Four: Pass or Fail Survial Test!

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*In class*

Naruto: He's late *Looks in the hall way*

Y/n: . . .

Sakura: Naruto! Just sit down!

Naruto: I don't want to! How come our teachers the only one that's late?! I'm ready to roll, believe it!

Y/n: . . .

Naruto: The other groups already met there new teachers and took off on some adventure or something and Iruka sensei's gone too!

Sakura: We know ok! *Looks at Naruto* Hey! What are you doing?!

Sasuke: *Also looks at Naruto*

Y/n: . . .

Naruto: *Puts a brush at the top of the door*

Sakura: Naruto!

Naruto: That's what he gets for coming late! Surprise!

Y/n: . . .

Sakura: You're asking for trouble. You know you shouldn't do that (T- Yeah! I love stuff like this!)

Sasuke: Our teachers a Jonin an elite ninja. You think he'd fall for that

Sakura: Yeah Sasuke's right. You're so clueless Naruto

Y/n: . . .

Kakashi: *Walks through the door*

Naruto: Hahahahaha! I got him! He totally fell for it!

Sakura: I'm sorry sensei I told him not to do it but he  wouldn't listen. I'd never do anything like that (T- Perfect shot)

Sasuke (T): He actually fell for that cheap trick? Is this guy really a Jonin?

Y/n (T): Kakashi Hatake: A Jonin elite ninja that's never passed a single person ever. And the student of the 4th hokage: Minato Namikaze How I know that? I have no idea? 4Th wall maybe?

Kakashi: *Picks up the brush or whatever* Hm... how can I put this...? My first impression of this group... you're a bunch of idiots

Everyone: 😨

Y/n (T): I mean.... he's not wrong.....


Kakashi: Alright, why don't you introduce yourselves? One at a time

Sakura: Introduce ourselves? Well what are we supposed to say?

Kakashi: Things you like, things you hate, dreams for the future, hobbies? Things like that

Naruto: Why don't you tell us stuff first? I mean before we talk.... tell us about you so we can see how it's supposed to work?

Kakashi: Me? I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate... I don't feel like telling you that

Naruto and Sakura: Huh?

Kakashi: My dreams for the future: never really fought about it. As for my hobbies: I have lots of hobbies

Sakura: That was totally useless all he really told us was his name

Naruto: *Nods*

Kakashi: Okay, your turn. You on the right you first

Naruto: Believe IT! I'm Naruto Uzumaki!

I like: Instant ramen in a cup, and I really like the ramen Iruka sensei got me and the Ichiraku noodle shop.

But I hate the 3 minutes you have to wait after you pour the water in the ramen cup.

My hobby is: Eating different types of ramen and comparing them!

And my dream is: To be the greatest Hokage! Then the whole village will stop disrespecting me and start treating me like I'm somebody. Somebody important!

Kakashi (T): Well he's grown up in a very interesting way

Kakashi: Alright, next

Sakura: I'm Sakura Haruno

What I like: I mean the person I like: *Looks at Sasuke

um... my hobby is: *What is she on about? He hobby is Sasuke? What the crap is that supposed to me?!*

My dream of the future is: *Fangirls over Sasuke*

Kakashi: And what do you hate?

Sakura: Naruto!

Naruto: *Broken*

Kakashi (T): Girls her age are more interested in boys than in ninja training

Kakashi: Next

Y/n: My name is Y/n Uchiha

What I like is: (What you like)

What I hate: (What you hate)

My hobby is: (You're hobby)

And my dream for future is: To be a Jonin?

Kakashi (T): Well at least there's one normal one here

Kakashi: Alright, last one

Sakura: *Fangirl giggle*

Sasuke: My name is Sasuke Uchiha

I hate: A lot of things

Y/n (T): Itachi

And I don't particularly like anything... apart from maybe Y/n... maybe

Y/n: -_-

Sakura: *Disappointed*

Sasuke: What I have is not a dream. Because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone

Y/n (T): Itachi

Kakashi: *A face of .... Ok*

Naruto (T): Jeezzzz! Uh... I hope he doesn't mean me

Sakura (T): Sasuke is so hot!

Y/n: You were thinking "Sasuke is so hot" weren't you Sakura?

Sakura: What?! Now! I....!

