*On a stormy night*
B/n is running in the rain
B/n: Ugh! Why does it have to rain now of all times! Can't it wait until I get home?
???: B/n...
B/n: Huh?
B/n turns around
B/n: I could have sworn I heard someone behind me... oh well I guess I'm just daydreaming. I really need to be returning home now Y/n would be pretty upset if I kept him waiting for any lo...
???: B/n...
B/n: Okay I heard it this time! Who's there?! Show yourself!
???: B/n!
B/n: I'm warning you! I know how to fi...!
B/n spots who's there
Madara: B/n!!
B/n: D...D...Dad?!
Madara: B/n! Come to me!
B/n: W...what is this?!
Madara: Come B/n! Come!
B/n: This has to be a genjutsu of shorts! There's no way he's still alive! It's been at least 100 years!
Madara: It's okay my son come
B/n: No! No! Noo!! You! You dare say that! After everything, you did to me! You...
Madara: It's okayyyy... AHHHH!!!
B/n: Ahh!! What the fuck! Was that?!
Reporter: Announcement to all nations
B/n: Huh?
Reporter: There has been a change in the bingo books
B/n: A change?
Reporter: The highest-ranked criminal is now at a bounty of unlimited reward
B/n: Unlimited reward?! Who on earth could possibly be that dangerous?!
Reporter: Y/n Uchiha has now entered the bingo book as the highest-ranking criminal
B/n: W..what?! Y/n?!
Naruto: N...N..No! It can't be! I refuse to believe this!
B/n: Huh?? What just...?
Madara: Well too bad for you it's true
B/n: What?! Dad again?! What's going on here?!
Madara: I made him into the ultimate killing machine not an excuse for a shinobi such as you Naruto Uzumaki
B/n: Killing machine?! Shinobi?! What are you on about?!
Naruto: How could you?! Everyone! Everyone! Back at the village cares about you! Temari! Sakura! Sasuke! Me! Kakashi! Ino! Sai! Choji! Shikamaru! Everyone!!
B/n: What the crap is going on?!
Kakashi: I'm not losing another comrade! Please don't do this!
B/n: Who are you talking about?!
Guy sensei: This is insane!
B/n: What's insane?!
Obito: See Naruto? You couldn't even keep to your own promises!
B/n: What??
Naruto: No matter how long or how hard it's going to be to get you back to the village! I won't give up!
Madara: Ha! Give up! He's with me now. After all, he is my son
B/n: Wait... No! No! No!! No! No! It can't be! No! I refuse to believe it! It can't be!
Naruto: Don't do this, Y/n!!
B/n: No!
Y/n: *Laughs*
Kakashi: We've really lost him...
Y/n: Of course, you've lost me! Why would I go back to the hidden leaf village? Huh? Give me one good fucking reason!
Naruto: All your friends are there!
Y/n: Friends? Friends?! My friends are all dead or going to be dead!
B/n: Huh??
Y/n: Every time I make a so-called "friend" they fucking die on me! Every single fucking time!!
Naruto: . . .
Y/n: And it's not just friends either. Oh no! No! No!! It's everyone I've ever cared about! Everyone I've ever loved!
B/n: No...
Y/n: Don't you see Naruto?! This world is a living hell!
Naruto: . . .
Y/n: I thought that you'd understand Naruto!
Naruto: !
Y/n: Everyone back at the village hates you! The only reason they now respect you is that you had to save their pathetic asses!
Naruto: . . .
Y/n: Look at Sakura! She didn't even give a fuck about you until you saved her life like 7 times!
Naruto: . . .
Y/n: People in this world only care about looks and how cool someone is! I mean Sakura wouldn't even care about Sasuke if he wasn't so hot and cool to her!
Naruto: That doesn't matter! Anyone can change!
Y/n: *Laughs* Naruto, Naruto
Naruto: . . .
Y/n: If you go about it that way there won't be an end to suffering
Naruto: . . .
