Twenty-Five: HyΕ«ga VS HyΕ«ga

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you so good at kissing? I wanna do it again *Giggles* πŸ₯°

Y/n: Can we wait until this has finished?

Temari: Fine whatever πŸ™„

Y/n: *Sighs* Huh? What's going on? Ohhh blood

Kakashi (T): This match is a good as over. I never imaged there would be someone this powerful here. I'm afraid that even as strong as Sasuke is he's no match for Neji. We need Y/n to go up against Neji or we'll lose

Naruto: Grrrr!! Go Hinata!!! You can do it!!

Neji (T): Strength has come back into her eyes

Some Hinata watching Naruto flashbacks

Hinata: Argh!

Kakashi: !

Sakura: !

Y/n: !

Naruto: Hinata!

Hinata: *Runs at Neji*

Neji: Ha!

Hinata: Plegh!!!


Rock lee:!

Y/n: Salty

Neji: You just don't get it do you? Your strikes were ineffective from the very start. You're finished

Naruto: *Mad as mad hell*

Hayate: Since she's no longer able to continue this match

Naruto: NO!!!


Naruto: Don't stop this match!

Sakura: Naruto what on earth are doing?! Hinata's had it! You can she's unconscious can't you?!

Y/n: Sakura shut up!!!

Sakura: ?!

Y/n: Shut up and watch

Sakura: Bu......

Hinata: *Gets up*

Naruto: *Smirks*

Everyone: !

Hayate: !

Neji: !

Y/n: Girls got core strength I'll give her that

Neji: What are you doing?! If you continue to fight your going to die!

Hinata (T): It doesn't matter! I'm not gonna make myself took bad. Not now!

Neji (T): Ugh! Why is she doing this?!

Hinata (T): Not in front of the person I admire most! Who's finally seeing the real me!

Naruto: *Nods head*

Everyone: !

Hinata: I'm far from finished!

Neji: Give up the tough guy act. I can tell you're barely standing. You've been carrying a very heavy burden. Having been born to the main branch of the hyuga clan and you've cursed blamed yourself for being weak. But look people can't change the way they are that's just how it is. Just accept defeat and you say won't have to suffer anymore!

Hinata: No you're wrong brother. You've got it backwards you see I can tell that you are the one. Your suffering much more than I

Neji(T): I what?!

Hinata: You are the one who is all torn up about the fate of the main and side branches of the hyuga clan

Y/n: Hehe she's perfect for Naruto

Neji: Grrr!! *Runs at Hinata*

Hayate: Neji no! It's over!

Neji: Grrrr!!! Ah!!

Guy sensei: Neji! Get ahold of yourself! You promised me you wouldn't let this whole head family thing yet you riled up!

Neji: Why are you and the other jonin butting in?! The head family gets special treatment Huh?!

Hinata: Argh!! *Collapses to the ground*

Kurenai: Hinata!

Naruto: *Jumps down* Hinata!

Y/n: Girls not weak I can admit that much

Naruto: Hinata are you okay?! Hey!

Hinata: N...Naruto?

Naruto: *Nods*

Hinata: I just.... I... do you... do you... think I changed...? Maybe a little?

Neji: Hey you loser!

Naruto: Huh?

Neji: I have two pieces of advice for you. First of all if you intend to call yourself a shinobi stop that stupid cheating of yours it's disgraceful! And second once a failure always a failure! You can't change that

Naruto: We'll just see about that!

Neji: *Smirks*

Naruto: *Charges at Neji*

Rock lee: *Stops Naruto*

Naruto: What are you doing?!

Rock lee: Naruto! I get where you are coming from, believe me! But the rules saying is that all fighting must be done officially in a match. The loser beating the gifted genius through sheer will power now would not that make for a exciting match?

Y/n: *Yawns*

Rock lee: Even if I am the only one who is going to have to fight Neji! Of course if you ended up fighting him that is fine too

Naruto: Grrrr!! Alright fine! You win lee! *Walks off*

Rock lee (T): How was that Guy sensei?!

Guy sensei (T): Good one Lee, nice going!

Hinata: *Spits more blood out*

Everyone: !

Y/n: Is she going into cardiac arrest?

Kurenai (T): Was he really trying to kill her?!

Neji: I wouldn't waste your time glaring at me when you should be taking care of her

Kurenai: Get a medic! And hurry up!

Medic: We're coming! She has no pulse!

Naruto: *Runs over*

Medic 2: It's serious! She has 10 minutes at best! Let's get her to the emergency room now!

Medic 3: Stand back!

Naruto: Hinata...

Y/n: Hm?

Naruto (T): Hinata I give you my word

Y/n (T): Naruto, you really have grow haven't you?

Naruto: I vow to win!

To be continued...

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