Y/n: I can read you like a book

Kakashi (T): Just as I thought

Kakashi: Good you're each unique and have your own ideas. We'll have our first mission tomorrow

Naruto: What kinda mission are we gonna have?

Kakashi: It's a task that the 5 of us will do together

Naruto: What what what?!

Kakashi: A survival exercise

Naruto: Huh? Survival exercise?

Sakura: I thought we were supposed to have a real mission not more practice! We already did this stuff at the academy. That's how we got here

Kakashi: This is not like your previous training

Naruto: So... uh... what kinda training is it then?

Kakashi: *Starts laughing*

Sakura: Hey hold on that's a normal question. What's so funny?

Kakashi: Well if I tell you the answer you're not gonna like it

Naruto: Huh?

Kakashi: Of the 27 graduates that came here only 9  will be accepted as genin. The other 18 will be weeded and sent back to the academy. In other words this is a make it or break it pass fail test and the chance you'll fail is at least 66%

Everyone: *Shocked kinda*

Y/n (T): Ok? What's the funny part?

Kakashi: See? Didn't I tell you. You wouldn't like it?

Naruto: That's crazy! We worked hard to get here! Believe it! What was that graduation test for anyway?!

Kakashi: Oh that? That was just to select candidates who might become genin or not?

Naruto: What?!!

Kakashi: That's how it is. I decide if you pass or fail. Be at the designated training spot at 5:00 am and bring your ninja gear

Naruto (T): *Mad* Well I'm not gonna be weeded out! People are gonna look up to me someday! I'm gonna pass this test! Believe it! BELIVE IT!

Sakura (T): If I fail I'll be separated from Sasuke! This is a trail of love!

Sasuke: . . .

Y/n (T): I'm hungry

Kakashi: That's it, you're dismissed. Oh, Tomorrow you better skip breakfast or else you'll puke

Everyone: *Shocked?*

Y/n: -_-

*The next day*

Sakura: M.. Mornin...g....

Naruto: *Is about to crash*

Sasuke: *Walks up casually*

Y/n: *Yawns*

*They wait for ages for Kakashi to arrive*

Kakashi: Morning everyone, ready for your first day?

Naruto and Sakura: Hey! You're late!

Kakashi: Well a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way

Naruto and Sakura: *Angry*

Kakashi: Well, let's get started

Naruto: Huh?

Kakashi: It's set for noon *Starts the timer*

Naruto: Huh?

Kakashi: Your assignment was very simple. You just have to take these bells from me. That's all there is to it

Kakashi: If you can't get them by noon. You go without lunch

Naruto: What?!

Kakashi: You'll be tied to those posts and you'll watch while I eat my lunch in-front of you

Naruto: Ahhhh

Sasuke (T): So that's why?

Sakura (T): age told us not to eat breakfast to make it harder on us

Y/n (T): Beats him I eat mine anyways

Sakura: Wait a minute there's 4 of us. Who come there's only 2 bells?

Kakashi: Well that way at least 2 of you will end up tied to a post and ultimately disqualified for failing to complete the mission. That one goes back to the academy

Naruto: *Grunts*

Kakashi: Then again all 4 of you could flunk out too. You can use any weapons including Shuriken. If you're not prepared to kill me. You won't be able to take the bells

Sakura: Those weapons are to dangerous sensei!

Naruto: *Laughs* Especially since you couldn't dodge that eraser

Kakashi: Class clowns are usually the weakest links. You can safely ignore them. Lowest scores, losers

Naruto: *That got his attention*

Kakashi: When I say start you can begin

Naruto: *Pulls out a kunai*

Sasuke and Sakura: *Shocked*

Y/n (T): I mean.... he is a Jonin

Kakashi: Don't be in such a hurry. I didn't say start yet

Naruto: *Struggling*

Sasuke and Sakura: *Back up*

Kakashi: *Lets go of Naruto*

Sakura (T): He's so fast. I didn't even see it

Sasuke (T): So this is a Jonin

Y/n (T): . . . What was I gonna say again?

Kakashi: But you came at me with the full Intention of destroying me. So how can I say this? I'm actually starting to like you guys. Get ready and.... Start

Everyone: *Scatter*

*With Iruka*

Hiruzen: Iruka, What did you wish to see me about? I didn't think you merely came here to drink tea and chat did you?

