
Sakura: Jeez I liked the past Y/n better
Y/n: And I will forever hate all iterations of Sakura
Sakura: Why is this Y/n so mean?! ๐ญ
Kakashi: *Explains the Byakugan to Sakura*
Neji: Byakugan!!
Hinata: *Panicking like crazy*
Y/n: The amount of fear in her eyes
Temari: You just noticed?
Y/n: No I noticed ages ago
Temari: Then why bring it up now?
Y/n: Because I just don't feel like that's normal fear
Temari: What do you mean?
Y/n: There's multiple fear types but the two most common are emotional and physical
Temari: And?
Y/n: She doesn't seem to be either emotional or physical but a mixture of both
Temari: What are you getting at?
Y/n: You see a mixture of both these types only ever occurs when someone has been abused or had a insanely traumatising event happen all the whiles getting scared at something they see, hear or feel in front of them
Temari: Get to the point
Y/n: She's thinking of her past and it's not pretty
Temari: And why do you care about her?
Y/n: She's my classmate why else would I care about her?
Temari: Whatever just watch
Y/n: Whatever you say
Neji: My eyes can not be deceived!
Neji: *Marvelling at the Byakugan's visual prowess*
Y/n: What a show off
Temari: I said just watch
Y/n: Okay okay sorry babe! Jeez looks like someone got angry that I beat them with one hit
Temari: Just shut up babe and watch
Y/n: Yeah definitely angry
Temari: Do you want me to whack you with fan?!
Y/n: No thank you
Temari: That's what I thought
Neji: You see yourself loosing!
Hinata: *Shaking*
Naruto: *Clenches fist*
Neji: And the way your holding your arm in-front of your body like that. It tells me your trying to build a wall between us to keep me at bay
Y/n: *Laughs*
Neji: *Turns up to look at Y/n* What? What's so funny?
Y/n: You needed the Byakugan to notice that?! Hahaha!
Neji: ๐
Y/n: *Calms down* Continue please continue
Neji: *Turns back to Hinata and does more metal attacking*
Y/n: Nah that's just being a pussy
Temari: What is?
Y/n: He's mentally attacking her absolute pussy
Neji: *More mental attacking*
Hinata: *Intense breathing*
Naruto: That does it!! Who gave you the write to tell her what she can or can't be?! Go on hinata!! Show this guy he's wrong!!
Hinata (T): Naruto...
Naruto: Grrrr!! Hinata!! Are you just gonna stand there and take that?! Do something! You're driving me crazy!!
Hinata: *Gets a grip*
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Neji: I'd you don't forfeit the match you know what will happen
Hinata: Defend yourself my brother
Rock lee (T): *Shocked* That is!
Neji: Very well then
Rock lee: Of course! It is the hyuga styl! That is why their posses are the same
Sakura: The hyuga style?
Rock lee: It is the most effective type of taijustu found in our village. I have said it before I have on my team the man who is probably the strongest genin ever to come out of the hidden leaf village that man! Neji hyuga
Y/n: Strongest? He's like not even top 20 in my book
Everyone: *Looks very intrigued*
Y/n: I've never actually seen that style be used before, interesting
Hinata (T): Now!
Sakura: Did she get him?!
Naruto: No way! She hardly touched him!
Rock lee: Even so a glancing blow is enough. That is what makes the hyuga clan the most for formidable of fighters
Y/n: Yet everyone likes the uchiha batter
Sakura: What does?! What are you talking about?
Guy sensei: Their taijutsu is a unique one that has been passed down for generations
Y/n: Hm?
Guy sensei: It's not the kind of taijutsu me and lee employ. We tend to concentrate on conflicting external damage we use crushing blow to raise contusions and break limbs pounding on our enemy
Y/n: Great way to put it
Guy sensei: Meanwhile, the hyuga way is to attack their opponents internal organs to the chakra network through which the chakra flows. Their way is more subtle perhaps not as thrilling to watch but it gradually takes effect with devastating results
Y/n: Hm....
Kakashi: You see you can't build up your internal organs no matter how hard you train even the toughest ninja is vulnerable to this kinda attack
Y/n: But doesn't that provoke the enemy to kill them far quicker?
Kakashi: Yes but that's a small price to pay for how effective their technique works
Naruto: Hinata!! Way to go!!
Sakura: They attack the chakra network?! These people are amazing!
Y/n: Yeah "These people"
Naruto: What is the chakra network anyways?
Sakura: Ugh! Don't you know anything?!
Y/n: This pink haired bitch thinks that Naruto! The kid that got the lowest score in our test! Would know what the chakra network is! Like WTF?!
Temari: *Small laughs*
Rock lee: *Explains it*
Sakura: But sensei! How do they know where to strike their opponent? The chakra network is invisible to the eye right? So how do they know where to hit their blows
Y/n: Talk about being dumb
Kakashi: Your forgetting the Byakugan. There are few things invisible to those eyes *Explains the way they attack as well*
Naruto: Yeah!! Get him!!
Everyone else:!!!
Shino (T): Did she get him?!
Hinata: Argh!!!
Neji: So that's it Huh? That's all their is to the main branches power?
Naruto: Wait! What is going on?! I mean I saw hinata hit Neji perfectly!
Hinata (T): I'm not done yet!
Rock lee: !
Kakashi (T): What's with this kid?
Y/n (T): Okay now he's just being salty
Kurenai (T): It can't be...!
Hiruzen (T): So, now I see why he's called the most gifted one to emerge from the hyuga clan
Neji: *Pulls up he sleeve*
Hinata:! What?! You mean...?! All this time you....
Neji: That's right I could see your chakra points the whole time
Y/n: Chakra points Huh? This dude really does not care does he?
Neji: Haaa!!
Hinata: Ahh!!
Neji: Look hinata I'm completely out of your League and that won't change this is what separates the elite from the failures
Y/n: Where's middle class Huh? Being middlist I see!
Neji: You may not like it but it's a fact. From the instant you said you wouldn't run anymore your gate was sealed you were destined for failure
Y/n (T): Again with the saltiness
Neji: And now you're consumed with hopelessness
Temari: Y/n we're leaving
Y/n: Eh?! What?! Why?!
Temari: Just around the corner
Y/n: Why?
Temari: I wanna kiss you and I don't wanna make a scene
Y/n: What's this sudden change in attitude?!
Temari: *Drags Y/n into the exit door way corner area*
Neji: Now this is your last warning hinata. Forfeit this match
Hinata: I....I....
Neji: Huh?
Hinata: I never go back....
Naruto (T): Hinata!
Hinata: On my word! *Gets up* Because that too is my nindo.... My ninja way!
Naruto: . . . I had no idea hinata is as tough as she is!
Rock lee: She is a lot like you
Sakura: You know come to think of it she is always watching you
Naruto: Huh?!
Naruto (T): Hinata....
Hinata:*Activates the Byakugan*
Neji: Bring it on!
Hinata: Argh!!!!
Everyone: ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Y/n and Temari return
Y/n: The mood for me was different
Temari: How are
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