Three: Sasuke And Sakura, Friend Or Foes?

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*With Naruto*

Naruto: *Wakes up and yawns* *Sees it's the day (15th)* Today's the day so (Instant noodles) let's chow down! *Eats noodles* Yum!

*He finishes his breakfast then changes to head out*


Konohamaru: You're mine Naruto! *Slips over his "disguise"* Woah! Ow!

Naruto: Uh... what do you think your doing, Konohamaru?

Konohamaru: That was a slick move. That's why I respect you as a rival. Ouch *Gets up*

Naruto: But I didn't do anything?

Konohamaru: alright! Now fight me fair and square

Naruto: Sorry i've got a orientation

Konohamaru: orientation?

Naruto: that's right, as of today I'm a ninja. Believe it *Shows Konohamaru the headband*

Konohamaru: Woah!

*With Sakura*

Sakura: *Getting dressed and she winks to herself*

Mebuki (I'm pretty sure I have no idea though): Sakura! Isn't it time for you to get going?

Sakura: *Frustrated* I know I'm on my way out now! (T- How long are you gonna treat me like a kid?! I'm a ninja now!)

*Sakura walking to the academy*

Sakura (T): I'm not a little academy student any more. I'm Sakura Haruno

Ino: *Walks out and spots Sakura* Ugh! Good morning Sakura

Sakura: Good morning Ino

*They fight all the way to the academy*

*At the academy*

Shikamaru: Huh? What are you doing here naruto? This isn't for drop outs. You can't be here unless you graduate

Naruto: Oh yeah? You see this?! You see This Shikamaru?!! It's a regulation headband! We're gonna be training together! How do you like that?

Shikamaru: Hm

Naruto: Let me put it into you this way. I look great in this head gear like it was made for me. Believe it!

Hinata (T): Naruto, you graduated after all I'm glad

Sakura and Ino: *Burst in through the hall* I'm first! *Catching a breather*

Ino: I won again Sakura

Sakura: Give it up! I had to look back to see you my toe was at least a 10th of a inch ahead!

Ino: Have you always been this delusional? 

Naruto (T): Sakura *Blushing* you

Sakura: *Notices You and Sasuke not Naruto*

Naruto (T): She's smiling at me. I think she likes me in this headband

Sakura: *Runs*

Ino: Hey? Where are you doing?!

Naruto: Hey, Sakura what's up?

Sakura: Move it! *Pushes Naruto*

Y/n: Woah okay then...

Sakura: Um... good morning Sasuke and Y/n

Y/n and Sasuke: *Look at Sakura then look back in-front*

Sakura: Mind if I sit next to you?

Ino: Back off forehead! I'm sitting next to them!

Sakura: I was here first!

Ino: I walked in the classroom before you did! Everybody saw it! Dream on!

Girls: *There like piranha fish fighting for food*

Sasuke (T): Clueless

Y/n (T): I so wanna use ameteratsu on them

*Behind the crystal ball they take and stuff but I'm too lazy for that right now for some reason*

Naruto: *Mad*

Sasuke: Huh?

Sakura: Naruto! Hey stop glaring at Sasuke!

Y/n: Ohhh! *Takes out a camera*

Naruto (T): Sakura...? Why are they do obsessed with him? Sasuke! Sasuke! What's the big deal with Thai guy?! Can he really be related to Y/n?!

Girls: Blah! Blah! Blah!

Guy: Woah! This is great! *Bumps Naruto* Oh sorry? Did I bump.....!

Girls: *Shocked*

Sakura: What the...

Ino: I Uh...

Y/n: *Takes a Photo* Hahahahahahahaha! Holy crap! Yes! Hahaha!

Sakura: Ahh!!!! (T- This is outrageous! I was supposed to be Sasuke's first kiss! Naruto Will pay for this!)

Naruto: Pleeeeee!

Sasuke: I'll get you, Naruto!!

Guy: They are vicious


Y/n: Never! I shall show this to your future children!

Sasuke: Damn you! *Tries to take camera* Give me that!

Y/n: Nah! *Holds it just far enough so Sasuke can't get the camera*

Naruro: Pla! Pla! Pla! Pleeee! Huh? Danger *Looks behind him*

Girls: *Mad*

Sakura: Naruto! You are so dead!

Naruto: Hey! Woah! It was a accident!

Sakura: You're finished!

Naruto: Hold on

*With Hiruzen*

Hiruzen: As usual Naruto is right in the middle of some kinda trouble

*Back in class*

Iruka: As of today you are all ninjas. To get here you faced difficult trials and hardships. But that's nothing. What comes next will be far more difficult. Now you are only genin. First level ninjas all the genin will be grouped into 3 man squads. Apart from Y/n's team will be 4 for because of special reason's (Writing convince) and each squad will be lead by a jonin an elite ninja

Naruto: *Opens his eyes* Huh?

