Backstory: What Are Their Names?

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*From where we left off*

B/n: Who are you??

Small girl: Huh? Do you really not remember me, Uncle B/n?

B/n: What are you talking about?! I'm not your...

Y/n: Is everything okay over there sweetie?

B/n (T): Huh?! Is that...?!

Yumi: Oh it's nothing dad

Y/n: Yumi are you lying to me?

Yumi: What? No of course not!

Y/n: *Sighs* I'm coming over there

B/n (T): There's no way!

Y/n walks into the living room

B/n: Y/n!?

Y/n: Oh it's just you B/n

B/n: B...but how?!

Y/n: What do you mean how?

B/n: How are you so old?! 

Y/n: Excuse me, but if anyone's old here it's you

B/n: This isn't funny! Whoever's doing this, it's not funny!

Y/n: Hey are you okay?

B/n: Do I look okay?!

Y/n: Do you need some water?

B/n: No I don't need..!

Y/n: Okay... umm... do you want to talk to me about it in private?

B/n: Yes I think that would be best

Y/n: Okay...

Yumi: Dad, what's happening to Uncle B/n?

Y/n: Oh it's nothing Yumi just go up to your room

Yumi: But why?! I want to play with Uncle!

Y/n: You can play with Uncle later okay? But for now please go upstairs to your room

Y/n then pats her on the head

Yumi: Hmm! Fine!

Angrily walks up to her room

Y/n: *Sighs* Sorry about that... hehe... that's her mother's side acting up

B/n: No I'm pretty sure that's your side

Y/n: And what's that supposed to mean?

B/n: Exactly how it sounds

Y/n: Haha, that's very funny. So what were you all worried about again?

B/n: Are you real?

Y/n: What kind of... you think you're in a genjutsu don't you?

B/n: Yeah I... how did you know that?

Y/n: You don't usually act like this and I could tell that something extremely wrong happened as you didn't know who Yumi was. After all, she was your favourite

B/n: But am I in a genjutsu?! I don't feel anything wrong with my Chakra! I...!

Y/n: Okay calm down let me check...!

B/n: What did you do?

Y/n: Read your memories and used a special genjutsu to see if this is a genjutsu world

B/n: So what did you find?

Y/n: This is 100% a genjutsu world

B/n: But if this is a genjutsu world then why would someone in the genjutsu world reveal that it's a genjutsu to me??

Y/n: It seems to be an extremely strong genjutsu on par with the Kotoamatsukami

B/n (T): Kotoamatsukami?

B/n: That doesn't explain anything!

Y/n: Well you see because it's such a strong genjutsu. Whoever's using this genjutsu can't fully control it and therefore allowing me to have my real counterparts' personality

B/n: So how do I get out of this genjutsu?

Y/n: Oh that's easy you could undo this with your visual prowess

B/n: Oh... I must of just panicked and slipped for a second there... hehe

Y/n: Alright...

B/n: Well I guess this is goodbye?

Y/n: Yes, good luck with the real me

B/n: . . . uhhh... so how many kids did you have?

Y/n: 4

B/n: And what're their names?

Y/n: Listen you might want to be going. The enemy could kill you any moment now

B/n: Well I guess... but..!

Y/n: You want to stay don't you?

B/n: What?! Of course not I...

Y/n: You're not staying in a genjutsu world

B/n: Well yeah but I...

Y/n: No just go bac...

B/n: Well I...

Y/n: No go...

B/n: Well you see...

Y/n grabs B/n by the collar

B/n: !

Y/n: Hey! Listen to me for a second okay!

B/n: . . .

Y/n: You need to go back! You can't stay in this world! The real me needs you!

B/n: You don't get it, I...

Y/n: What?! I don't get what?! The fact that you're scared because I'm going to turn evil?! Because you think that it's your fault?!

B/n: How...?

Y/n: Well let me tell you something, it's just a genjutsu!

B/n: How did you...?

Y/n: I know because I'm Y/n! I know that it doesn't happen!

B/n: . . .

Y/n: But what I do know is that my other me needs you!

B/n: Yeah but how did you know that I saw that?

Y/n: How did I know?! How did I know you ask? I knew because I don't see my big brother being scared of anything else apart from that! 

B/n: . . .

Y/n: Whoever's going this to you is exposing your only weakness and using it!

B/n: . . .

Y/n: Your one and only weakness, is the fear of the people you love leaving you! That's the only thing that scares you!

B/n: . . .

Y/n: But I know for a fact that my older brother wouldn't just chicken out after that bullshit!

B/n: Y/n...

Y/n: So how did I know? It's because I was there

B/n: . . .

Y/n: So please just go back to the other me because if you don't and you're too scared then dad might have been right all this time

B/n: . . .