Iruka: Naruto's been assigned to team 7. The Jonin in-charge of that group just how tough a trainer is he?

Hiruzen: Kakashi you mean? You are concerned about him?

Iruka: I am, I heard a rumour about his training methods

Hiruzen: *Grabs a book*

Iruka: What's this?

Hiruzen: All the trainees that have ever been assigned to him. Those who passed and those who failed

Iruka: May I? *Reads the book* *And is shocked* This... this is...!

*Back with Kakashi*

Kakashi: Ninja must know how to conceal there movements and hide effectively

*Sasuke and Sakura are hiding*

Kakashi (T): Well they understand that much. They've hidden well

Kakashi: *Looks up to see Naruto*

Naruto: You and me right now! Fair and square! Let's go!

Kakashi: *Dumbfounded*

Sasuke: Fool

Kakashi: You know compared to the others. You're a little bit weird

Naruto: Oh yeah? The only thing weird here is your hair cut! *Runs at Kakashi*

Kakashi: *Gets something out his pocket*

Naruto: *Stops*

Kakashi: Shinobi battle techniques part one. Taijutsu the physical art

Naruto: ! (T- Taijutsu! That's hand to hand combat! Then why is he reaching for a weapon?!)

Kakashi: *Gets out a book*

Naruto: What the?!

Kakashi: What are you waiting for? Make your move

Naruto: But... I mean... why are you reading that book?

Kakashi: Why? *Scoffs* To find out what happens in the story of course. Don't let it bother you. With your weak attacks it doesn't matter if I'm reading or whatever

Naruto: *Pissed* I'm going to Crush You!!!!

Naruto: Now you're mine! *Tries to punch Kakashi but he's not there* Huh?!

Kakashi: Don't let your enemy get behind you all the time

Sakura (T): *Gasp* A hand sign to focus his chakra. Is that the sign of the tiger?! That's dangerous! He could destroy Naruto with that!

Sasuke (T): That hand sign is for a fire jutsu... he's not just toying with Naruto. He's going to demolish him

Sakura: Naruto! Get out of there quick! He's going to destroy you!

Y/n (T): I mean he had so much time!

Kakashi: Too late. Leaf village secret Jutsu! A THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH!!!

Sakura: That wasn't a hand sign as all he just poked him

Sasuke: Those two are just total idiot

Naruto: *Splashes into water*

Kakashi: Okay? Where was I?

Y/n: *Grabs one of the bells without anyone noticing. Speeeeeeeed* *Then disappears* Hehehe! I works every time!

Sasuke: *Prepares himself*

Sakura (T): That must be against the rules! He's a Jonin! We can't possible match his strength

Naruto (T): I'm not gonna let it end like this! I'll attack from ten water! now!

Sasuke and Sakura: *Shocked*

Kakashi: *Flexing*

Sasuke: *2nd thoughts*

*Back with Iruka*

Iruka: It.... it can't be! This is even worse than the rumours

Hiruzen: Kakashi's test may be a little bit more difficult than the others

Iruka: A bit more difficult?! Not a single student has ever passed his test!

Hiruzen: That's true. They all tried but not one of them could live up to Kakashi's standards so they were all eliminated

*Back with Naruto*

Naruto: *Cough and gets out the water*

Kakashi: What are you doing how? You know you won't get lunch unless you take a bell by noon

Naruto: I know I know! You told us already!

Kakashi: You look a little wobbly for someone who's gonna surpass the hokage

Naruto: *Stomach grumbles* You told us not to eat breakfast! How are we supposed to fight when we're starving to death!

Sasuke: *Stomach also grumbles*

Sakura (T): *Same goes for her* Breakfast?! I didn't even have dinner last night! A really bad idea to go on a diet!

*With Y/n*


*Back with Naruto*

Naruto: So you caught me of guard thats all it was! Believe it! I'm so hungry I don't have any strength! But I can't let that stop me! I gotta get one of those bells no matter what! I'll find the strength somehow! Believe it! I'm going to pass this test! And I'm not going back to the academy! I will become a ninja!

Kakashi: *Looks at Naruto*

Naruto: Haha! You're over

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