Sakura and Ino: *Shocked?* A three man squad?

Ino: Well someone has to be in Sasuke and Y/n's group I wonder who?

Sakura: I don't know? (T- I'm gonna be! So stay away from them you hag!)

Sasuke (T): Groups of 3? That will only slow me down. I better have someone good and by that I mean the only person that is good: Y/n

Naruto (T): I wanna be with Sakura... well I don't care as long as it's not Sasuke!

Iruka: We want each squad to have a balance of strengths and abilities so that's how we set them up (They don't know your that powerful) I will now announce the squads.

Team 7: Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura harunoz.....

Naruro: Yahhh!

Sakura: I'm doomed!

Team 7: Sasuke Uchiha and Y/n Uchiha

Sakura: Ahhh! *Happy*

Naruto: I'm doomed

Hinata (T): I won't be with Naruto then... *Sighs*

Team 8: Hinata Hyūga...

Hinata: Yes sir

Team 8: Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame

Sakura: *Flexing on Ino*

Ino: Argh! How did you get in both of there groups??!!

Sakura (T): *Terrible money sound* True live conquers all!

Ino: Argh!!!

Shikamaru: I don't get it. I mean I get Y/n but what do you see in Sasuke? He's not so special

Ino: You are so beyond clueless Shikamaru! Don't you get it?

Shikamaru: No I don't get it cause I'm not a girl

Ino: You are so full of yourself. Jealousy's a terrible thing I hate to be on your squad

Team 10: Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara...

Ino: *Shocked*

Shikamaru: Ha! Did you say something about hating to be on my squad?

Ino: Grrr!

Y/n: Ino don't grunt that much it's kinda annoying

Ino: *Stutters* Oh...! Uh... yeah! Sorry, Y/n!

Y/n: It's fine

Ino (T): Oh my god! He's so cute!

Team 10: Choji Akimichi

Ino (T): Argh! Not food boy too!!!

Iruka: That's all the squads

Naruto: Iruka sensei! Why does a great ninja like me have to be in a group with a slug like Sasuke?!

Iruka: Sasuke had the 2nd best score of all the graduating students. Naruto, you had the worst score

Everyone: *Laughing*

Iruka: To put the balance group. We put the two best students with the worst student

Naruto: Argh!

Sasuke: Just make sure you don't get in my way, loser

Naruto: Grrr! Hey! What did you say?!

Sasuke: Hard of hearing?

Everyone: *Laughing*

Sakura: Knock it off, Naruto! Sit down!

Y/n (T): This bitch

Iruka: After lunch, you'll meet your new jonin teachers. Until then class dismissed

*After class*

Sakura: Sasuke! Where are you? Why did he go running off so fast? Since we were in the same group and all I thought we could have lunch together and get to know each other

Y/n: He's not really the type to care

Sakura: I can tell

Y/n: Not now Anyways

Sakura: What do you...?

Naruto: Hey! Sakura! Since we're in the same team I was thinking we could have lunch together and get to know each other

Y/n: My my

Sakura: Why would I eat lunch with you?! How could that thought even cross your mind?

Naruto: But we're in the same group so I just thought....

Sakura: Naruto you're annoying *Looks for Sasuke* Sasuke, where are you?

Naruto: But...

Y/n: *Grabs Sakura*

Sakura: Ahh! Y/n?! What the hell?!

Y/n: You were a little harsh on him don't you think?

Sakura: No, he's annoying and that's that

Y/n: *Sighs* You have no idea do you?

Sakura: What do you...?

Y/n: *Walks off* Sasuke, Hates you I'd say

Sakura: What... What...?

Y/n: I said he hates you

Sakura: But...

Y/n: Now you know how Naruto feels (T- Not really. It's not even close but yeah she's not gonna understand that) *Walks off*

Sakura: . . .

*With Naruto*

Naruto: (T- What a pain... I get in the same group as Sakura and he's gotta be in it too!) There's gotta be a way to deal with this *Spots Sasuke* Huh?

Sasuke: *Munching on something*

Naruto: Got it

*With Shikamaru*

Ino: Alright, if we're in the same group you're going to have to follow my lead that's the only way it'll work

Shikamaru: Yeah yeah (T- That's the only way it'll work because she'll throw a fit if it doesn't go her way)

Choji: Why don't you lead us to some BBQ, Ino?!

Ino: Hopeless!