Y/n: On you being a complete coward

B/n: Y/n...

Y/n: Huh?

B/n: I'm sorry

Y/n: For what?

B/n: For trying to leave my real life behind because I was too scared to go back

Y/n: . . .

B/n: And also thank you for opening my eyes

Y/n: . . .

B/n: And I understand if you can't forgive me

Y/n: Listen, say sorry with your actions, not your words because words don't mean anything if you don't do what you say

B/n: And what action am I supposed to act on to gain your forgiveness?

Y/n: Break this genjutsu and just go home

B/n: Well that I can do

Y/n: Thank you

B/n is about to cancel the genjutsu when...

B/n: Oh, one last thing

Y/n: And that would be?

B/n: What are the names of my nieces and nephews?

Y/n: *Chuckles* Oh you'll know in time 

B/n: What's that supposed to mean?

Y/n: *Chuckles* You'll see

B/n: ?

Y/n: Alright now leave because someone stabs you from behind

B/n: This really is a genjutsu because the real you would know none gets me from behind

*Back to reality*

B/n: Am I back to reality? I can't even tell...

B/n looks around

B/n: Yep I'm definitely in the real world... but where am I?

Enemy: Ahhh!!

B/n: Huh?

B/n turns around to see 2 enemy Shinobi coming at him with swords

Enemy: Gotcha now!

B/n: Who the fuck?

Enemy: Here I go! I gotcha!

B/n: I heard you the first time

Enemy: Ugh!!

Enemy 2: How dare you! That was a female!!

B/n: Yeah about that...

Enemy 2: Arghh!!

B/n: I don't really care

After this B/n burns their bodies to dispose of them

B/n: They definitely weren't the people who used the genjutsu. I think they just mistook me for someone else or maybe they just thought I was trespassing

B/n (T): But if that's the case who put me into that genjutsu?

B/n: But more than that, where am I anyway?

After this B/n went back to the place where his mission was but found nothing. The tree wasn't there. He tried genjutsu it wasn't that so he just went back to the village

*Back at the Hokage's office*

Hiruzen: So you're telling me that you went all the way to the spot on the map and found a tree that was under genjutsu and you yourself then fell into one

B/n: Correct

Hiruzen: Then you broke free and went back to the place on the map where you found nothing?

B/n: That is correct

Hiruzen: And you are 100% certain it wasn't genjutsu?

B/n: 100%

Hiruzen: Well then, we'll dispatch a team go over and investigate what actually happened

B/n: And what should I do?

Hiruzen: You can go home

B/n: Right, cya!

B/n leaves the building

Hiruzen: Cya? Who says cya to a Hokage??

*Back at the Uchiha family house*

B/n enters the living room

Y/n: Huh?

B/n: I'm back

Itachi: Welcome home B/n

Sasuke: Oh B/n you're back

B/n: Yeah hehe...

Y/n: Finally! Now help me train!

B/n: Wait Y/n please I'm quite burned out

Y/n: Oh come on! How much longer do I have to wait?!

B/n: Just give me about an hour okay, Y/n?

Y/n: Hmm! Fine!

Itachi: So B/n, how was the mission?

B/n: It was fine, however, I was for a short while caught in a genjutsu

Itachi: Genjutsu? You were caught in a genjutsu?

B/n: Yeah

Itachi: Well that's gotta be one strong genjutsu if it can hold you down

B/n: Yeah... actually

Itachi: Hmm?

B/n: I probably wouldn't have gotten out if it wasn't for someone else's help

Itachi: Huh? It was that's trying Huh? Well in that case I better be on high alert the next time I go on a mission

B/n: Oh I wouldn't worry about it. Something tells me that it was only targeted at me not anyone else

Y/n: Wait who's the person you said helped you get out of the genjutsu?

B/n: Hmm...

Y/n: Hello! Earth to B/n! Wake up and answer me!

B/n: Oh, you'll know soon enough

Y/n: What's that suppose to mea...?

Mikoto: Kids!

Y/n: Hmm?

Mikoto: Dinners ready!

Y/n: You're off the hook this time *Stares at B/n*

B/n: Hehe... right...

Sasuke: I get first dibs!

Y/n: No I get first dibs!

Itachi: Sasuke, Y/n there is no first dibs. we eat as a family

Y/n & Sasuke: Whatever!

B/n: Hehe...

Itachi: You coming B/n?

B/n: Yeah I'm coming

Itachi: Well...

B/n: Don't you dare steal my portion this time Y/n!

Y/n: What do you mean that was Itachi!

B/n: Itachi?!

Itachi: Ahh! Wait! Wait! I can explain!

Sasuke: Ha! Yes! Beat him up!

B/n (T): You know maybe this will be better from now on after all it was just a genjutsu




B/n (T): Right?

To be continued...

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