Y/n: Oh but don't worry Naruto! My dad's plan is the perfect counter for it! An infinite genjustu where everyone is how you want it to be!
Naruto: Tsk!
Y/n: What are you Tsking me for?!
Naruto: All of that you've got it all wrong! And I will bring you back to the village and I will stop this war!
Y/n: Oh Naruto, I tried to warn you but you failed to listen
Naruto: . . .
Y/n: Now I have to kill you
Naruto: . . .
B/n: No! Stop this! This can't be real! I won't let this happen!
Y/n: Big brother
B/n: Huh?
Y/n: Big brother it's all your fault
B/n: W..what??
Y/n: Big brother! You made me into this!
B/n: No... No! No!!! Nooo!!!
Y/n: Big brother!
B/n: No! Stop!
Y/n: Big brother!!!
B/n: Stop!!!
Y/n: Big brother!
B/n: Stop!!
Y/n: Big brother! Wake up!
B/n: Huh?
*B/n wakes up from his dream*
Y/n: Big brother wake up!
B/n: W..what's going on?!
Y/n: Finally big brother you're awake
B/n: Y/n?? What happened?
Y/n: You were screaming in your sleep
B/n: Sleep?
Y/n: Yes you were asleep
B/n (T): Oh... oh thank god that was all just a dream!
Y/n: Hey? Big brother? Are you okay?
B/n: *Pats Y/n* Yeah I'm fine Y/n
Y/n: Okay then...?
B/n: Say what time is it?
Y/n: It's 11:00 am
B/n: 11... oh shoot! I have a mission at 11:30 today!
Y/n: Awww! What come on! I thought you said you'd be training me!
B/n: I'm sorry Y/n maybe tomorrow?
Y/n: Ugh! Fine! You better be here tomorrow
B/n: I promise
Y/n: Pinky promise?
B/n: Pinky promise
Y/n: Well if you're leaving you should go now
B/n: Oh right yeah! Get ready no Jutsu!
Y/n: God I wish I could do that
B/n: Cya Y/n!
Y/n: Bye!
B/n closes the door behind him
Itachi: Oh B/n
B/n: Hey Itachi sorry can't talk I'm late for a mission
Itachi: It's fine
B/n: Well Cya
Itachi: Cya?
*A few minutes later*
B/n is running and suddenly bumps into someone of familiarity
B/n: Ow! Huh? Oh shit! I'm so sorry...
Ayame: Ow that hurt you know!
B/n: Ayame?
Ayame: B/n?!
B/n: I'm so sorry Ayame for bumping into you I'm just late to my mission
Ayame: Oh it's fine B/n just try to look where you're going next time
B/n: Right! Yeah sorry hehe...
Ayame: Well if you're late you should be going shouldn't you?
B/n: Right yeah... well Cya!
B/n runs off
Ayame: Oh my god! I did it! I talked to him without stuttering! God, he's so cute hehe...
*Back with B/n...*
Hiruzen: You got that B/n?
B/n: Go to these locations and capture alive the person residing in there, got it!
Hiruzen: Good now go
B/n: Right!
With that B/n left to start his mission
*With B/n*
When B/n arrives at the location
B/n: Well... this must be the place...
B/n: Well I can tell you instantly that this is genjutsu
???: . . .
B/n didn't hear anything
B/n: Well I should release that would be a good plan
Suddenly something touched B/n's right leg
B/n: !
But it was revealed to be a small girl in about her 7th or 8th year of her life
Small girl: Don't be scared it's just me!
B/n still being on the defensive as this could be a trap set by the enemy
B/n: Huh? Who are you? What's your name?!
The world suddenly changed into a house living room scenery
B/n (T): Huh?! Is this genjustu?!
Small girl: Stop being so silly! *Giggles*
B/n: Seriously who are you?? And where am I?
Small girl: At my house of course silly!! *Giggles more*
B/n: Okay, but who are you??
Small girl: Huh? Do you really not remember me, Uncle B/n?
B/n: !!!
To be continued...
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