Shikamaru: Huh? Naruto

Ino: Huh?

Naruto: *Tries to sneak up and Sasuke and Success*

Shikamaru and Ino: *Shocked*

Sasuke and Naruto: *Fighting Behind the wood window*

Ino: Naruto! If you so much as scratch him you're on my enemy list forever!

*Beat up sounds*

Ino: Wha... What happened?

Sasuke: *Wins* Nice try *Jumps out the window*

Shikamaru: He beat Naruto without even breaking a sweat

Ino: What do you expect? Naruto against Sasuke? No contest!

Y/n: *Appears and neck chops Sasuke*

Shikamaru: Oh....

Sasuke: Ow! What the crap?!

Ino: But I guess Y/n still has Sasuke beat, Hehe

Y/n: I know it's you, Naruto

Sasuke: Eh!

Y/n: *Sighs* Just go

*With Sakura*

Sakura (T): Well it's not like there's a big rush or anything. I'll be in the same classroom as Sasuke for a long time. But still *Sighs* How could I think he even like me? Let's face it I'm scrawny and small apart from my forehead. Why was I born with such a big wide forehead? *Spots Sasuke* Sasuke! He's looking right at me *simping* that's never gonna happen! It's a fairy tail! And fairy tails don't come true!

Sasuke: Sakura, your forehead is so wide and charming. It makes me feel like kissing it

Sakura (T): *Blushing* She scores! This fairy tail is for real!

Y/n: *Observing* This is kinda sad honestly

Sasuke: Juts kidding, that's the kinda dumb thing Naruto would say

Sakura: Ugh

Sasuke: I wanna ask you something

Sakura: Huh?

Sasuke: Naruto, what do you think of him?

Sakura: He knows about my feelings and he purposely try's to get in the way. He enjoys interfering and making me fell bad. Naruto, he doesn't understand one single thing about me!

Y/n: Tsk! *Clenches fist*

Sakura: He's just annoying. All I really want is for you to accept me Sasuke that's all

Y/n: No it isn't. Next thing you say is I want to have kids with you Sasuke! That's not all I want. It's I say it's all I want but it's not all I want just a spoilt brat talking

Sasuke: You just want me to accept you?

Sakura: *Blushing* Yes, that's how I feel I so anything for that *Goes in for a kiss*

(Just to remind you again this is Naruto not Sasuke)

Sasuke: *Heart beat*

The real Sasuke (T): *Back at the building* I let my guard down!


Naruto: Gotcha! Ahhh!!!

Sasuke: *Shocked*

*End of Flashback*

Sasuke (T): In class he couldn't even do a simple replication. How could he combine and replacement jutsu with a full shadow clone jutsu?

*Back with Sakura*

Sakura: It's true I'm desperate

Y/n: You know I'd don't even know what to say now

Sasuke (T): I finally know why I like Sakura so much! I finally understand *Stomach growls* My Stomach what timing?!

Sakura: Hey! What's the matter?!

Sasuke: I'll be right back!

Sakura: I didn't know that Sasuke was so shy? Maybe he needs a little time to get ready?

Y/n: Well...... okay then...?

Sasuke: *Runs into the Toilet (I'm British BTW) Then Transforms back into Naruto*

Naruto: Close really close. My stomach as so upset I almost lost control of the jutsu. Why did it have to happen right then?! Right when she was about to.... Argh! *Bad Thoughts kinda* Hey I know what I should do! I'll make Sasuke act totally obnoxious, believe it! Then she'll hate him even more than me!

*Back with Sakura*

Sakura: *Exited to see (The real Sasuke but she doesn't know that)* Sasuke! You're back! Don't be so shy you bad boy!

Sasuke: *Walks right past her*

Y/n: Ignoring her are you Sasuke? I mean I don't care anymore to be honest

Sakura: Are you ready now?! Are you mentally prepared? Because I am! I'm ready to go! Hey, wait a minute!

Sasuke: Where's Naruto?

Sakura: See there you go changing the subject again. Anyway Naruto just picks fights with you. You know why he's so annoying? He was a raise right. He doesn't have a mother or father no one to teach him  right from wrong

Sasuke: *Looks for Naruto*

Y/n: This bitch is talking Smack about a Orphan in-front of a Orphan and Expecting a Kiss!

Sakura: Think about it. He just does whatever ones into his head!

Sasuke: *Stares at Sakura*

Sakura: If I did things like Naruto forget it. I mean my parents would get mad and I get in trouble so of course I don't do it. But if you don't have parents to tell you how would you know. He's selfish and Bratty, he's all alone

Sasuke: Alone, isolated. It's not about your parents

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